Chapter 261

4029 Words

" Sophiee, you know I lurve you a million times over babes. Leila slurs over the top of me, alcohol breath almost flooring me with its sheer toxicity, captured in her crazily strong embrace as we both sway. I m a little worse for wear too, having drunk one too many champagne cocktails. The party is wearing down, but Leila is beyond wrecked and slobbering a gush of emotion all over me as I try to say my goodbyes to her." " Baby, come on, Sophs is being suffocated by the fumes coming off you. Daniel is trying to extract his wife s arms from me and guide her towards the door,  trying being the word, as he fights with octopus limbs in a bid to coax her away. A lot of guests have departed already, and Leila is being taken home to pass out or get up to whatever they get up to when drunk

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