Chapter 30 - Pesky traditions.

1091 Words

Riley “Alpha Riley, that didn’t take very long.” The old man looked skeptical, and I glared at him. “I don’t waste time on unnecessary discussions. Alpha Caleb rejected me before I could even feel the bond. In my mind, the matter was settled already.” I sat down to a low rumble from the surrounding table. When I looked up, I could see that Caleb hadn’t told them about that little fact when he asked to speak to me. It seemed they were happy with that and we continued the meeting. We adjourned for lunch and Mike and I went to the hotel restaurant to grab a bite to eat. I wanted to show these brutes that I was being sarcastic about the hair and nail appointment. “Alpha, may I speak freely?” Mike looked worried and I rolled my eyes at him. “Speak your mind, Mike. This is not the military.

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