Chapter 2

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ARIANNA POV “Ella what is the meaning of this? Why are you here with him? Why are you both kissing each other? What is going on here? Can you please explain this to me?” I asked her. “Well it's exactly what you are seeing Arianna. Andrew here is my boyfriend.” she replied smiling. “YOUR WHAT? HOW? WHEN?” I asked feeling so confused. “We have been dating for a while now right babe?” she asked him. “Of course baby.” he answered and smiled at her. “Why didn't you tell me then that he was your boyfriend? You knew I liked him so much yet you didn't tell me you both were dating.” I said to her. “Why should I? I didn't want to break my poor friend's heart by telling her that I was dating her crush. Let's be realistic here Arianna, even if I wasn't dating him he won't want to be with you. That's why he accepted me first.” she said with a smirk on her face. Right now as I am looking at her, she doesn't look like the Ella that I know. She looks like an entire different person to me. “Ella how could you do this to me?” I asked her as my tears fell. “I did nothing to you Arianna. I'm not the reason you are such a late bloomer. So please let me be. And you should be grateful that I was your friend after everything that has happened.” she said. I don't think I can listen to all this again. I need to leave here. I'm feeling suffocated. I began to walk stumbling on my way out. As I passed people, I could hear them laughing at me. It was making my ears to ring. I knew I looked so miserable right now but they are making everything to be worst. I needed air. I rushed outside. Although I was outside, I was still finding it hard to breathe. I sat on the floor and tried to focus but it was hard. Those who walked pass me didn't even bother to check on me. And they call themselves humans. I closed my eyes and focused hard and began to count slowly in my head. I began to calm down slowly. Finally I could breath but I was feeling so weak. This isn't my first panic attack that's why I knew what to do. I slowly stood up and walked home slowly. I didn't feel like taking any taxi home because I didn't want my parents to ask why I was back early. As I was walking home with a heavy heart, rain started to pour heavily on me. Today seems to really be a bad day for me. I didn't find shelter, I continued walking allowing the rain hit me. I began to think of how my own best friend betrayed me and my crush made me a laughing stock to everyone in school. I don't know how to face any of them again. I feel so heartbroken and depressed. Why do I have to go through all this? It's not my fault that I was born this way why can't they all accept the fact? It took me an hour to arrive my house. It was still raining and I was still crying. I opened the door slowly and prayed my parents were not in the living room. I didn't have any strength to answer any of their questions or talk to them. Luckily for me I met no one in the living room. I quickly rushed to my room and locked the door. I pulled off my dress and dumped it in my waste basket. Never will I ever wear it again. It brings so many bad memories. I went to the bathroom and took a hot bath still crying. It's like I couldn't stop. Even after I was done and I went to bed, I was still crying. I couldn't sleep even for a second. My mind won't stop replying what happened to me earlier. Morning came and I was still on my bed. I didn't want to go downstairs but then my mother came knocking at my door. If I stay here longer, they will know something was wrong with me so I told her I will be down soon. I almost scream in fear when I saw my face in the mirror. I looked nothing like me. My eyes were so red and puffy. I had dark circles. My face was pale, like it was so white, my nose was red and my lips purple. I looked like a freaking ghost. I quickly worked on my face by putting on a light makeup before I scare my family. After accessing my face and I saw I was okay, I left my room and joined my family in the dinning room. “Ari darling I didn't know when you came back yesterday. Hope you had fun?” my Mum asked as she placed my plate in front of me. “I did Mum. I was so tired that's why I didn't disturb you all.” I lied. “Are you okay? You look pale.” my Dad asked. “Yes I'm fine. It's just that the rain poured on me so I'm feeling feverish.” I lied again. “I will give you some medicine when you are done eating.” my Mum said. I wish I could ask her if there's any drug that can make me forget everything that happened last night. It's a good thing today is Sunday but sadly tomorrow is Monday. I don't want to go back to that school. I can't face everyone. I wish I can just drop out. Maybe