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  RHYS   “Alpha Keller is outside with his son and you are just telling me this now?”   Mars scratched his trimmed beard, occupied with undressing. “Well, I was going to until you told me your big news. How did it feel?”   I did not know if he was trying to distract me from thinking about the unwanted visitors standing outside. Technically, I was the visitor but I was the Alpha King. Every land was mine. Pondering on his question, my mind went back to my episode with Red Streaks. The first time I had felt a change in my body was when she had dragged a tongue across her lips. The action had been innocent yet erotic in some crazy way.   She had tasted sweet, her tongue curious and she had smelled like.... Suddenly, I recalled something rather strange about her. I had been too interested in my first erection that I had not thought about it as unusual back then. She had no scent, none at all, something very strange for a wolf. Was she even a wolf?   “Alpha,” Mars whispered, jolting me out of my reverie. “Did something else happen?”   “She had no scent. I just realized that now. Goddess, who is she? I let her...I let her see my face, Mars! What if she is someone dangerous, a spy maybe?”   Czar snapped at me, clearly not agreeing with me. The situation was all messed up. I had hidden my identity from my soldiers and pack members yet a tiny woman had made me let down my guard. I tugged on my hair hard, punishing myself for my stupidity. I had allowed myself get carried away by her willing body.   Mars was deep in thought, quiet at a time I expected him to say something to fix this mess. He peeped out the window and pulled the curtains close afterwards.   “Maybe all is not lost. The old Alpha knows everyone in this pack and he can easily fish her out but first, we need to handle one problem after the other. You still want to test your theory? Keller would be glad to offer some females for your entertainment.”   “He might even offer his mate if she was alive. The man is an attention seeker and he irritates me.”   Mars went to the bathroom, giving me a few minutes to finish dressing. If Red Streaks had been a spy, I should have known. She had acted suspicious from the moment she had entered my room. Perhaps, she was just an idle maid who had wanted a s****l experience to gossip with her fellow maids about. Women were all the same, after all.   Fragile as they were, they were the most dangerous creatures ever to walk the face of the earth. They thought only of themselves and would use any means necessary to get what they wanted. Mother had used her body to manipulate Father yet being his Luna had not been enough for her. I was sick of hearing people call her Luna and it was the only reason I would ever think of finding a mate, anyone to take that position away from her.   Once Mars had freshened up, he changed his shirt and waited for my command.   “We shall communicate through the window. Ask them to sit close to it and you are to speak on my behalf.”   He bowed profoundly and left the room, reminding me that I was the most feared man in the kingdom. No little girl was going to ruin my self control. She might have some hold on my body but my mind was still as strong as ever. Just then, a memory of her shivering up against me was brought up by Czar.   Are you sure about that? he mocked.   “Shut up, Czar.”   ***   Clawride’s new Alpha, Wren Maddock looked like a puppy just learning how to bark. He sat beside his new bride, his bleached blonde hair a few shades lighter than hers. Her name was Ansley and she was beautiful as I expected, curvy at the right places. However, her equally blonde hair was boring compared to the woman who had run out of my room hours ago.   I was communicating through Mars mechanically, praying for the conversation to be over soon. Keller replied Mars with so much fake enthusiasm that I wished to grab his neck through the window and strangle him to death. Instead, I sat still on a wooden chair and gave my Beta the words he needed.   “My son and I are glad to welcome you and the Alpha King to our pack. Your presence was a big plus to the wedding and I am most grateful.” Keller gazed at his son and the boy nodded in agreement. He was not Alpha material and Clawride would suffer when his father finally passed away.   “Um, Alpha Keller, it has been a tiring trip from Plum Paradise to Clawride and I am afraid that the Alpha King is feeling a bit edgy. The bed is too cold for his liking.”   I translated the reactions on their faces as Mars dropped his last word. Keller tensed before smiling with understanding. Wren gazed at his new Luna, who was frowning with displeasure. A smile widened on my lips as fear passed through her eyes. She thought it was her I wanted or maybe she generally hated the idea of me wanting one of their women.   “That can be arranged tonight. The Alpha King may have anything he wants. We owe him our very lives.”   That was accurate and he had not forgotten the last war I had fought on their behalf. He was paying his debts, a cunning man indeed.   With nothing left to discuss, Ansley pulled Wren away, anxious to be somewhere far away. They were newly weds and eager to make love to each other. Werewolves were naturally s****l creatures, another reason why Keller was not alarmed by my request. He followed after the couple after shaking hands with Mars.   The woman they brought to me later that night laid on my bed, naked with her legs spread. After taking the potion, I had turned off the lights and on second thought, blindfolded her for precaution. She licked her lips seductively, roaming her arms around me. I could sense her fear but it was quickly removed by desire, her full lips stained with lipstick and stretched in a loud moan. However, when I knelt between her legs, I was withdrawn and bored. Nothing about her appealed to me, not even her luscious nudity.   My loins were lifeless and after my twentieth yawn, the woman wriggling under me froze.   “Is something wrong? Are you not enjoying yourself? I could —” she was about to offer something else when I cut her off.   “Leave. Leave! Get out of here!” I yelled, frustrated at my useless phallus. She jumped off my bed, tore at the blindfold and ran for her life. Mars came in two seconds later, running to my side. I didn’t hear anything he said, my wolf panting angrily.   “The potions don’t work! It’s the girl. She did this to me! Find her. I don’t care what you have to do, Mars, tear Clawride Pack apart! Comb through every nook and cranny, find her and bring her to me!”
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