Welcome to the family Ruhani!

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Her silent eyes spoke a million words.  Arjun's pov  Those beautiful deep eyes, as if that silent glare was saying something. How can that blush go unnoticed by me that came to her already rosy cheeks after looking at me. Those link plump lips were looking deliciously perfect to r****h them. I can't stop imagining myself licking every part of her body. She is very different from other girls, she doesn't have her face caked with a lot of makeup but still, she is a natural beauty. I can't deny that she is beauty with brains. She brought a very important point to my notice which otherwise I left and that may have caused me to lose a big fortune.  This is the first time anyone, especially a girl made Arjun Goenka fall out of words. I was unanswerable to her statements. Maybe she was true. A part of me wants her to be correct, so that we can continue to have business with Maheshwari's and so I'll be able to meet her again.  Wait, what the hell are you thinking Arjun!  Don't you dare to forget she's a girl after all, and all girls are freaking gold diggers. It doesn't matter however innocent she is apparently looking, but every girl in India is after Arjun Goenka's wealth and fame. Just kick her out of your thoughts.  "Arjun, they are asking about your views on their offer," said Qabeer clearing his throat.  Qabeer is my very good friend after my distance from Rohit and also Qabeer is my secretary.  "I think I need some time to ponder about it gentlemen, tomorrow will be okay for finalizing," I said dismissively, and all the board members exited leaving me and Qabeer alone in the board room.  He was shooting daggers at me by his glare.  "What?" I asked trying to sound innocent.  I was so lost in my Ruhani's thoughts that I forgot I was sitting in the board room.  "I am the one who should ask this to you," he said clearly annoyed.  "What are you talking about"  "Don't you dare to act smart! You were mentally absent, tell me where were you" he said accusingly.  "I was just thinking about Maheshwari's"  "No dear, you were thinking about RUHANI MAHESHWARI", now what was his need to emphasize on Ruhani.  He understands me more than anyone else.  "Look at our lovesick puppy" did he just call me a lovesick puppy?  "You..." I was interrupted when dad entered.  Rakesh's pov  I sensed the spark between them when they were lost in each other. I have never seen Arjun looking at any girl like that after Hazel. He loved Hazel from the core of his heart but that unfortunate girl didn't understand my son's love towards her. Ruhani is my friend Krishna's daughter, only she can lighten up Arjun's life once again. For the first time, I saw my son falling short of words in a business argument. She was absolutely correct.  My son said, "Oh, hello dad, what are you doing here? You could have called me instead."  I said straightly, "I need to talk to you beta about the Maheshwari's." He was curious about the matter as he asked, "Are the investigations done?" I continued, "Yes, all the necessary information is under my surveillance now, and we ain't doing any contract with this new party now. Ruhani was 100% correct about everything, and despite you being my son, she's the one who saved my hardly made reputation today."  He was silent so I added, "I came here to tell you that I want you to marry her."  He was startled at my statement as he said, "Dad, do you even know what are you saying?"  "Yes I know very well and this is my final decision, you have to marry her, else you won't get a single penny from my wealth."  Carl, my assistant investigated everything himself, this new party was nothing but a fraudulent company. How can my son make such a big mistake? If it was not for Ruhani, we would have never thought this way.  Arjun doesn't know but I read his eyes and saw a pinch of admiration for Ruhani.  I can't ruin any girl's life for my son, so I made Carl get every information about Ruhani, whether she has any love interest or not. If she lives with anyone and the guy also loves her, then I can't marry my son to her.  Carl told me something that I was not expecting at all. Her call history revealed that she frequently contacted a number from Pakistan. On further investigation, it was clear that this was apparently a love affair. This guy was Arsal Ali from Lahore. I made Carl bring about as much detail about this Arsal as possible.  It came out that Arsal had relations with many girls there in Lahore. Clearly, he was cheating on Ruhani.  I know I'm being selfish for my son, but I have to do this, Ruhani is the only source that can again cheer Arjun's life after Hazel.  Maybe Krishna won't agree about this marriage because he is aware of Arjun's ruthless behavior. But I'll make him agree as he owns an old debt to me.  Welcome to the family Ruhani! 
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