Thirty Eight - Her Past Hurts More

2868 Words

ZAYA’S POV There were two sides to Alpha Kade and both scared the life out of me. One was the cruel, cold, ruthless Alpha everyone knew. And the other – he was beginning to show me – had a calm smile that did things to me, not to mention the way he would look at me sometimes. Almost as if he was speaking to my soul. Now, however, wasn’t one of those times. I didn’t think things were going to end up this way. I should have known that my dream was a warning and not just a nightmare. I should also have known that there were a lot of things he didn’t know about me. Here I was, shaking in my seat, feeling the heat of his anger. What was I going to tell him? I knew all that happened to him in the past because the news spread, but did I have to tell him mine? Did I owe him that? "Don’t mak

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