I should ask my parents what has been happening to me maybe they will accept to change my school for me. It seems like a good idea. “Mum, Dad I have something to tell you.” I said to them. “We also have something to tell you too. But go first.” My dad said. “No you can go first Dad. Mine isn't so serious.” I wasn't confident to tell them now. “Alright kids sorry to announce this to you all but we will be moving out of the town tomorrow.” he announced. “Why Dad?” Ace asked first. “A friend of your Dad called him last night when Ari went for her prom party and he said he got a fitting job for your Dad which pays more than his current job. So we decided to take the offer.” my Mum explained. “Oh okay.” Ace said. “Ari why are you so quiet? Are you not happy that we are moving or you don't want to leave here?” my Dad asked. Right now I'm over the moon hearing this news from him. This is exactly what I need right now. To finally leave here. At least it's better than dropping out. I won't get to see my classmates again. “Dad am super happy. Infact I'm going to start packing right away. This is the best news ever.” I said as I stood up and ran to my room. But I didn't miss what my mother said as they all laughed. “At least someone is happy to leave.” We had a really long and stressful day packing all our stuffs. We were done packing when it's was pass ten in the night. After eating, we all slept together in our parents room. Morning came and we were all set to leave. Dad hired a truck to pack our things. While he will drive us to the place. We stood in front of our house. This was our first home together. We will definitely miss all the memories we shared here together for years. “Can you all stop acting like someone died? Remember we are going to a good place so let's all be happy and not sad.” Ace said. “His right ladies. Let's get going now because we have a long journey ahead of us.” my Dad announced. When he said long journey, I thought he meant maybe five or six hours but I was expecting we were going to be on the road for fourteen freaking hours. It was the longest journey I have ever had. Although I was happy it was so far from my old house. At least no one will ever find me here. And really I think I will love it here. Every where was so beautiful and green. Green in the sense that there was forest and trees everywhere. Our house was beautiful too and bigger than the old house. But something is missing. “Dad why isn't there any neighbors here?” I asked my Dad. “Our neighbours are behind us. It's because the trees covered our house from them that's why you can't see them. At least we have our own privacy here so it's nice right?” he asked. Well he was right. Our privacy is perfect. “Mark I love this house so much. I finally have a bigger kitchen.” my Mum said getting his attention. I left them to talk as I went to my own room. It was so beautiful and bigger than my old room. Whatever happens I will make sure I'm happy here. I will forget about everything that's happened in my old town. I just hope everything will be different here. I arranged my room to how I wanted it to be before going downstairs. We had dinner and all went to bed. I couldn't sleep at first because my mind was clouded with so many thoughts. Dad informed me to get ready for school tomorrow. I am scared to go to the school because I don't know if it's going to be desame as my former school. I just hope it won't be. Just when I was about to sleep, I thought I heard a howl. Maybe our neighbors behind had dogs here I thought before sleeping. “Ari time for school or else you will be late and you know you shouldn't be late on your first day.” I opened my eyes when I heard my mother's voice. “Good you are awake. Now stand up and go take a bath. Your Dad and brother are almost ready.” she said before walking out of my room. I left my bed and took my bath then picked an outfit for the day. I got ready and went downstairs. We had breakfast talking and laughing happily. I totally forgot about everything when I was with my family. After breakfast, Dad was going to drop Ace and I at school. He dropped Ace first before dropping me off. The school was a bit far from my house but I can still trek home if I want to. “Queen you will be fine here right?” my Dad asked. He was the one who gave me the middle name, Queen and he always use it. I am his baby girl after all. “Yes I will be. Don't worry about me Dad. I have to get going now. Can't be late on my first day. Love you Dad.” I kissed his cheeks. “Love you too Queen.” he smiled. I got down from the car and waved him bye with a smile on my face. Immediately he left, my smile fell. I was so nervous. I walked passed the new faces I was seeing. I