Chapter 333

3217 Words

"Two weeks of nightmare life, all down to me, my moods and erratic behavior that has tested every single ounce of Arricks patience. I think he s literally seen every bad version of me there is and then some, and I can t help it." "The idea that I am pregnant has well and truly sunk in, but I don t love it any more than I did and feel a huge sense of resentment that I have to stay here while he flies home today to do whatever he needs to do. In the end Jake couldn t sway his father to change the plans as he is digging his heels in. I think he is punishing Arrick over leaving the company and using his last weeks as a weapon to piss him off. " "We haven t told anyone except Jake and Emma about the baby yet, sworn them to the upmost secrecy and I wouldn t even talk to her on the phone

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