New Forest Wolf

2193 Words
Jack’s POV     We saw movement out in the rain. Walking towards the Manor was a woman in a dark green dress. The fabric was clinging to her growing belly indicating that she was Cameron’s pregnant mate. She was walking with her head down in submission in front of a Beta that was stalking right behind her. How was this Beta even out in the rain when we couldn’t be? There had to be magic at play here.     I heard Cameron growl out loudly in a threat to the rogue. You could feel the murderous tension that clung to the air on the porch of the Manor. Cameron was ready to kill that Beta and I don’t blame him.     “I’m going to need a pair of shorts,” Cameron says looking at an attendant.     What was he planning to do? Was he really going to go out there to get her? All I could do was stare at the female in wonder. I could tell she was a she-wolf not a witch. So how was she out there with that Beta?     The Beta that was walking behind her growled loudly at her and she stopped moving, frozen to the spot far away from us. Several of the Alphas around me growled back including Alex and Curt. I stayed silent while watching everything that was going on. Observe, then kill.     I witnessed a wicked grin climb Cameron’s mate's face as she looked up towards us. Her eyes started to glow bright green. Could it be possible? Was she possibly the Forest Wolf?     She dropped something to the ground that she was holding and in a flash she rounded on the Beta, shifting into her wolf as she moved. Her wolf was a pure white Alpha female. I was left with wide eyes and an open mouth as realization hit that the Forest Wolf was a female instead of a male this time around.     Within seconds she had pinned the Beta to the ground with no issues, one of her front paws on his head holding him down. Her teeth were bared as she growled out at him.    “What?” I heard Alex, Dean and Curt say at the same time.     These idiots. How could they not tell what she was? It was very obvious. At least it was very obvious for me.     The Beta had his eyes shut in fear and was shaking slightly. He slowly opened them to look up at Jamie’s wolf.    As soon as he did she loudly growled out, “SHIFT!”     All of us heard her wolf loud and clear. I looked over at Cameron to see him beaming with pride for his mate. How could they have kept her a secret? Where had she come from that she had been kept a secret?     The Beta did as she commanded. As he shifted to his human form, so did she. She was still wearing her dress from earlier. He was kneeling naked like any other wolf would be, with his head down. She had a fist full of his hair with an angry look plastered on her face. His face was covered in a grimace from her grip on his hair. Cameron threw her the shorts he had in his hand. She caught them with no problem and slapped the Beta in the face with them.    “Put these on,” she hissed out at him.     “Yes, My Queen,” the Beta said as she released his hair.     Even he recognized her for what she is. I watched as she snatched something up off the ground and started walking up towards us with the Beta at her side. He wasn’t fighting her and kept his eyes downcast as they approached. He knew that his life now belonged to her since she had bested him and hadn’t killed him.     “Is there an interrogation room or a cell we can put him in?” she asked.     “Yes, we can have a guard take him there,” Cameron told her.     A guard came and took the Beta to an interrogation room as all of us stood on the porch just observing her. I watched as she handed Cameron bracelets that were in her hand before she turned around and sat on the steps of the porch with her head in her hands. It was obvious that there was a lot going on and my curiosity was getting the best of me. What were they going through?     Cameron took a bracelet and put it on before handing Duncan three others. Duncan placed one on and offered the other two to Ivan and BJ. I wondered what was up with the bracelets. What importance did they have? And since when did Duncan hang out with Cameron, Ivan and BJ. Most of the time he talked with Dean and me or kept to himself.     Cameron sat on the steps with his mate between his legs. They talked while we all waited there for the rain to end. I listened in on the conversation and was left with questions. Who was after them and why? Why was she hiding?     They had secrets and I could tell that Cameron was hiding a lot from the council from when we were in the meeting. I remember him saying at the last meeting that he was having crop issues that he couldn't figure out. I’m guessing she figured out how to fix it. I hope she can help the rest of the packs with their crop issues.     We all stayed on the porch until the rain stopped. I watched as Cameron got up and then helped Jamie to stand. She turned to face the rest of us and I saw Alex nod at her. She nodded back but said nothing. How did he know her but not know what she is? All of us went back inside.     Almost everyone went to their rooms except for myself, Dean, Brian, Dave and their Lunas. We all stood outside the dining room talking over what had just happened. I needed information and they might have some answers.     “Do any of you know who Cameron’s mate is and where she came from?” I asked.     “She’s Duncan’s younger sister,” Dave told me.     “Why would they hide her?” I asked.    “Obviously something is going on with that family,” Dean says.     “It might have something to do with their oldest brother. Duncan isn’t even the oldest of the group,” Dave says.     “So their family just happened to have three Alpha children? How odd,” I say.     “There is one more sibling of theirs at Trinity Forest,” Dave says.     Our conversation is cut short by the dining room doors opening and us going inside for lunch. Dean and I sit at a table away from Dave, Brian and their Lunas. Curt and Nicky come into the dining hall and sit down as well. Alex soon comes in and sits with Curt and Nicky as always. Dean and I get up to go join them.     “So Nicky, what was it like getting saved by the Forest Wolf,” Dean asked with a smug smile.     “She’s too nice for my taste,” she says in almost a growl.     “Jamie is the sweetest she-wolf I have ever met. Then again she did break my nose after I grabbed her ass,” Alex said.     Our table erupted in laughter. Alex was such an i***t. The only person at our table that wasn’t laughing was Nicky, but she did smile. Such a sour puss.     “When the hell did that happen?” Curt asks.     “Over a year ago. Duncan was working on finding her mate,” Alex tells us.     “Well, he found him. Can we talk about something else?” Nicky asked.     Damn someone sounded jealous of another female but why? Maybe because she wasn’t the center of attention. She loved all of the attention on her.      “Alright, what do you want to talk about then?” Alex asked her.     “Nothing, I just don’t want to hear about Jamie,” she said with a mean look.     “Fine. Where do you guys think the silver rain came from? That was different. Not something I’ve ever seen before,” Curt says.     “Definitely witches,” I said.     “Why are they after the council though?” Dean asks.     We all shake our heads, not having an answer. I had a feeling that the witches weren’t after the Council. They were probably after Jamie and Cameron. Obviously, something had happened, putting them in a bad situation.     “Maybe they’re not after the Council at all. I think we need to ask Cameron what the hell is going on,” I say.     “Agreed,” Curt says.     “I could tell that he and Duncan were hiding something during the meeting. Then I learned that Cameron’s mate is Duncan’s younger sister. I think all of it revolves around her,” I say.     Everyone nods and Nicky scowls at me because the conversation came back to Jamie. f**k her. We could talk about what we wanted. This was important. It’s not like we were all talking about screwing her.     A few moments later our attention was caught by Cameron and Jamie coming into the dining hall and sitting at a table not far away from us. I look over to admire her for a moment. On sight you could tell that she held a high presence, just like my grandfather did.     Our table switched the subject of Cameron and Jamie to the silver rain and how once it stopped it became hardened silver. Weapons could probably be made from it. I looked out the window to see attendants with gloves and buckets gathering the deadly material from the ground and around the Manor.      Duncan, Ivan and BJ came into the dining room together and joined Cameron and Jamie at their table. I kept my attention on our table as the food was served. The dining hall was soon filled with small talk and the sound of forks and knives on plates as we all ate lunch. I was happy the normally pissy Nicky seemed quiet at the moment. Obviously, you can tell I really didn’t like her but I had no problem with Curt.     I looked up from my plate towards Curt to find him continuously looking towards Jamie and Cameron. I wonder if he was just that entranced with the power she exuded or if it might be something else. Nicky seemed to notice it and growled low in her throat where only our table could hear it. Curt quit looking over at their table after that and seemed to sit in his chair brooding. I watched their eyes glaze over as they ate and I knew they were in a mind-link conversation. I knew she was bitching about something.    Our meal had finished and an attendant came around to gather plates as we talked amongst our tables. Dave came over to talk with us for a moment. I knew our meeting wasn't over so he was there to tell us when the meeting would start back up. I was ready to find out what was really going on and finish this damn weekend.     “The meeting will resume as soon as y’all are done here. Luna Jamie will be joining us, obviously,” he tells us.    We all nod, not saying a word. It was smart to have her in the meeting considering she was also an Alpha and the Forest Goddess. Dave went over to the other table and he talked to them. Jamie nods in agreement that she will join us. I was happy we were about to learn a few things and get some answers to our questions.     “Well with that I’m off to hang out with the other Lunas,” Nicky says in irritation.     “Behave,” Curt warns her as she walks away.     She sneered at him and then rolled her eyes before walking off. Curt sat there and stared at Jamie even more before our table got up and headed back to the meeting room. He needed to stop or Cameron might get the wrong idea and start something. I imagined Cameron was very possessive of his mate like most Alphas are.     We all left the dining hall and went back to the meeting room. We were just waiting on Cameron and Jamie to join us. I stood next to Curt, Alex and Dean as we talked more in-depth about Cameron and Jamie now that Nicky wasn’t around.     “Why would he hide the fact that his mate is the first female Forest Wolf?” Dean asked.     “That’s a good question. The bigger question is why did Duncan hide her first?” Alex asked.     We nodded in agreement. He had a good point. Why were they hiding her? She had a destiny to fulfill and wolves to help. They were stopping that and it would eventually wear on her and our kind.
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