1318 Words
Leon The buzzing of the tattoo gun echoes through the room as Hector focuses on the design on my shoulder. It’s been three hours and it’s nearly done at this point, he’s just finishing the shading. A coiled snake, fangs showing, it’s settled beside my first tattoo. A Howling wolf, my ‘marking’ as it’s called. I belong to the clan. The clan has a time-honored tradition of hosting a ceremony where they pick out your initiation tattoo. After your first kill you’ve proven yourself and are part of the family. Trusted. A son. I got my ‘mark’ fourteen years ago, when I was eighteen. I was what you’d call a late bloomer. My brother got his at sixteen. He has always been an over achiever and a show off. The door bursts open and speak of the devil and he shall appear. Blake comes storming through the door. “How’s it looking?” He peers over Hector’s shoulder as he finishes the last few strokes. “Looks great. He took it like a champ” “Looks great bro, now it’s my turn” He pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his toned chest already littered with tattoos. There’s not a lot of room left for any additional pieces and I know his back has a full piece of the grim reaper. His ‘mark’, he’s added to it over the years, making it more his own. Hector cleans my fresh tattoo and puts on the second skin to protect it from infection before giving me a nod. As soon as I am out of the chair, Blake jumps into it, not giving Hector a chance to sterilize the area. He’s never really cared about safety procedures or rules of any kind. “See you later” I say as I pull my dress shirt on gingerly and start buttoning it up Blake gives me a lopsided grin and wiggles his eyebrows at me “See you later” giving me a wink. The sun shines brightly down on me, a nice change from the rain we’ve been having lately. I get onto my motorbike, pulling my helmet on and rev the engine before speeding off down the road. I’ve always enjoyed the freedom of riding. By the time I get home the sun has set, my father is sitting outside smoking a cigar. I park my bike, pulling my helmet off, dragging my hand through my hair to get it out of my eyes. I need a haircut but it’s not high on my priority list. “Better get inside, your mother has been waiting for you” He says with a puff of smoke. “Great.. Just what I need” I mutter as I take the steps two at a time. My parents live in the main house, I have the East guest house and Blake has the West guest house. The South guest house has been empty for as long as I can remember. At this point it is probably crawling with spiders. Last thing I want to do right now is deal with my mother, I wanted to simply shower and hit the sack. I head into the house, hearing my mother talking to someone, a woman. I can hear her high pitched voice, it’s like a nail being driven into my brain already. I know exactly what is going on before I even enter the room. “Oh Leon, there you are. I was worried you were not going to make it in time to meet our guest” My mother chirps as she sees me enter the room. “Hello mother,” I sigh. We’ve been through this before. Many times, She finds a woman she thinks is a good fit to be a potential partner, but none have been even close to the right one. I wish she would just stop already, I have no interest in playing in her matchmaker games tonight. “Aren’t you going to ask who my guest is?” She gives me a look that makes it clear it’s not really a question. “Of course, how rude of me…” I turn towards the woman, giving her a once over. She’s tall, maybe 5’9” with a slim build, big t**s, blue eyes, long blond hair. A typical blonde bombshell, she bats her eyes at me and gives me a million dollar smile. “Madison, this is my son Leon. Leon meet Madison. Madison here is the daughter of one of the country club” The country club? Since when was my mother part of a country club? I don’t bother asking. “Nice to meet you” “Likewise.. Your mother tells me you ride a motorcycle… maybe you could take me for a ride?” I raise my eyebrows at her, straight to the point. “Well, I’ll just leave you crazy kids to talk.. Have fun” She smiles sweetly at Madison and gives her a wink before mouthing something at me and scurrying out the door, closing it behind her on her way out. “So… how about that ride, big boy?” She licks her lips, taking a step towards me. Her hand coming down onto my chest, her manicured fingernail clawing down my shirt, sending an eerie shiver down my spine. “Listen. I don’t know what my mother has told you but let me be perfectly clear. I am not interested. I have no intentions in playing along with her little games. So you can see yourself out”. I turn to leave but she digs her nails into my chest, stopping me. “Do you know who I am?” “I really don’t care. To me you’re just another gold-digging slut looking for a pay out. I’m not the one you’re looking for. If you just want a good lay I hear my brother is always down for a good f**k. Now if you will be so kind as to get your trampy hand off me before I break it. If you think I’m bluffing, I can promise you I’m not. I have no problem hurting a woman if the occasion calls for it” I say with a monotone voice. She swallows hard and backs off immediately, holding her hands up offensively. “Okay, okay you don’t have to get so testy. Your mother said you’d be difficult to win over but she never said you were a psycho. I thought that was your brother.” She rolls her eyes and grabs her coat and purse off the back of a chair. “I’ll just have to tell her you weren’t ready, maybe we can try again some other time” I step into her now, my hand coming up to her heck, pinning her against the table, my grip closing around her throat. “You will say nothing to my mother. If she asks you will tell her you had a good time but you don’t want to take it any further. If she presses you on it, you will tell her I am not your type. Do you understand me?” I demand She nods her head dumbly, tears springing into her eyes. “Good, I don’t want to see you in my house ever again” I let her throat go and she scrambled away from me holding her throat with her hands like she had been burned. “You’re a monster!” She spits at me before she slams the door on her way out. “You have no idea” I mutter as I leave the main house and head to my own. I can finally have some peace and quiet. I know my mother will want to hear all about this tomorrow so I had better get a good night’s rest while I can.
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