Chapter 4

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ARIANNA POV I feel so proud of myself right now. The moment I walked out of that Alpha guy, I felt so good. Standing up for myself isn't so hard after all. Now that I know this, I will never allow anyone to pick on me. Not even some alpha werewolf. But first I need to find out the real identify of the people living in l this place. If that guy is an alpha, then that means that almost every one here is a werewolf. Wow this is freaking insane. I'm sure if I tell this to Ace he might lose it. But he might believe me at the same time till he sees it for himself. Right now I have seen that werewolves are real and they have mates, I will love to know if they really shift? Do they have extraordinary powers like fast speed, sharp hearing and sharp eye sight? In the books I have read, the writer always described them that way so I will like to know if it's really real. Also I don't mind seeing them shift. I will be mind blown but I think I might faint after because it doesn't feel so unreal. I heard the bell ringing. I waited for the other students to enter their classes because I can't let them see me looking so messed up. I didn't look so good at all. That Alpha guy and his minions just had to ruin my first day in school. After I was sure the coast was clear, I ran straight to the restroom. I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw how I looked in the mirror. I was a complete mess. My hair was white and also sticky from the egg. My clothes were bad too. It will definitely take forever to get rid of the dirt. I can only get rid of it by washing my clothes but I can't do that here in this school. I don't have a spare to wear. I let out a sigh and bend to turn on the tap. I used the water to first brush my clothes. It's will be better to reduce the dirt even though it won't go completely. I then washed my hair with the hand soap I found. I just hope I won't be punished for using the soap because I really used alot. My hair was wet and it was dripping water on the floor but there was nothing I could do about it because I didn't have any towel to use. I opened the door small and peeked to see if there was someone but I luckily didn't see anyone. I walked out of the bathroom and began to debate with my self on where to go to next. I can't go to the class in this state. It will be a very bad idea because it's my first day and my first impression is more than important. I was still debating and walking when I passed a door. I stopped and moved back again to read the headline on the door. Library. An idea bulb turned on in my head. It was better to hid in the library. Am sure no one will notice my presence there. I walked in and stood at the door with my mouth opened. This library is so full with shelves and books. It was so large in here and empty. I will definitely enjoy coming here constantly because I love reading books. I looked at the desk in front and noticed the Librarian was giving me some kind of look. I gave her a little smile because I knew why she was staring at me like that. I didn't look like someone who should be here. But I can't leave so she has to be patient with me. I walked around observing the types of books. Most of them was on academics then some were fiction books. I picked a novel that had had an attractive title and then began to look for a spot that was better for me to read. I found a secluded spot which was nice for me. I sat down and began to read my book. I was just in the third page when I heard a weird sound. I stopped reading and listened again but I didn't hear anything. I continued reading then I heard the same sound again. I listened again and this time I heard it. It was like a snore. I closed my book and moved behind a shelf and I almost jumped when I saw someone sitting on the floor with his head down. This dude was sleeping in the library. But is it right to sleep here? Besides his snore will make him get caught by the librarian. Should I wake him up or just let him be? No, it's not my business. I don't know him and he doesn't know me so I better just leave him and mind my own business. He let out a loud snore again which was louder than the last one. The way he kept his head is contributing to the way his snoring. He needs to rest his head well. Maybe I should just help him with it and just leave him. If I don't help him there is no way I will concentrate on my novel. I'm only helping him because I wanted to read my novel well without disturbance. I knelt down and slowly held his head and tried to turn it. I felt two hands hold my hands tightly then before this dude raise his head, he let out a growl. “Can you give me a valid reason why you are touching me?” he asked in a very gentle voice. If not for his growl earlier, I would think he isn't angry but I know he is. “Sorry to disturb you but you were snoring so loud and you were disturbing me from reading. I noticed your head was not positioned well so I decided to help you adjust it. I didn't touch you with some bad motive.” I explained myself. He let go of my hands then he slowly raised his head and opened his eyes. He was a really hot and handsome guy. I couldn't take my eyes off his handsome face. His brown eyes kept staring at me before he smiled. Just his smile took my breath away but I quickly began to breath because who knows maybe his just a douchebag like that alpha guy. “You must be new here right?” he asked. “Yes.....” the sound I made was so horrifying like I had something stuck in my throat. I quickly coughed hoping my voice will come back. “Sorry I mean yes I am. How do you know?” I asked him. “The way you look. It's seems you went through the welcome ritual.” he said looking at me all over. I looked at myself then I remembered the state I was in presently. I quickly stood up. “Well please stop snoring so I can read well.” I said to him and quickly returned to where I left my book. I couldn't open it. I closed my eyes tightly feeling so embarrassed. Someone has just seen me like this. What if he makes fun of me? Or tells others about me? This is so bad. I didn't hear from him after some minutes so I continued reading my book. From no where, a pair of clothes laid on my desk. I turned behind and looked up only to see it was the snoring guy. I looked at the clothes then back at him wondering what the clothes are for. “I know you feel uncomfortable in your present clothes so change into this. At least it will help you.” he said. “Thank you but why are you being nice to me?” I asked him because no one has ever done this to me except my family and my ex best friend. So it's quite surprising. “Well I just wanted to say thank you for trying to help me earlier although I messed everything up.” he said smiling. I wasn't sure if I should collect this clothes but then I looked at the one I was wearing. It's better if I just change into the one he brought to save my face from embarrassment. At least I know he gave the clothes to me because I did something good to him. “Thank you so much.” I thanked him before picking the clothes and leaving the library. I went back to the bathroom and changed into the clothes. Although they were big for my smallish body, it was still okay wearing them than still wearing my clothes that are smelling of egg. I went back to the library only to see him sitting on my chair and he was reading my book. “What are you doing?” I asked him. “Am trying to read your book to see if it is nice.” he answered. “So what's your take on the novel?” I asked. “It's a good book. I am beginning to enjoy it. Please can I read with you?” he asked with a smile on his face. I would have refused but I can't not after seeing that breathtaking smile on his face. I sat down close to him and we began to read together. It was really nice and comfortable reading with him although his just a stranger. I enjoyed every bit of the story but before we could get to the middle page, the bell begin to ring. It's time to go home. “I guess we have to leave now but can we continue tomorrow because I really love reading with you.” he said. “Sure tomorrow is fine.. I also enjoyed doing this with you. I need to go home right now.” I said standing up and picking my bag. “Let me escort you home. I'm sure you might have some issues getting home by yourself since you are new here.” he offered. We walked to my house talking and laughing. He is so funny and full of life although he is so calm and gentle too. I got to know his name was Dean and when he asked me of my name, I told him. We automatically clicked and became friends. I got home safely thanks to him. I really had a stressful and eventful day but I can't help but feel so eager to see Dean tomorrow at school. I have gotten a new friend at last.
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