Chapter 40 - The past coming back to haunt us.

1104 Words

Riley “That clearly didn’t go well.” Mike poured each of us a drink as we walked into my office and I rolled my eyes. “Were you expecting it to go well? With our history?” I took the drink from him and took a sip. I was still furious and couldn’t sit down. Mike sat on the couch looking relaxed and comfortable and for a moment I wished I was in his shoes. Life would have been so much better for me if I had been born a damn male! Caleb wouldn’t have rejected me and I wouldn’t know any better than my useless family! I wouldn’t have met Jeremy and learned what real love looked like, but I wouldn’t know what I was missing! “Can you believe the council? Refusing to let me reject him!” I growled as Mike laughed. “You have to remember, alpha. There hasn’t been something this big in our lives i

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