2062 Words

CHAPTER THREEClola Kilcraig stared at herself in the mirror and thought it was impossible that this should be her wedding day. Ever since her father had told her that she was to marry the Duke of Strathnarn, she had felt that she was living in a dream and that she would awake to find it was all a figment of her imagination, which her family had often threatened would get her into trouble. She had been a dreamer all her life, and to her the superstitions and legends not only of the Kilcraigs but also of the other Clans were part of the mountains, the glens, the burns and the moors that she loved so much. She had listened when she was small to the stories her nurse had told her of snow maidens, of elves and ghosts, and thought that she heard and saw them. When she grew older, she had sat

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