
Promised Soul


Just as Krista's summer plans are almost ready, she is suddenly plagued by strange dreams and intense feelings of déjà vu.

Feeling like she's losing her mind, Krista visits a psychic, only to feel more confused. When she arrives in England, her dreams persist, and she finds herself at the doorstep of another psychic. She needs clarity.

Finally, the words Krista was afraid to say out loud are spoken. Now, she has to figure out what it all means.

Promised Soul is a story of the past, present and future of two souls, bound together by eternal and transcending love.

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PrologueKrista ran from her bedroom at the sound of her father's voice, leaving the picture she had been colouring on the floor, and jumped into his outstretched arms. She missed him terribly whenever he went away on one of his diving exhibitions. From her point of view, he was always gone far too long, though this last time it had only been three sleeps. “Daddy!” “Hello, my sunshine girl.” Sid caught her up in his arms and swung her around as she squealed with delight before he carefully put her down again. “Did you bring me anything?” Krista beamed. She reached up and tugged the back of her sundress down, smoothing it back into place. How her dresses always managed getting tucked into the back of her underwear, she wasn't quite sure, though that time she suspected jumping into her father's arms had something to do with it. “You bet I did.” Sid took off the backpack he had swung over his shoulder. The two of them sat on the plush, grey-carpeted floor of the living room. Krista sat cross-legged and waited somewhat impatiently while Sid looked through the bag's contents. He found the box he was searching for, but before pulling it from the bag he carefully removed the cover and hid the object in his hand. “Hurry up, daddy!” “Patience is a virtue, Krista.” Krista rolled her eyes and thought to herself, what does that mean anyway? As Krista looked up, she saw her mother walking into the living room, a dishtowel in her hand. She sat, joining Sid and Krista on the floor. “What's all the fuss?” Sheila asked. Sid looked at Sheila, leaned in and brushed his lips gently across hers. “Hello, sweetheart!” “Good to have you back home, safe and sound.” Sheila leaned forward and returned his kiss. “Eww! Mommy and daddy are kissing!” Krista giggled. “You just wait fifteen years; it won't be so eww then.” Sheila reached over and tickled Krista under her arm sending her over backwards in a fit of giggles. When Krista had contained herself, she sat up again, pulling her sundress over her knees. “Are you ready?” Sid saw excitement as well as apprehension in Krista's eyes. “Sid!” Sheila warned, “I don't think now –” Sid interrupted with a smile. “It's okay.” He reached over and patted Sheila's hand. After six years of marriage, his smile still managed to melt her heart. “Now this…”Sid turned his attention back to his daughter, his hand still hidden in the backpack, “is something I found especially for you.” Krista felt that funny feeling in her tummy, Mommy called them butterflies, but Krista wasn't so sure. “What is it?” Krista scooted a little closer, driving the back of her dress where it didn't belong. She squirmed a little, then finally reached under herself to flatten it out. All at once, she realized she had gotten too close for her liking. She stretched her legs out in front and inched back; her bare feet barely touched her father's crossed legs. Krista felt she was at a safe distance. She was still able to see what her father had when he opened his hand, and at the same time, her outstretched legs would prevent him from moving too close, just in case he had something she didn't like. It wouldn't be the first time he'd brought something home that frightened her. She wiggled her toes and watched as the pink sparkly nail polish her mother had applied caught the light from a lone sunbeam shining in through the living room window. Sid waited for his daughter to settle down. “Are you ready now?” He looked at Sheila; she wore a slight look of concern on her face. If there was one thing the two of them had in common, it was how easily their faces could be read. “Yup, but open slowly,” Krista said. Sid did as his daughter asked and slowly opened his curled fingers to reveal a small starfish. Krista craned her neck to get a better look as Sid moved his hand toward his daughter. “What is it?” she asked, pulling her legs under her so that she now rested on her knees. She inched forward. In this position, she could get up in a hurry and run to the safety of her bedroom if she had to. “It's a starfish,” Sid said, happy for once his daughter hadn't immediately sprung to her feet running and screaming to her room. “Did it come from the ocean?” Krista folded her arms protectively against her body and scrutinized the small object her father held in his hand. She wasn't ever going to let anything from the ocean touch her. Sid hesitated for a moment, knowing his answer would more than likely cause Krista to make a hasty get away. “Yes.” “I don't like it!” Krista whined and jumped to her feet, her arms still crossed and pressed tightly against her. “But, honey, it can't hurt you.” Sheila stood up and placed a protective arm around Krista's shoulders. “I don't like it!” Krista yelled, stomping her foot for effect. “But, Sunshine –” Sid moved to his knees, holding out the starfish. “Mary says everything in the ocean is bad and to stay away.” Krista pulled away from her mother's grasp and stomped back to her room closing the door behind her. As soon as she closed the door, she remembered that she wasn't allowed to have it closed. She quickly opened it again before plunking herself on the floor and resuming her colouring. Sid looked at Sheila who reached out a helping hand. He took it and as he stood up, pulled her close to him while his other hand closed protectively over the starfish. “Who is Mary?” he said, brushing his lips over the top of Sheila's head. Sheila pushed herself away in a playful manner and rested her hands on Sid's chest at arm's length. “Oh that! Well that would be, I guess, what you'd call an imaginary friend.” Sid's eyes widened, and he shook his head laughing, “Imaginary friend huh, since when?” “Oh! About three days now, and you should know – she's having those dreams again.”

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