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ThreeSheila Adams finally found a parking spot about two blocks away from the restaurant where she and Krista were going to have brunch. She looked at her watch; it was twenty-five past nine, she was ten minutes late. “Damn,” she said. In so many years, Sheila had never been late, not once, especially not when meeting with her daughter. She'd spent too much time and energy trying to set the perfect example that the expression 'better late than never' didn't exist for Sheila. Still, she was late. She couldn't tell Krista about Jim, it wasn't the right time, yet she could not think of an excuse. She only hoped Krista wouldn't ask her why she was late, or even better, be late herself. Sheila shrugged. “Oh well,” she said and got out of her car. When she reached the line-up, Sheila searched the small crowd of people waiting to get in and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Krista wasn't among them. She joined the others as the doors opened and filed into the restaurant. Sheila headed for a corner table at the back; she wanted to sit somewhere that was somewhat private. She had much to discuss with her daughter, and she didn't want too many ears to hear their conversation. Sheila sat facing the window and looked at her watch again. Where is she? Before her overactive imagination came up with some horrible reason for Krista's lateness, a server approached the table. “Good morning,” the server said in a cheery voice. “Are you dining alone or is someone joining you?” “I'm waiting for someone, thank you.” Sheila smiled pleasantly at the young girl. She reminded her of Krista, only with darker hair. “Can I get you anything to start while you wait for your guest?” The server returned the smile. “Yes, a tea please.” The server nodded and walked away, leaving Sheila staring out the window once again, wondering where Krista was. “Sheila!” A voice coming from a neighbouring table interrupted her thoughts. Sheila turned and saw a woman with a smile on her face approaching her. “Grace! Please sit down.” She motioned to the seat across from her. “How long has it been?” Sheila reached across the table and patted Grace's hand. “Too long. Are you here alone?” “Not for long, Krista is joining me.” Sheila watched as Grace began to dig through her purse searching for something. At last, she found what she was looking for and she handed a small album to Sheila. “Take a look at these; I'm a grandmother now!” A wide grin stretched across Grace's face as Sheila took the small album from her hands. “Oh! They're beautiful, how nice for you, and twins even!” Sheila's voice tainted with jealousy. Grace, however, engrossed with showing off pictures of her new grandchildren, didn't seem to notice the change in Sheila's tone. “And what about you?” Grace sounded haughty. “I'm sure Krista has, by now, given you some lovely grandchildren of your own?” Always such a meddler, Sheila thought as she put on her best fake smile. If she thinks for even one minute that I am jealous of her, she'll take it as far as she can. No, I mustn't let on for even a second. She has always tried to 'one-up-me' but not this time though, I won't let her. “Grandchildren! Oh goodness no, I am far too young looking to be a grandmother just yet, but it suits you. You fit very well into the grandmother role. Besides, Krista has a wonderful career as a teacher. No, I can wait a bit longer.” Sheila smiled at Grace who no longer sat with a smug look on her face. “Speak of the devil, there's Krista now.” Grace turned to look out the window. “Yes, well,” she said rising from her seat, running a hand through her silver hair. “I better go rejoin my husband. It was nice to see you again.” Her pursed lips relaxed into a smile. Sheila echoed the sentiment in words and tone. “Yes, you, too. Maybe we can have lunch some time. Old friends are hard to come by, especially as we get older.” Sheila stood and hugged Grace. They smiled at each other one last time before Grace returned to her table. Sheila returned to her chair and waited for Krista.
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