12. New boy

1328 Words

As soon as Lisa entered the bathroom, she blew a sigh and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She had only one lecture left the day. "Almost done for the day"She breathed out. Her mind slowly crept back to the boy from earlier. His hair matched the colour of his lips and his voice was soft and tender. "What are you thinking about,"She stared back at her reflection, putting a few strand of her hair in the right place. She splashed some water on her face before heading out. "So what the f**k is your problem, miss too good"Josie yelled. "Josie I'm trying to be reasonable here"Avery argued back. Lisa shuts the restroom to find Avery and Josie in an argument. Josie finger kept poking Avery's face. "Reasonable or trying to own the spotlight"Josie mocked. "Can you stop being selfis

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