Chapter 1

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ARIANNA POV “You can do it Arianna. It's just so simple, walk to him and give him the box that's all. I'm very sure his going to love your gift and he will accept your feelings. Just go with your head up high. Don't be shy or intimidated.” Ella said to me. I looked at her as I adjusted my glasses to sit on the nose well. I can do this as my best friend has said. I trust her the most because she's the only friend I have in this school. Ella is the only one who talks to me kindly and plays with me. The rest of my classmates find pleasure in bullying me. Why? Well let's just say am a late bloomer as my mum would say. I am just eighteen years old but yet I look like a ten years old child. My mates are already looking so mature and curvy all over while am just here flat all over and slim. I didn't know why I am born this way but I need to mature fast because I hate the way am being belittled. Just because of the way I look, my classmates at school decided to make life a living hell for me. They always make mockery of me for the way I look. I always dread to come to school each and every day. But I have no other choice but to come. My parents and elder brother are not aware of this. I just can't bring myself to telling them I was being bullied in school. I didn't want them to feel bad or sad. My parents will definitely feel so pained about the whole thing. But you see my elder brother Ace, he won't take it. He will definitely burn down my school in anger. Why he doesn't know about it is because he is in college while am in high school. Our schools are different. I'm sure if he was in my school, no one will dare to touch me. Well back to the present. I am about to confess my feelings to my long time crush Andrew in his prom night. He is actually my senior and his about to graduate. Ella thought it will be best to confess my feelings to him on this day. I have never had a boyfriend in my life because no one wants to date me instead they bully me. But Andrew is different. He is the only boy except my brother who doesn't have any problem with the way I look. I still cannot forget the first day when we met. I was running an errand for the head cheerleader who loves to treat me like I was her errand girl. I was literally running because she gave me five minutes when the distance was longer than the time she gave me. And if I failed to get there on time, I will be punished. As I was running on the stairs, I tripped and almost fell and hit my head on the stairs but then Andrew saved me. The moment I opened my eyes and saw him, I fell in love with him. It was love at first sight for me. Not only is he tall but his so handsome and he has a very lovely smile. His smile. Sigh. He was the only one who has smiled at me without hurting me. Others smile happily when they hurt me but he is so different. After that day, we do cross parts once in a while and anytime he sees me, he would smile at me and even wave at me. Only if he knows what he was doing to my poor heart. I talked to Ella about him every single day that passed with so much excitement. She was happy for me because I was in love. She then adviced me to tell him how I feel about him. Who knows, maybe he was also in love with me but was shy to tell me, so she said. I felt my face turn red as a thought of me him going on dates, wearing matching outfits and having all the fun stuffs couples do which I have seen and watched on i********: crossed my mind. “From the look on your face and how red your face looks, I know who you are thinking about. Can you stop spacing out on me Arianna and let's get going since everything is ready. Let's not waste any more time.” Ella said bring me out of my thoughts. “Yes ma'am.” I salute. “Now let's get you ready. Sit let me do your makeup for you.” she pushed me to the chair before bringing out her makeup bag. I closed my eyes and allowed her to do her magic. After she was done, I wore the gown we bought specially for this occasion. It was a small cute baby blue gown that looks really nice on me. I got to know that his favorite color was blue that's why I wore it to add to my points. Wink. “I look so amazing. Thanks Ella. I love the make up and the hair.” I said smiling at my best friend. “You are fine Arianna. I'm just so happy you are now a grown up. You about to get yourself a boyfriend. I'm so proud of you my darling friend.” I blushed when she said the boyfriend part. “I need to quickly dress up and do my makeup at home. You can go without me. I will join you shortly there.” she said as she packed her makeup kits. “I thought we were going together?” I pout. “I am not ready Arianna and I can't keep you waiting. You need to go first and remember you got this baby girl.” she said showing me her fist for strength. I let out a sigh because I can't change her mind and I also can't wait to see Andrew. “Alright but please hurry up and come to the party fast.” I said to her. “Of course I will be there before you know it. I can't miss the whole thing.” she smiled. With a sad heart I watched her leave. I picked my gift box and placed a magic kiss on it hoping it brings me luck. I picked my phone and purse then left the room. I walked down to see my family were already waiting for me downstairs. “Wow Sam look at our Queen. You look so beautiful Ari. You are so grown up going to your first prom.” my Dad said smiling at me. “She is my daughter Mark so of course she has to look so beautiful she got all the good looks from me.” my Mum said to dad. I had my Mum's brown hair and brown eyes while Ace looks just like Dad only that he has Mum's brown eyes too. “I don't know what you are seeing that is beautiful in her Dad. I only see a clown. Why will you paint your face? And why is your legs showing in that dress? Can't you wear something longer or even wear pants? I mean no one will care.” Ace said frowning. And there is my over protective brother everyone. He isn't in a good mood because he was told that he couldn't come with me. If he comes with me, I won't be able to talk to Andrew