Chap.13*The Monster I Met*

1312 Words
He was a bald man, with dirty sharp teeth, nothing about him screamed of a normal civilian. “L---,” I tried to plead to be free but his arm around me was too tight to even let me breathe. I can’t die here! I traveled all the way here to be by Kai’s side, I just can’t abandon him like that. He will be waiting for me outside; he is counting on me. If anything happened to me, he will blame himself for not stopping me from making this decision. No! I refuse to die. I stretched my hand back and grasped his hand behind my head and slid it ahead with full force, “Ugh! You b****!” he grunted once his hand was down, he used his other arm to choke me, wrapping it around even tightly and holding my shoulder to put more pressure. I could feel my eyes getting itchy and red, as all the air from my body had traveled to my eyes. I quickly turned my face to the shoulder of the arm that was choking me, the choke steadily began to disappear. We were both on the floor, on our butts at this point. I forced my face even to the side of the shoulder and he starts squeezing to the back, with the pressure I applied, he was on the floor with me. He was still holding me in the chokehold but he wasn’t able to apply any pressure, hence he let go of the choke and tried to wrap his leg around my stomach and that’s when I grabbed his leg and twirled it around, making him roll with me but this time, he was lying on the floor with me on top of him. Before he could be given any time to come up with an escape plan, I reached for my knife and pointed it straight to his neck. “Don’t fre***** move,” I grunted, clenching my jaw and digging my eyes through his very aggressively. I was out of breath and so was he, but I was making sure that he knows I wasn’t some weak girl he could scare with his overwhelming looks. “Ahh!” he laughed, resting his head back and chuckling, “You are a tough, little girl,” his voice was rough, almost making me feel itchy in my throat. I had my knee bent over his stomach, one hand across his neck and the other pointing the knife at his heart now. “What kind of a monster would do such a thing,” I muttered at his disgusting attempt of feeding me to the zombies, “Tell me what happened here?” I asked in a very commanding tone. I could still tell that he wasn’t taking me seriously because he kept closing his eyes and resting his head back, chuckling at my threats. “Listen, I have seen some shi*, I wouldn’t mind cutting you into pieces and feeding you to your so-called babies, and afterward, I will smash your baby’s head with my own fre***** hands,” I gritted my teeth and struck the tip of the knife into his chest. “Arghhh! Stop it, you crazy b***,” once the pain struck him, he cried out of misery. “Where is the smirk now?” I inquired, a smirk of pleasure and content appearing on my lips. I saw the terror in his eyes when he acknowledged that there was something wrong with me. “You are infected!” his eyes widened after he peeked through the deep cores of my eyes. His statement faded off my smirk and goosebumps covered my skin. What did he mean by I am infected? “Ohh! You don’t know yet,” the smile of satisfaction for being able to scare me took over his lips. “I don’t know what?” I inquired, showing him anger through my eyes. “You will know soon,” he smiled widely, breathing in peace while he played mind games with me. “What happened here? Who did this? Where is everybody?” I demanded an answer, this time I could even see the blood coming out of his chest as the sharp end of the knife pierced through his skin. “Arghh! My—babies happened.” He said through a closed mouth, biting his lower lip to subside the cries of pain, “They attack---ed this place. I only---found them here and ---kept them locked so that—they don’t hurt others again.” He was speaking through difficulty until I lifted the tip of the knife. So I was right! The zombies had invaded the G-square, so no helicopters were on their way to save us anymore, at least not in this area. “These things inside this room, they are not alive. They will not spare a minute before eating you.” I had my grip tightened around his collars, I was angry that the only chance we had was slipped through our grips and we are at a vulnerable state with no clue to where to go. “You got the answers, now set me free.” He had the audacity to demand freedom when not too long ago, he tried to shove me in that room full of zombies. “Actually, No!” I refused to leave him behind. He was capturing people and feeding them to the zombies, maybe even creating more. “What? What are your plans for me?” he had suspected the agitation in my body, I looked around and then got up from the top of him. “Take off your belt,” I ordered, eyeing him to hurry up. “Take off my belt? Are you a legal age? I don’t want to get in any trouble with the law, oh wait! There is no law left.” As disgusting as he was, he started cracking up at the demise of many people, who lost their lives against the living dead. And yes! I was legal but why would I tell him anything? “Take off your belt before I forcefully take off your skin along with it.” I pressed the knife against his throat and ordered him to hurry up. “I am not into teenagers, but now that you are forcing me,” he wouldn’t shut up, his hands were moving slower than his mouth. He took the belt off and then threw it to my side, I adjusted it to make him stand along as I staggered up on my feet and made him walk all the way towards the pillar. “What kind of kinky fantasies do you have? My kink is watching people die.” He laughed very maniacally, standing straight as I tied his hands behind his back around the pillar with his belt. “What are you going to do now?” he raised his brow with a nasty smile on his lips. Now that I was slightly at peace and not feeling threatened, I was able to examine his appearance. He was wearing a blue shirt with black pants, maybe in his late forties, and some tattoos visible on his arm. The thing that grabbed my attention was the orange suit under his shirt. “Are you a prisoner?” fear struck me as I realized how foolish we were to not consider the other dangers that were out in the open along with the Zombies now. He smirked once he spotted the fear in my eyes. “What did you do?” My hands were shaking to hear him speak about his offenses. 
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