Chapter 15 - Big changes!

1151 Words

Riley I just loved the idea of rehabilitating rogues. With my own history, it probably made sense. To go from being an outcast who was judged purely on the fact that you had no pack, to someone who belonged meant a hell of a lot in our world. “Do you think I could get involved with that project? I would really like to make a difference in someone like that’s life.” I was silently praying he would say yes. My own future here wasn’t that stable! “Of course, you can. You are the future luna.” He stroked my cheek softly, and I melted all over again. “Riley, I need you to know that I’m not holding back because I am thinking of rejecting you. I just want to give us both time to get used to this new strange idea. You came into my house as a child. We need time.” His eyes grew a little wider.

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