because Ace will be glued to me and he won't let any male come close to me. So it's better he stays at home. It's a good thing Mum and Dad agrees with me on this. “Shut up Ace. Don't say that to your sister. She looks so beautiful so you better admit it. My child doesn't look like a clown you idiot.” Mum said glaring at him. Ace quickly gulped in fear. He knows better than to upset Mum or he will get it from her. “Ari darling you can go so you won't be late. You better have so many fun okay.” Mum said to me smiling. “Yes Mum I will do just that.” I replied her blushing. “Ahh one more thing, don't get too drunk and follow any guy to a dark room. You are still young to have sex.” Dad warned. “DAD!!!!!” I shouted not believing my ears. “Ari start going before you get late. Bye darling.” Mum said saving my ass from her husband. I quickly left the house and stopped a taxi. I got to the venue in time. I entered looking so small. The bouncers almost didn't allow me to enter not until I showed them my identity card. When they confirmed my age, they let me enter. I began to look for Andrew everywhere. I wanted to see him before the event begins. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw him talking to his friends. I began to wave so he will notice me. I didn't want to go there and just call him. It will be so embarrassing and I didn't want all eyes on me. I smiled when he noticed my hand and looked at me. I made a gesture for him to come with me. I wanted to jump for joy when I saw him excusing himself and walking to me. Woah he looks so hot in his white tuxedo. His blonde hair was gelled to the back. He looked so handsome. “Hello there. How are you? Good to see you.” he said smiling at me. Ohh that killer smile. “Thank you so much. Sorry but I have something for you. Can we erm talk outside if you don't mind?” I asked him as I felt my heart beating so fast. I just hope I don't faint before I confess my feelings to him. “Sure let's go.” he smiled again. We walked to the back where it was quiet and no one was around. “So what do you have for me?” he asked. I looked down and stretched the box to him. He slowly collected it and unwrapped it. I began to play with the grass with my shoe. There's no way I can keep calm. I can literally hear how fast my heart is beating. He opened the box and saw the cookies I packed for him. I cut them in cute sizes and put my all in designing them. He picked the two tickets I bought for him and I to watch his favourite band performing in their upcoming concert. It was expensive and not easy to get them but I was determined to get it for him. I was so happy when I saw him smiling as he read the tickets which I bought. Then lastly he picked my letter. He opened it and began to read the contents inside. He folded it and dropped in back into the box. “Well I will first say thank you for putting all this for me. That's really sweet of you. I will accept them.” he said. I smiled and almost jumped for joy. Him accepting everything literally means his also accepting my love for him. That means we are now dating. “But I'm sorry the only thing I can't accept is your letter.” he added. Wait a second. What? “What do you mean?” I asked him with my voice shaking. Tears were already gathering in my eyes waiting for the time to fall. “I mean I can't date you Arianna.” he said breaking my heart into different pieces. “Why? Why can't you date me?” I asked him. “Do you have to ask that question. It's so obvious why. I mean look at you, you are not even close to my type. I can never date you. I can never fall in love with you. Besides I have a girlfriend already who I love so much.” His words broke my soul. I never knew he would say such a thing to me. So his smile and all were all a lie. “Well thanks for the cookies and for the tickets. I will definitely use it with my girlfriend. Excuse me now I need to go back inside.” he said leaving me standing there. I couldn't think of anything. My mind was so blank. I still can't believe this is really happening. “No Arianna don't allow it get to you now. There are people around. You need to be strong for now. Just enjoy the prom and then after that you can go home and cry” I said to myself. I raised my head up so the tears doesn't fall. I need to act strong although I'm not. I composed my self like nothing happened. I went back to join the others. When I entered, I saw everyone were looking at me weirdly. Some would talk and laugh while staring at me. I began to feel conscious of myself. Is there something on my face? Or did I spoil my makeup? I wondered. I began to look for Ella. Maybe if she's next to me I will be better. As I was walking I bumped into the head cheerleader who was here too. “Oh Arianna I heard what happened to you. Oh my it's really a pity that you might stay for a long time before you ever get a boyfriend. If you need a shoulder to cry on you can use mine. Wait no way will I share my shoulder to you.” she said laughing. Wait what did she just say? What's happening here? “Why are you telling me this?” I asked her. “Because you are nothing but a foolish girl to think you want to snatch your friend's boyfriend. How dare you openly confess your feelings to Andrew? Look at yourself and tell me if you are a perfect match for someone like him. You aren't even close. You have no shame that you want to snatch him from his girlfriend who is a hundred times better than you.” she looked at me with disgust in her eyes. Wait a minute, he told everyone that I confessed to him. This is so bad. Why will he do this to me? Why will he drag my name like that? I need to find him right now. I walked around looking everywhere for him. I found him upstairs but he wasn't alone. He was talking to a girl wearing a red gown. Her back was facing me so I couldn't see her face. He bent to kiss her. I wanted to cry as I watched what was happening in front of me. Just as I was about leaving them to have their privacy, they stopped kissing and the girl turned. My heart fell when I saw who it was. “ELLA?”
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