Alpha's Meeting

1716 Words
Jack’s POV     Cameron walked into the room holding Jamie's hand moments after our conversation ended. He dropped her hand and we all watched as he went to grab a chair for her as she stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the meeting room. She no longer had a smile on her face as it was now expressionless and her eyes started to glow bright green again as they had earlier. But she didn’t blink at all this time. I remember my grandfather’s eyes glowing that same green when I was younger, though her state was unlike any I had ever seen him in. I listened to Cameron say he had never seen her like that.     The room was still as we all watched her in silence. I glanced around the room as everyone was trying to figure out what was going on. Only she knew. Her expression changed to anger and hurt quickly. Whatever she was seeing she didn’t like. We all heard her growl deep in her throat and it vibrated the meeting room. All of us were alert to a possible threat we couldn’t see.     She nodded her head at an invisible person that was in the room with us. I looked in the direction she had been staring just to see nothing. That massively creeped me out. I would love to see what she’s seeing so this didn’t feel so odd.     Jamie left the spot she had been standing in and walked straight up to her brother who was staring at her in concern. His expression turned to panic as she took his head in her hands. His eyes lit up bright green like hers as he whimpered out in discomfort at what she was doing to him. Within mere seconds it was over and she released him letting his eyes go back to normal.     I had never witnessed anything like this at all with my grandfather. I was increasingly on edge as to what she was going to do. I mean she was a Goddess. She is very powerful and everyone in this room needed to realize that. She’s no mere she-wolf and nor is she mere Alpha. If she built up the energy, she could wipe out entire forests with the snap of her finger or make entire forests grow. It just depended on the mood she was in.      Jamie had let Duncan know there was some type of family issues going on that she was being made aware of. She was talking with someone, but who? Could it be a family member of hers or even the Moon Goddess?     Duncan took out his phone and stepped off to the side of the meeting room. I tore my attention away from Duncan to look back at Jamie along with everyone else. She turned to face the rest of us and then settled her attention on Alex.     I looked from her over to him and you could visibly see his unease. I looked back over to Jamie and saw Cameron not far away from her staring Alex down with a murderous look on his face. It didn’t get any better for Alex when Jamie walked up to him and got right in his personal space. You could hear Cameron growl in warning at Alex, but I’m sure he didn’t even notice it. He was consumed with fear over the small Goddess in his face.     She grabbed his suit jacket and pulled him down to her level with an angry look on her face. I have to admit that Cameron’s mate was quite beautiful and her anger just added to it.  Jamie growled again right in Alex’s face and the color drained from his face. Was she about to kill him for some reason?     In a guttural voice, she said, “you have to accept your mate and forget about your obsession with me. I belong to someone. If you don’t accept her and move on, you will be the death of all of us. If you hear a voice that promises to give me to you, don’t listen to it.”     Oh! Some s**t was happening there too. He was dead if he tried taking her from Cameron but there was more to that warning. What was with the voice she had warned him about?  Cameron came up behind his mate to further her warning to Alex. He took the hint and sat down in his chair while the rest of us watched Jamie. What else was about to happen?     Cameron moved back towards the chair he had grabbed for Jamie and was watching her like the rest of us, waiting for whatever was going on with her to be over so we could ask questions and get answers.     Out of nowhere, her expression was happy again and she said, “Eric.” Our whole group looked from her to Cameron. His face was red in anger and jealousy. I figured he was an over-possessive mate. Then again I might be that way too when I find my Luna. Goddess only knows what I will be like with her.     Jamie came out of whatever she was seeing and her eyes went back to normal. She acted as if nothing had just happened. She started walking towards Cameron, who didn’t look happy with her. She stopped while looking at him with a questioning look on her face.    “Who the hell is Eric?” He barks out at her.    I honestly felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. I didn’t like how he was interacting with her, but it wasn’t my place to step in. I only would if he tried to hurt her, but I didn’t see that happening.       “Our son,” she says, placing her hand on her small belly.    “Oh,” he said, calming down.     Well then. You could see he felt like an ass. At least she could put him in his place. It was obvious that she was seeing information about the past, the present and the future. The Moon Goddess must have needed to warn her about things.     She continued to walk towards Cameron and Duncan. As they stood there I listened in on the conversation between Duncan and Jamie. Apparently, their dad cheated on their mom while he was here one time. Dave came into the conversation apologizing that he never said anything. So the council knew about it. Not only that, a child was produced from the incident. What a reckless Alpha. I was happy that Duncan didn’t seem like his dad much.     We all took our seats to restart the meeting. Cameron pulled a chair out for Jamie between him and Duncan. I was fully invested in this meeting to see what she could do for the packs and what was really going on.     Alpha Brian caught Jamie up on the information about the meeting before the rogue attack, telling her of the crop issues that some of us are having. She stood up and moved over behind him and looked at his notes on his computer. After she looked over the notes she started to speak to everyone in the room, letting us know what she knew of what was really going on    “The crops are being killed by dark magic and the soil is being suppressed by it afterward so nothing will grow. It’s like it’s being poisoned continuously. When I became Luna at Hunter’s Moon, we had this issue. I fixed it after some time but at a cost.”    “Our older brother took her prisoner and his witches made a safeguard in case he was killed. He’s now dead but not dead,” Duncan says.     “How is that possible?” Curt asked.    “I killed him but his spirit keeps using other wolves as a host to stay here and cause problems,” Cameron answers.    “That’s who you have been hearing in your head talking to you, Alex. He’s trying to make you a host,” Jamie says looking at Alex.     There was strong magic going on here and all the packs were in danger because of Jamie and Duncan’s older brother. Why the f**k hadn’t Duncan asked for help from the council years ago when she turned eighteen? f*****g stupid.     “Back to the current situation at hand. Do you have a map showing where all the territories are?” she asked Brian.    “Yeah,” Brian showed her a map on his computer.     “Now which of these are having crop issues,” she asked.     “These five,” he points to his screen.     “If I were to visit the ones that aren’t having crop issues and push them to double their production, we could easily transport the food to the next pack. But I’m sure that’s what they want. They want us to push production and transport goods. Where’s the guard that fed Ben?” She asked.     You could tell she was a quick thinker and a massive problem solver. I was impressed with how smart she is. She was a huge asset for all the packs to have.     Cameron got the guard for her and the guard informed her that the rogue ate his lunch quickly. She concluded that they were starving and wanted our food to die too.     “So what options do we have? And why can’t they just grow their own food,” Ivan asks.     “They’ve been moving around too much to grow their own crops. They aren’t stable enough to grow anything and it would take them too long to grow food. Unless they had Jamie,” Cameron says.     “I have to be careful about the production and never transport on the same day. I have to at least try to help everyone though. Not trying is failing,” Jamie tells all of us.     The meeting ended with a plan to help the packs as we figured out how to deal with the threat. I needed to put my full support behind her and keep Jamie in close contact. I felt that it was only right that I help her as much as possible. She needed to be the Goddess she was born to be, not just some normal she-wolf.
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