Chapter 2 Go Punch His Face

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. (Aurora’s POV) . Just as I entered the entrance to the bar, the unpleasant odor of alcohol along with the sickening smell of lust came straight. I had hardly ever been in a bar and wouldn't even know what alcohol felt like. A drunken man with vomit-inducing burps suddenly appeared in front of me and immediately grabbed my *ss before I could react. "shi*t *sshole! Get off!" I angrily kicked him aside as he bared a mouthful of yellow teeth, once again giving me a lecherous grin. I fought back the rising feeling of vomiting in my stomach and the urge to cut his c**k off on the spot as I still remembered my mission for the day. Mrs. Brooklyn would soon find out the one under the covers was my disguise. And if words got out about Roman Regalia’s precious daughter sneaking out to a bar to meet a man, my father would lock me in a room for a year till the day I got married. I had no time to waste. Julia hid behind me, trembling as she tried to drag me out of this dark place, and I hurriedly held her arm, signaling to her that I would protect her. Though I could not shift, my royal alpha blood was still strong. My eyes searched the whole bar, I was sure I would catch that *sshole as I already remembered the obvious royal symbols in their attire. When my eyes immediately lit up as they caught sight of the box deep in the corner, an angry voice stopped my way. “Hey you, stop there!” Oh, crap! “What are you two girls doing here?” That voice startled me. More so, it was a familiar voice. My uncle, Theo. Julia immediately looked in that direction as if seeing a savior, and before I could stop her, she ran toward my uncle. That traitor! I'll be sure to tickle her when we get back. Julia was most ticklish! But how did Uncle Theo come here? Had my disguise been recognized so quickly? Were they here to take me back as my father ordered? Thinking of this, I immediately tried to run away from his sight but his two guards blocked my way. “Aurora? Julia?”Uncle Theo walked closer to us with a stern voice: “What are you doing here? This is not a place for young girls like you two. Go home!” I bit my lips and avoided the stare from Uncle Theo’s grey misty eyes. Mine were the same. Just like my mother’s eyes. Uncle Theo was my mother’s elder brother and he had always been on my side. Somehow, I felt he was not on my side that night. Even, I felt like he was disappointed by my presence at the bar. “Are you here for the cursed Prince, Aurora?" His tone turned down after he suddenly realised something. I pursed my lips trying to find an excuse, but wise as he was easy to spot my little lie. I immediately pulled on his arm, making a pitiful face, “Uncle Theo, please. I just want to meet him once. You know me... I don't want to marry someone I never knew about,” and I would surely want to punch Prince Charming’s face if I get a chance. After my father, Uncle Theo would definitely be the second man who loved me the most, and every time I made such a face, he would grant me anything I asked. But tonight it wasn't working. He sighed deeply as he held my shoulder, "Not a good time to meet him, Aurora, especially at this place. This place is for adults to get drunk, and adults do silly things when they are drunk. Go home, child.” Again. They started lecturing me about age again. Even though there was only a year left for me to turn into an adult, I was still a child in their eyes. "Ah! My stomach aches ......" Julia suddenly crouched down in pain covering her stomach, I immediately got her intention as I caught the strange grin she was giving me. When Uncle Theo looked down to care about her, I dove into the crowd I heard Uncle Theo's angry voice rising behind but before they could get me, I approached the box where I noticed earlier. Then, I felt different. A sweet scent made me turn my head to the side as I followed the gust of wind that moved the scent away from me. I was drawn to it. My heart was beating fast, and I felt a strange sensation on my skin. What was wrong with me? I closed my eyes to locate where the scent was, drawing my body closer to it. As I opened my eyes, it was then I saw a blonde woman caressing a man’s cheeks. She whispered some words in his ears that made the man kiss her p*ssionately. His hand moved down to her waist and pulled her voluptuous body closer to his. That scene watching them hunger to taste each other’s lips was making me blush and hot. It was as if the temperature of the night had risen around me. “Oh, look at that! Roman’s future son-in-law has found himself a mistress.” “So, it is true that he has a thing for Witches.” “Wait till Roman finds out about this affair.” And those words had unexpectedly crushed my heart as I realised the hot guy who was openly flirting with that woman was none other than my fiancé! Logan Charming. Oh, Goddess! I was right! I really should have punched his face hard. I was about to vent my anger and scold loudly at his face but my steps froze then moment he suddenly stopped and turned to meet my gaze. Those jewel-like blue eyes lit up instantly as if he recognised who I was. And then I felt a surge of strange heat burning down my spine. I had no idea what happened to me. And my legs were carrying me away from the bar door before I could utter any word. I finally got my breath back as I fled out of his sight. what the h*ll was that strange feeling just now? Why was my heart wrapped in an inexplicable sourness when I recalled the image of him kissing another woman? I meant we've never met, there's no way I could have feelings for him. Even if he was an invincibly handsome guy, it wouldn't disprove the fact that he was an *sshole. I have to cancel this marriage! “Yes, I have to tell Father that Logan Charming is a sl*tty bast*rd. There must be other ways to end the war.” I repeatedly said that in my head, like chanting some prayers. I was soon blocked by Uncle Theo, “You need to come with me. Now. No questions.” “I don’t want to go anywhere except for home.” I requested, but my voice somehow cracked. “Aurora, what happened? You look.. not yourself.” Julia knew me well. She handed me a handkerchief to wipe my tears, “Did someone hurt you? Are you crying?” “No! I’m not crying.” I replied, trying to make myself sound fine. Crying for Logan Charming? Kidding me? I'm not going to shed a tear for that kind of scum! “Both of you, come with me.” Uncle Theo waved to two other men to stand behind us, making sure we followed them to the car. “To the safe house,” he turned to look at Julia and me, with a serious look on his face, “Stay in the safe house. No matter what, do not leave that place. You got that?” I sensed something was wrong, but he didn't give me any chance to ask questions. He left us behind with the two guards who clearly were not interested in us asking questions. As I sat in the back seat of the limousine, I looked out of the heavily tinted windows and saw Logan Charming running towards our moving car. “What does that i***t want from me?” "Aurora, what's wrong? You haven't looked well since you came out of the bar...” Julia looked at me with worry, “Have you met with Prince Charming?” I wanted to comfort her that I was fine but I somehow couldn't make a word. My heart felt like being squeezed so tightly by a big hand that I couldn't even breathe smoothly, especially when the scene Logan lingered on the blonde woman's lips came back to me. Suddenly, the car that had been driving normally was forced to stop as if it had encountered some obstacle, and my forehead hit the back of the seat so hard that I couldn't call out the pain in time to see the figures past by the car window. Then, from the driver's side stretched in with a grayish-white claw! Without a blink, it broke the neck of the driver and the smell of blood immediately filled the entire cabin- Oh, my Goddess! What happened?
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