2262 Words

“Did you say that I should – marry your daughter?” “She is of marriageable age, but I have not yet found a husband for her,” The Kilcraig replied. “As the Duchess of Strathnarn, she will be respected by both our own people and yours. There will be no problems between us in the future and we can concentrate on repressing the MacAuads.” It all sounded extremely reasonable, the Duke thought, as set forth in the deep slow voice of The Kilcraig. Then he told himself he had no intention of marrying anyone, least of all a raw uncivilised Scottish girl, who as far as he was concerned was as remote from his chosen way of life as an aborigine from Australia. Aloud he said, “I certainly agree to your idea of uniting our two Clans to our mutual benefit, but I am sure you will understand that I ha

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