Two - Locked Up

1319 Words
ZAYA’S POV There were not a lot of things that I hated. But recently the list has started to build up. My father in his cruel glory watched me get beat up by my mate, and only stepped in when it was convenient for him. At first I thought it was because he cared, but I should have known his plan all along was to push me off to another man. A crueler one no less. Alpha Kade was the worst kind of person to be with. I didn’t need any one to tell me that. He bundled me from my father’s house just after barely recovering from my near death experience with my now ex mate. Some vendetta that he has against my father was the reason behind all of this. And all my father could tell me was that Alpha Kade wanted war, and in order to save our pack, I needed to marry him. It was a lie of course. I didn’t have any proof but I knew it was a lie. No one would tell me anything, no one wanted to even look at me. So when I got the chance to run, I took it without looking back. The maids dressed me up, and I tried to stay put. They then left me to go finish something on the other side of the house and somehow forgot to shut the door. From the first day that I arrived, Alpha Kade has had me locked up like a prisoner. So imagine my surprise when I saw the door ajar without a guard outside of it. Deep down it felt like someone was trying to help me escape. And I took the chance, letting relief be the only thing I could feel. I mustered some courage and snuck out through the back door which led to the woods. Unfortunately it didn’t take me a lot of time before they realised that I was gone. And judging from the ear piercing growl I heard, Alpha Kade had been informed. My heartbeat picked up speed along with my legs. There was no time to think about anything else but freedom. “I just need to get to the border.” I told myself panting as I dashed through the woods. It was denser than my father’s pack and the trees were mixed from the tall ones to the short ones. I guess it was a choice because it allowed for one to hide behind them easily. I heard his voice from the distance and I knew he was close by. The border was looking at me but it looked far from my own end. My dress had gotten caught up between branches, slowing me down. I would yank the material so hard it tore in frustration. But there was only a distance I could run to. He was too close and the panic in my chest wouldn’t let me run any further. I ducked at the nearest tree and hid from him. I could feel his anger radiating all the way from here. And before I knew what was happening, I was hauled back to the house and prepped for the wedding I desperately wanted to be away from. By the end of the ceremony, Alpha Kade sent everyone home. Nothing about the ceremony was pleasant. I cried through it all and once again ruined my make up. The look he gave me was that of disgust and anger. But what right did he have to be mad at me for? And as if forcing me to marry him wasn’t enough, he had me pushed to the dungeons like I was some sort of criminal. “All you had to do was obey orders, but seeing as you’re just as stubborn as your father, I may just have to teach you both a lesson. I’m not one to play with, and from this day forward you will respect me as not only your husband but Alpha.” His voice was anything but sweet. If he resented me so much, why marry me? Why not take whatever revenge he had on my father? Why include me in it? The only reason I came out of my hiding spot was because I knew deep down he was going to go through with his word. He would rain his anger on my father’s pack and countless lives would be lost. And I wasn’t going to be the reason innocent people ceased to exist simply because I wanted my freedom. I stayed quiet; my dress probably was ruined with dirt once again. One wedding, but I had managed to ruin two dresses. “I didn’t want any of this. I don’t want any of this. You forced me. This is wrong.” I voiced sounding pained. The small cell I had been thrown into felt like it was closing in on me. Being a werewolf and having weaknesses had to be the most ironic things to happen to anyone, but it was happening to me. I had been claustrophobic all my life. I hated small spaces and I did my best to avoid them. Sweat trickled down my forehead and neck. The dress suddenly felt too tight and I wanted it off. My breathing picked up pace gradually becoming too erratic. I wanted out of here. Alpha Kade stood on the other side staring, unmoving and probably thinking of how long he was going to punish me for. “You’ll be out of this cell once you learn to submit.” His only words before he walked away. I turned to face his direction and could his back retreating through the corridor. Resentment formed in my heart, caging it and making sure I never had the chance to choose if it was something I wanted to hold onto. My mind started to wonder if I should have stayed in the room I was in earlier. I would have ended up married still but certainly wouldn’t spend the night in a cell. But was that really better? Was the dungeon better than a night in his room and possibly his bed? I shut my eyes and gripped my dress. I forced myself to take deep breaths. Desperate at first but slowly eventually. Desperate for air my lungs couldn’t breath in despite having it all around me. The room was already spinning and I looked like a clown that had been locked in a steam room. My eyes started to water once again, and my vision blurred but not from the tears. Consciousness was slipping away from me and darkness took over. By the time I came to, I realized that I passed out from exhaustion. That was the only explanation. I recalled searching for my father during the ceremony hoping he was somewhere in the crowd waiting for the right moment to help me, save me. But as I waited and searched, I understood that he was never coming. My father missed my wedding. The one he had arranged and forced me into. With a man ready to take my life if I didn’t accept my fate as his wife. Knowing I was still in the same cell with my thoughts running, I let them. They were the only things keeping me from passing out again. And even though I was sure it was morning already, no one has come over to the cell to check on whether I was still alive. But why would they? I was the bride who wanted to runaway from her own wedding. But didn’t they know their Alpha forced me into it? My stomach grumbled and I instinctively clenched it as if that was going to keep it quiet. I hadn’t eaten for days now. The food had been brought several times but I was too stubborn to eat it. Again, maybe I shouldn’t have run away.
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