noticed everyone was looking at me strangely. I decided not to mind them. I can't have another panic attack here. I looked for the adviser's office and got my timetable and class number from the teacher there. It wasn't hard locating my class. Some students were already inside so I went through the back door and sat down on the empty seat behind. I will start by avoiding everyone first. The first three hours was peaceful. No one approached me or did anything to me. It was time for break. I didn't know where the cafeteria was so I asked a student where it was and was directed. As I was walking to where I was told it was, I noticed it was far. I kept on going then I noticed something was wrong. I was in a place that was empty only empty buildings were around and they seems abandoned. I was tricked. I turned to go back when I saw some students behind me. I let out a sigh and wanted to ask for directions back to my class. I was about to speak when someone interrupted me. “Hey you human what are you doing in our school? This is not a place for you.” I got confused to why the guy called me human and what does he mean this isn't a place for me? “Sorry I don't understand you. I was transferred here.” I explained. “Oh you were transferred here. Alright we will welcome you just how we welcome visitors.” the same guy said. They began to pour water on me wetting my hair and dress. Some one poured flour on me and then they began to throw eggs on me. I bit my lips as I was forcing myself not to cry. This shouldn't be happening to me. I thought everything was going to be different but I was so wrong. Very wrong. “Stop it, alpha is coming.” I heard someone say. Alpha? Wait is that someone's name? I thought Alpha is the title of a werewolf leader. Who gave his child such name? His parents must have read plenty werewolf novels like me. I am a fan of werewolf. I knew they weren't real but I sometimes imagine I could find my own mate who would love only me. But it's all fantasy. It's never real. They finally stopped throwing eggs on me. I couldn't lift my head up. Everywhere became silent then I heard it. Strong footsteps that was ground shaking. Whoever was coming must be a giant. Now I get why he was named alpha because all alphas are described as strong and huge. I have never read any book that described an alpha as short or weak. I felt a very strong aura coming my way. I couldn't help but wonder who this person is. “Human rise your head.” I heard a deep voice that made my legs so weak. Who is the guy and what's with this people calling me human for goodness sake. I raised my head and I was struck by the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. The person in front of me was so tall but not a giant. He was so handsome and the way he packed his black hair in a ponytail was really a sight to see. My heart which I thought was numb after Andrew began to race fast. Why am I feeling this way for a total stranger who looks like the direct opposite of my ideal man. I can tell that his was a bad boy. Like this boys I read about in books. He was wearing a leather jacket just like every bad boy and he had a no smiling look on his face. Definitely a bad boy. But I must confess I can't stop looking at him. His eyes especially was pulling me in. I began to notice something which scared me. His blue eyes turned gold in my very eyes. If I wasn't looking at his face closely, I would have thought he put on a coloured lens. “WHAT THE f**k. NO WAY WILL THIS THING BE MY MATE. SHE'S JUST A CHILD.” he growled angrily scaring the hell out of me. Did I just hear him say mate? No Arianna don't think about fictional characters that aren't really. Only werewolves have mate and they are not real. “What if they are? I mean the signs are there, his eyes changing, his growl, the words he speaks.” my inner self said. I wanted to badly ask him if my doubts were right but I couldn't speak. “Alpha is she your mate? She can't be our future Luna right?” one of those students asked looking at me with disgust. This guy just mentioned Luna. In the books I have read Luna is the female leader of a pack who is mated to an alpha. My eyes became larger when I finally got the answer. They were indeed werewolves and this dude is supposed to be my mate but clearly he doesn't want me. I knew that the next thing he would do is to reject me just like I have read in books. But no I'm not ready to let that happen again. I won't let him humiliate me like Andrew did. I need to stand up for myself and not allow the past happen again. I looked into those beautiful gold eyes and said. “I ARIANNA QUEEN MATTEO REJECT YOU AS MY MATE.” Then I walked out of him.
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