Tara and Damon Kiss

1477 Words
Tara Pov “Hi,” I turn around to see alpha Damon, what a pleasant surprise, oh my this man never ceases to amaze me, how can he be this handsome, how did he know that I am at the waterfront, I like coming here to think “ I followed your scent, am sorry,” he apologizes. “Evening thought you went back to your pack,” I smile, I know some went back, the truth is I was a little disappointed “others have gone, I’ll join them after tomorrow,” I nod, am sure he still has some business with Eli, we stay silent, he’s looking at the bridge and I take my time to look at him, drinking him in, making sure I don't miss a thing, from his hair to his shoes. Strong jaw, high cheekbones, his amazing blonde hair looks so soft, I want to touch it so badly, my eyes roam to his brood chest, toned arms then down his lower parts, I swallow thickly, letting out a sigh, he'd feel so good within me, I go back to his face, he lips look soft too, I want them on mine. “You're staring,” he says looking at me now, I blush looking at my feet, he holds my chin making me look into his mesmerizing eyes, he is silent, but a small amused smile plays on his lips, I want to know what he is thinking. “Am sorry about your father,” he says, I struggle a little to get out of his hold, gosh why did he bring it up l, I look away at the bridge, there are two lovers walking hand in hand. “I am over it, “ I answer trying to sound nonchalant. “No you're not, why is your wolf not here? why did you block her out?" he asks, seriously he wants to be my therapist too, I know what I did was selfish on my part but it hurt so much at the time, now I am so scared that I won't be able to connect with my wolf again, is she even there? I've tried so hard to reach her but nothing. “I'm leaving.” I turn to walk away but he gently grabs my wrist, pulling me to him, we are standing close, and I swallow, my eyes taking me to his “I am sorry," he softly caressing my cheek, his green eyes on me and, before I can register what’s happening, Damon's soft lips meet mine, I don't move for a while until he bits my lower lip gently, I smile against his lips and we start to move in sync, he slips his tongue in. This feels so right, why is he doing this? We aren’t even mates and why am I moving with him too. The kiss is passionate and gentle, my hand in his hair, his on my waist and squeezing my ass a little, he smiles against my lips but doesn't let go. Well, I don't care if it's wrong, I enjoy this till we part for air, but he still keeps his forehead on mine, this is the first time I’ve done this in months without remembering those dirty hands on me. “It's late, my brother is probably looking for me now,” I tell him fidgeting my fingers against his waist. “He’s at his company, I was there before I came here,” I look down, I don’t want to feel any kind of way for this man, my heart is beating out of my chest and I know he can hear it. I nod. “Let's go back,” he whispers. We start heading back holding hands, it’s silent but the good kind, I keep thinking about what happened minutes ago but then he suddenly stops looking around. And moments later we are surrounded by rogues “Well, look what we have here,” the tallest one of them with a nose ring says, he’s bold, They look so dirty, Damon moves me closer to me, holding me tight as he looks at the rogues calculatingly. “Why do alphas have to get the beautiful girls huh?” the second one adds with a frown on his face. “Don’t worry she will be our girl,” he says winking, I can see Damon shaking from anger “ leave or you die,” he orders in a calm voice, but they laugh I am not even very frightened, they are rogues while Damon and I are both Pureblood alphas even though I can’t shift, I can hold my own. “Five of us and one of you,” one of them says “hey!” I exclaim gesturing to myself “what about me?” I fake hurt He scoffs “girl, what will you do? Hit us with a stick?” he mocks “ouch but actually yes, “ I get a wooden stick, break it and lowly whistle, Damon looks at me for a while, I can’t decipher his expression. They run towards us and shift mid-air, one comes at me but I slide down into his legs and kick him in his paws, Damon shifts and he’s Killing them without breaking a sweat, this guy is a monster, a killing machine, I hit the one I was fighting against the tree and he shifts from the impact, whimpering in pain trying to get up, another one lunges at me, pinning me to the ground, this one didn’t shift like the others. I manage to kick him and he punches me back hard in my stomach, we fight for a little while but am faster, I get the sharp stick from the ground and stab him in his stomach, why couldn’t I just go for the kill like a normal wolf? Why didn't I just go for the heart and kill him like a normal wolf? “kill them,” Damon stands behind me, butt naked, damn he is all muscle. “Glad You’re enjoying the view love.” he smirks and I avoid his gaze “Now why didn’t you kill them?” I look down, I shake my head looking at my feet, the men are still grunting in pain, and the other holding the stick in his chest. “So weak,” one of them spat, why can't I?, Rogues killed my people, now they even tried to kill Damon and me. “I told you to leave while you still could not because I pity you, I didn’t want my…her to witness this again, “ I hate such sights, I always remember the day my father died, there were a lot of rogues around us. Damon gets a pair of shorts behind the tree, comes back, and holds the man's cheek harshly “Don’t confuse her inability to kill for weakness, “ he says as he swiftly snaps the rogue's neck, he gets up and goes to the one I stabbed, he’s bleeding profusely, he holds the stick up and pushes it a bit, he grunts in pain. “Not all are born killers,” he looks at me “she refrains from killing even people like you, it's quite... admirable, “ he looks at me a bit unsure and removes the stick, he howls in pain, Damon gets the very stick and stabs it in his heart, the man falls lifeless on the ground. He killed them just like that, without any remorse at all, his eyes so cold, People are right to fear him. He gets up and walks towards me but I back away, I am not scared of him then why do I repel him? He looks at me but doesn't say anything, he opens his mouth to speak but brother and his people come to us, I run to Eli, he assesses me before pulling me in a hug, typical Elijah. “ Tara, are you ok? Are you hurt?” Enoch asks concerned, I nod against my brother's chest, I pull away from Eli. “Am fine," I murmur. Damon is looking at me with a blank face. “Damon," my brother nods towards him “ sorry, we took long but we went to the border, they were two groups, Am sorry,” “It's ok Elijah, we are fine and Tara can defend herself fine too,” he looks at me, my brother nods with a smile and we head back home while some of our warriors remain to dispose of the bodies. I need some sleep if I will, I groan, the nightmares will hunt me today again, while in my thoughts, my bundle of happiness comes in. " Mommy?" I smile, I see him rubbing his eyes and go to carry him.
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