Chapter 7 - Getting my Mate

1645 Words
Arman POV This is something I was not expecting. My sweet baby sister, Talia, is an Amethyst dragon…. According to my mother's information, she has a dragon named Amethyst, and the legend of the Amethisth Princess and the Emerald Dragon drilled inside my head. Dad and I stayed behind, and I closed the door to his office. “Father…” I stopped and he closed his eyes... “I know… I am behaving like your great-grandfather…” he said, and I nodded. The legend is much more a fairy tale as it is part of our family history. “You need to let them do as they please… that is the only way to change the story…” I said, and my father sighed… “I am not the only one who might interfere…” He said, and I nodded… “But now that you know… you can help…” I lifted my eyebrows and he nodded… “She will need us, all of us… and the only way to be close to her and able to help her, is to be open and control the inertia of this story…” I said and he nodded… “I am so sorry… something overcame me, and I felt helpless, even jealous of her leaving my side… It was a strong feeling and I stupidly acted on it…” Dad sat defeated on the couch, and I patted his shoulder… “Thankfully, you are reconsidering, and maybe asking for forgiveness… Tally loves you with all her heart. I am sure she will find it in herself to overlook that little hiccup of judgment on your end…” I said, and he nodded. "And maybe then, Mom is going to pull you out of the doghouse..." “Alright, I will go and talk to her… maybe by dinner we can have a good family time, Adam included…” He stood up and I nodded. I sat quietly on the chair… I closed my eyes and rested my head back… Ava walked into the office and sat on my lap… “You seemed worried…” She said, and I opened my eyes, relishing my mate's embrace… “I am…” I said, and she rested her head on my shoulder… “You know you can talk to me…” She softly encouraged me to share the burden. I wrapped my hands around her… “There is an old-wives tale… part of Dragon's folklore, but a true story of my ancestors,” I paused, the story was one passed around generation to generation… it was almost a bedtime story, like Sleeping Beauty or Hansel and Gretel… “The Amethyst Princess and the Emerald Dragon…” I paused and Ava looked at me intently… She was giving me time to get my bearings and to try to convey my story. “And when Mom said Talia is an Amethyst, I felt it deep in my soul… she is deeply linked to that story, a tragic story… after all, the story is about my great-grandfather and my grandfather's sister…” I sighed, and she could feel my concern and fear for my lovely sister. “And?” She asked… “An Amethyst dragon is a very rare one, one that has magical powers and one that is sought out through generations. The fact that she is one places a huge target behind her back…” I said and she closed her eyes… “It is never easy… right?” She mumbled and I nodded… “No, it never is…” I replied, and with her wrapped around my waist I walked towards the big bookcase of the studio and pulled out an old book… “You can read the story firsthand…” I handed Ava the book that contained the legend, and she nodded. “I don't know, but I don't like the fact that my sister is the Amethyst Princess…” I grumbled, and she wrapped her arms round me, holding the book against my back. A silent reminder of the weight of the legend… “Arman, the good thing about having the legend beforehand is that we can help her change her destiny… the outcome… When you know in advance, when you have a glimpse of the future… it is easy to do things to change it…” Ava said wisely, giving me hope…. Adam POV Roger picked me up, and I climbed into his car and slammed the door. I was furious, but I couldn't provoke the former king's anger, not more than that he was already being stubborn and a f*****g prick. What the f**k? He tried to separate me from my fated mate… “Easy, the car is not to blame, Brother…” Roger said, and I growled… Yes, Emeril was on the surface, and I dared growl to one of my best friends. He raised his hands in defeat. After all, he was only a human and would be toast in mere seconds if Emeril took control. “Take me home… I need to pack my s**t…” I said, huffing… “Roy is already helping there…” He said, and I gave him a silent nod. I was unable to say anything else, without losing my s**t to feeling guilty… I was being an asshole to them when they were just trying to help speed things up for me… After a minute, I sighed…. “I really appreciate all you are doing for me…” I mumbled and he nodded… “I can't say I understand, because as a human I don't feel the mate bond at all…” He shrugged his shoulders, and I closed my eyes. He was human, and yet, he didn't lose hope about finding that special soulmate he had been hearing about. “But, even as human, when someone tries to separate you from the woman you love… I understand the feeling of trying to burn everything to the ground…” He said and I slowly nodded. “When I woke up, and after I took a shower, he was there… and he was cool about everything… or at least it seemed like it… but today he just flipped the coin, a complete 180, and he wants us to follow some archaic dragon traditions…” I was livid, and Emeril was yelling in my head all sorts of bad ideas… Ideas like kidnapping our mate, stealing her and taking her to a night of passion, marking her as soon as we see her… and so on… one idea as disastrous as the next. “Emeril, calm down… we will figure it out… “ I said and he huffed…. “It is happening again…” He growled, and I squinted my eyebrows… “What is happening again?” I asked, and he closed the connection… There was something related to those disturbing dreams and memories and my dragon's silence that made me feel uneasy. We arrived at the cabin where I had been living for the last six to eight months. Roy was there cleaning the place up, and tidying my things around… “Hey, brother…” He greeted me and I gave him a bro-hug… “You had us all worried sick, Sleeping Beauty…” He chuckled, and I nodded… “I am not there yet, but I want to go back to work… soon…” I said and he chuckled… “I don't think King Arman would risk your neck…” He said, and I pinched the bridge of my nose… this is too f*****g much… First, the father is trying to keep me away from my mate, and then the brother will interfere with my career… “Hey… I am sure you will have some sort of job… maybe keeping the princess safe?” he chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. At this point, I strongly doubted it… The father was trying to keep us apart and away from making our bond official. “You are an i***t…” I laughed, and he wiggled his eyebrows… while Roger picked up a broom and started sweeping… “Am I expected to leave this place completely clean?” I mumbled, and Roger shook his head… “Nah, but I don't think you would like to bring your mate to a place full of dust…” He said, and I rolled my eyes… Having a moment with my mate, dust or not, seemed impossible at the time… “I am sure we will have to clean this f*****g place up in a year for that…” I said, and Roger scrunched his eyebrows… “Why a year?” He asked and Roy was kind to answer, “Because according to Dragon traditions… A royal mating and marking will happen once the yearly period of chaperoned courting is over, and only after the wedding and coronation ceremony has happened…” Roy said, and Roger chuckled… “Brutal!” He laughed and then sighed, “And so double standard….” He chuckled… “I am sure Arman was f*****g my sister way before the year-time period…” I rolled my eyes, but he was right… I took a deep breath… “I don't want to abuse your kindness… but…” I paused, walked into my closet and pulled out a duffle bag, and started tossing random items in it… They stood there looking at me confused, “I am off…” I said, taking the bag in my hand… and walked out of the cabin… “Where are you going?” Roger followed me, and I placed the bag on the ground and passed my feet through the handles… “I am going to get my f*****g mate…” I said and shifted to Emeril and flew away… Not f*****g Golden dragon, father or brother, is going to keep me away from her.
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