1215 Words
Layla My week has been hectic. Without Mr Zane's generous income, I’m behind on my rent and my landlord is up my ass, I’m nearly $360 short and I have no idea where I’m going to get the money. I roll out of bed, unplugging my phone from the charger and turning off the alarm. I get dressed and pour myself some cereal, sitting down at the counter to eat before I need to head out when I hear the landlord outside my door. “I know you’re in there, Layla! Rent is due! You can’t hide in there forever”. He bangs his fist on the door three times before stopping. I get up and listen from the kitchen, “I’ll give you till the end of the day” He calls out. I can hear his footsteps receding until it’s silent. I sigh, grabbing my bag and heading to the window, looking outside. It’s raining, my apartment is on the second floor, there’s a small balcony off to one side and if I am careful, I can climb down and scale the building and let myself fall down about five feet to the ground. I’ve only had to do this once before, in reverse, when I first moved in and I forgot my keys inside and I couldn’t get a hold of the landlord. I got locked out of the building so I figured I could climb up, but one of my neighbors ended up calling the cops on me thinking I was breaking into the building, that was the last time I ever did that. I don’t have the smoothest landing and I end up with one foot in a puddle which turns out to be a pothole, making me twist my ankle. “s**t” I curse as I shake my leg gently, getting the majority of the water out of my shoe. I limp wet footed to my car, thinking that this day can’t get any worse. Driving to the address I was texted, I realize it’s the ritzy part of town. Not just ritzy, but if we were in Hollywood, this would be the homes of the A-list stars. Gated communities, mansions with security guards patrolling outside. I pull up to the gate of the address on my phone and show the text to the guard. He gives me and my beat up car a once over before he gives me a nod and the gate opens, “Drive up to the south side. Small utility building on the left” He directs me. I nod in acknowledgement to my directions and drive ahead. It’s the longest driveway I’ve ever seen, looping around a main house and a bunch of connecting side houses, if you could ever call them houses. They are like tiny mansions, but six times the size of a normal house. The utility building the guard was referring to is off the main driveway, an old beaten path leading to the door. An older man comes out of the side door and beacons me to him, “You the cleaning service that was requested?” “Yes sir, I’m Layla” “Yes, yes nice to meet you. Well my dear… you’ve got your work cut out for you.. Better get to work” “I’m on it!” I say as I open my trunk and pull out my cleaning supplies, dragging them behind me. As soon as I step inside the room the smell hits me, sending me reeling back outside, breathing heavily. There’s blood everywhere, smeared all over the walls and floor like paint. I know it’s blood by the smell of it. I remember it very clearly from living with Dean’s family. It always smelt of blood in the workshop and I would always be forced to clean it up after school. That’s probably why I became a cleaner when I left Dean. I was good at removing stains. I might as well put my talents to good use. I take a deep breath and step back inside, just because I can handle it doesn’t mean I like it any better, the smell still makes my stomach curl. I set my supplies down on the one spot on the food that seemed to be blood free. I push in my earbuds, press play on my music and pull my gloves on and get to work. I set a steady pace for myself, getting most of the work done in only a few hours, I have the sudden urge to pee. The utility room has no bathroom, so I have to abandon my work to hunt one down. There is no way I am pissing in the bushes. Not when there are armed guards all over the place and the room I'm cleaning was filled from top to bottom with blood. Not going to happen. I go outside, hoping to find someone loitering around, but I can’t find anyone, so I start walking around the small building, down the old beaten path, hoping it will lead me to a main building where I can find a bathroom. I hate whoever designed this goddamn driveway, making it so long and unnecessary. It takes me nearly twenty minutes before I finally come up to a promising looking building. I practically have to crawl up the steps, I have to go so badly now. I knock on the door but there’s no answer. I’m desperate. I try the door, it opens easily. “Hello? Is anyone here? I just need to use the washroom.. I’m cleaning the old utility building down the driveway.. I’m sorry for letting myself in!” I call out into the empty house, just in case I run into someone. The last thing I want is for them to think I’m here to rob them. I make my way through the main floor, weaving in and out of three rooms before finding the bathroom. The bathroom is attached to a bedroom, and I don’t mean to snoop but I can’t help myself, it’s furnished very darkly. Everything is navy blue and silver, very neat and tidy. A wall to wall bookshelf fills the room and it makes me wonder what kind of person lives here. I don’t doddle, finishing my business I head back outside and start walking back towards the utility building. I hear it before I see it, as it hits me so fast it’s a blur. Then suddenly everything is dark. The sound of gravel being spun up by tires fills my ears, a truck maybe, comes roaring down the driveway, right at me. I have no time to react to it before I’m thrown off the pathway and into the overgrown ditch. I can hear the truck come to a stop and the doors open, someone shouting. “s**t Leon! You hit someone!” A deep voice echoes in my mind “Why the f**k was she in the middle of my driveway? Where did she even come from anyways?” Someone else grunts “Is she alive?” The first man asks I try to open my eyes but it’s like I have a blind fold over them, everything is so dark. My head is spinning.
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