Chapter 2 - Kiss

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Talia POV I couldn't believe what my dragon was suggesting… Me? Kissing him? Is this a joke? I am certain Amethyst is going cray-cray because this is real life, not a dragon-inverted version of Sleeping Beauty! She could hear my thoughts and laughed… “You know you want to…” She said in a sing-song voice and I rolled my eyes… She was me after all, and yes, I wanted to. But I wanted him there, agreeing to have me as his… I didn't want a stolen kiss while he was unconscious. I paced the room feeling flushed and biting my thumbnail. I couldn't get the thought out of my mind, and, of course, Amethyst kept chanting inside my head… “Talia and Adam sitting on a tree... K. I. S. S. I. N. G…” She was such a nuisance, and such a bratty kid sometimes… I shivered, because if she was me, was I that obnoxious? Dagda helps us, if I behave like she is behaving currently… I paced and sat, and then all over around… What is a little peck on the lip? There is no harm in it, and no one will find it, right? The devilish nagging voice inside my head suggested. I was trying to do what was supposed to be the right thing… Why in the world was my own conscience and my dragon pushing me to do the opposite… I leaned closer and then walked back. “No, Talia…this is stupid!” I mumbled to myself. “But you want to… “Amethyst chanted, and I rolled my eyes, “Look at those lips! They look dry… maybe a little kiss will help moisture them… “Amethyst said, and when I focused on his lips, indeed they looked chapped… “Maybe we can count this kiss as a healing service… not as a pervert stealing kisses from a guy in a coma…” I bit my lower lip… “Do it…” Amethyst said, I leaned close to his face. His closed eyes were framed by a cascade of dark lashes… Damn! He is handsome… My heart was beating hard… I was close to his face, about to land my lips on his when the door busted open… “I am here to check his vitals…” The night-shift nurse said with a broad smile. She gave me a wink, and I blushed furiously… “He had something on his face…” I said, and she gave me a soft nod, and a f*****g knowing look… That would have been embarrassing… Fuck, Amethyst is making me do things I would not normally do… I am certifiably cray cray…. “I am going to get a coffee…” I said and rushed out of his room. f**k! That was embarrassing as it was, a minute later, and would have been f*****g unbearable… I made my way to the coffee machine. At that hour, that was the only source of coffee around. I have spent countless nights here… Adams' parents were notified, but due to his mom's health, they couldn't travel… so I took upon myself the duty of being next to him… Roger, Roy, and even Ava offered their help, and I appreciated the time they visited and kept me company, but I felt responsible… Adam was like this because he risked it all to rescue me. Was it duty? Oh! Dagda… I am such a stupid girl, of course… it was duty, but somehow deep inside me, it felt the other way around… I bought a cup of coffee and then headed towards the vending machine. There was a cold croissant section there, and I purchased one as well… I didn't eat a thing at the coronation and was starving. Was it hunger? Or f*****g butterflies? Because my head and my dragon were taking me places where I shouldn't be going… I saw the nurse walk back to her station, and silently I made my way back to his room. I drank my coffee and ate the croissant… maybe if I kept myself busy, my mind would not wander around the stupid and dangerous idea Amethyst had planted in my head… the dangerous thing was that my head and heart were in agreement… I finished my food, and then walked towards the bathroom… I had a full bag of clothes and a toiletry bag in there, that's how much time I have been spending here… I brushed my teeth and made my way to the small sofa, I decided to lay down and try to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, I started getting images, of another time, of different people... People suffering, people being tortured… it was a nightmare, and I jumped up, panting. I looked around. I was still in the hospital in his room… I slowly walked close to him and saw sweat beads covering his forehead. I took a dry cloth and removed it… And when I did that, something else happened… he trembled… “Adam?” I called out his name, but nothing… I caressed his hair, and I saw him tremble under my touch… “Kiss him…” Amethyst pressed, and this time every fiber in my body was in agreement… I slowly lowered my lips to his, and tasted the most amazing taste in this entire universe… The dangerous thing about this kiss was that I could become addicted to him in a heartbeat. I slowly moved my lips over his, and suddenly his lips danced on mine, with tenderness… His scent became intoxicating, addictive, mine… My eyes snapped open, and locked with his intense emerald eyes… his dragon was present. I wanted to run away, I felt so embarrassed, but before I could do that, he cupped my face with his hand. He was weak, and despite that he was holding me in place… “Mine…” he mumbled. “Mine” I softly confirmed, and it was as if the world had stopped. Adam, the guy I had a crush on for as long as I can remember, was my fated mate. His touch on my cheek, made my body come alight… After another chaste kiss… we started talking. I could tell how difficult it was for him… I stood up and gave him some water, then I called the nurse announcing he finally was up. Adam wanted me to lay down next to him, but I was still wearing my gown. After changing into silk pajamas, I tried to sit next to him, but he pulled me up his body. We talked for a while, when Dr. Stevens walked inside the room. Dr. Stevens was a good doctor, recommended by Darius. He was the best on his field. The downside? He was a total flirt, and he definitely made me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, he stood for long periods of time trying to talk to me, flirting, and one time he even tried to kiss me… I was caring for the man who held my heart, and it didn't matter to him. He even suggested he was out searching for something casual… I was a f*****g princess. I was anything but casual. I could see Adam's flash between his beautiful hazel and his emerald green. His dragon was not happy about the doctors attitude. Once he left, Adam wanted to sit and move around… I helped him, and when he asked to have a shower… Amethyst turned furious… “No f*****g nurse is going to touch him… every inch of him is mine... especially his groins!” She growled, and I blushed, is she f*****g crazy, why was she mentioning that area? Now, I can't stop thinking about it. Damn it! Adama noticed, and he asked me what had happened… when I explained that my dragon was pissed about the idea of some random woman helping or touching him, he chuckled, then in his sassy voice he said, “Why don't you help me?” I bit my lip… what should I do? Should I jump at the opportunity to help him? Seeing him naked? Touching him? Am I ready for that? Is he ready for that? He just woke up, he can't be horny, right? He is weak, and I am sure he is just suggesting it for the sake of my dragon… right? My brain was reeling around, and suddenly something came over me. I felt brave, and boldly replied, “I would love to help you…” What have I done?
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