Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 The following two weeks flew by. When I returned home, I was lavished with attention. My brothers and Oliver refused to leave my side, and I was continually followed by two female fighters. It took me a week to persuade my family that I would be fine and that they could quit hovering. On the second day of my release, I persuaded my father to let me train with Michael for his Alpha training. Not to become the next Alpha, but to improve my self-defense skills. I never want to find myself in that situation again. I never want to feel helpless or used again. So I went to regular pack training every day. I trained for three hours with Michael and my father, and I also went to the Beta training with Oliver. Then, after all of my training, I go to treatment with the pack therapist for one hour every day. This became my habit. This was my existence. It is currently one day before my birthday, and while I am not fully content, I am content. I am not constantly gloomy and depressed. However, my head has been pounding for the past day and a half, and nothing I do can alleviate the ache. It's like a constant dull throb within my skull. When I arrived at my father's office in the packhouse, he told me that he had wanted to meet me before training began. Before I can even knock, the door opens, and my father stands aside to let me in. "How are you, Catherine?" I was just checking in to see how you were doing." "I'm doing the best I can, Dad. I'm putting all of my work into training so that I may learn to protect myself better. However, I've been experiencing a dull throb in my brain, similar to a migraine, that I can't seem to shake." "Have you seen the pack doctor for the pain?" No, I said, shaking my head. I really don't want to go to the park hospital. Every time I pass through, I remember the last time I visited the pack hospital and become lost in the flashbacks. "Make sure you have it checked out." I contacted you because we recently had a family transfer into the pack, and I know that usually I take you and Michael, the new kids, around the pack and introduce them to others. However, I'm not sure if you'll be up to it. The family consists of three children. Justin, the eldest, is 17 years old. He is studying to become a pack warrior. He will officially become a fighter for our pack when he reaches the age of 18. Jessica, his younger sister, is 12 years old. Finally, there is Makayla, who is seven years old. I know you've been avoiding the pack men for a few weeks, so I wasn't sure whether you'd be okay showing Justin around. If you're too uncomfortable, I can always have Michael do it." I look at my father and consider what he is asking of me. I really don't want to show Justin around, but I think the other two siblings will be alright. "I'm fine with the younger two, but I don't think I'm ready to deal with anyone of the opposite sex." "Can Michael or Elijah assist Justin in adjusting to the pack?" "Of course, sweetheart. I'll inform Michael that rather than practising for the day, he'll be showing Justin and his parents around." I turned to exit the other side and walk to the front of the packhouse, where I assumed Oliver was already waiting for me. When I see Oliver approaching the pack dining hall, he waves me over. "Hey! I won't be able to stay long. I need to meet with some new pack members and show them around." "Do you want me to come with you?" "No, I think I'll be fine." Also, do you have any training with your father?" "I suppose. Will you come to eat with me before you leave?" We proceeded to stroll to the pack hall and queue for our food. The pack hall is a large room used for meals. It is not required to eat meals at the pack hall, but many of the members do. Unless I go to the pack hall with Oliver, I normally eat at home with my family. We go through the queue, get our lunch and then sit down at one of the long tables. After thirty minutes, I said farewell to Ollie and went to the front of the pack house to meet the new family. As I approach the door, I am struck by a powerful surge of pain and nausea. I knelt on my knees and clutched my head. When Beta Malcolm notices me on the ground, he rushes over. I feel like something is trying to break through my head as he lifts me up off the ground and starts heading to the pack hospital. There appears to be something there, but it is having difficulty reaching me. I sighed and rested my head on the Beta's neck. As we approach the pack hospital, the pain fades to a constant throb. ************************************************** I've been at the pack hospital for some hours now. Michael had already shown Justin and his siblings around the pack. My father arrived shortly after the Beta dropped me off at the packhouse. The doctor is now in the room with us, discussing to my father the results of the tests and labs that had been performed. "Alpha, we don't notice anything seriously wrong with Catherine. Her symptoms indicate that her wolf is attempting to break out." "But how is that possible?" No adolescent has ever received their wolf before the age of 16. Catherine is only 14 years old." "I know it's strange, Alpha, but it's the only logical explanation." I believe her wolf is attempting to break out as a result of Catherine's recent trauma. I've only heard of a few cases, which aren't commonly known in the supernatural community, where wolves have appeared before a child's 16th birthday as a result of some form of trauma that the youngster has had." My father is correct. Wolves do not shift until they are 16 years old, and then they may sniff their mates on their 17th birthday. I used to be enthusiastic about meeting my partner and experiencing something similar to the love I see between my parents, but now I realise I don't need a male. I am my own person, and I refuse to be defined by my partner. Plus, given what occurred a few weeks ago, I'm still wary of males. So far, I've only been able to stomach my family and Oliver and his family because most men make me squirm. it is the only man I have allowed near me, and I don't think it will change very soon.
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