2023 Words

Then, because she knew it would be expected of her to make the first move, she said goodnight. “I shall doubtless leave before you are up in the morning,” Lord Hinchley said. “I have to hurry to reach Edinburgh before His Majesty arrives on the 14th, and may I say how much I shall be looking forward to meeting you again.” “Thank you,” Clola smiled. Lord Hinchley did not release her hand, but went on, “I want too to wish you and Taran every happiness together. You know he is my closest friend and I am delighted that he should have such a beautiful wife,” “Thank – you,” Clola said again. Lard Hinchley kissed her hand as she curtseyed. As she rose, she looked a little uncertainly at the Duke, wondering if he too would kiss her hand. Then, realising that he had not said goodnight, she

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