Chapter 3 - Waking Up

1747 Words
Adam POV The spell hit me like a ton of bricks. I was flying in my dragon form when I felt a sharp pain inside my chest. At that moment, everything was a blur… I felt my body shift and turn into my human self, and then nothing… I should have died from the fall, but I was not dead. I feel in between. Several times I have felt someone calling out for me… and soothing healing magic removing the spell that had me in this limbo state. Suddenly, everything turned weird. My dragon, Emeril, looked different… I was an earth dragon, and my dragon has always had this musky green color, but now it was vibrant emerald green. Could it have been that the magic affected him in some way? I hope not. I closed my eyes, somehow I was aware of someone close to me. It was an intoxicating presence, one that my dragon felt elated to be close to, but one that he also felt needed to be rejected. It was confusing, and I had no idea why I felt that way. The only thing I know, for sure, is that somehow I need to go back… I am not dead, this is not the afterlife, but I am not conscious. This is no way of living, and I refuse to end like this, at least not without giving a fight. “You will live…” Emeril said and I sighed. He was there with me. We were two and one at the same time. I have heard of people struggling to contain or control their dragons, but not Emeril and I… we were always in synchrony. ”Do you know where we are?” I asked him. Somehow, our dragon counterparts have ancient knowledge… and maybe he knows something I don't. “Inside your mind… you need to be here a bit more…” Emeril said, and I squinted my eyebrows… “It is time for you to finally see…” He said, and with that, I got swallowed by a dark vortex. I felt as if I was falling into an abyss, and at the same time it was a weird floating sensation… “Don't be afraid, Adam… open your heart…” Emeril said, and I tried to relax. I heard a loud scream, and what I saw was something I was not expecting… Tears brimmed into my eyes, and cold sweat broke into my body. When Emeril told me it was time for me to see it… I was definitely not expecting that. “Emeril…” I gasped, trying to get my bearings… “Now, you know…” Emeril replied, and I was utterly confused… The images I saw were something out of a cruel nightmare, one that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I cried, the pain was too much… and when I opened my eyes, I was back in the place I was before… with Emeril staring into my eyes… “She is here...” He said, and suddenly a warm embrace filled up my body, pulling me back into the land of the living. I opened my eyes and the warm light inside the room blinded me… The warm and intoxicting scent of vanilla and cinnamon filled my senses… The warm feeling of a kiss spread around my weak body… Her green eyes shone and locked on mine. Emeril stared at her, and softly said inside my head, the word I had been waiting to hear in front of her: ´mate´ She gasped and blushed, and with a lot of effort I lifted my hand and cupped her cheek… “Mine…” I said, and that simple touch sent a rush of fire all over my body.. “Mine,” Her sweet voice filled my senses… I tried to lift my body, I wanted to kiss her, but my weak body prevented me from doing so… “How long was I out?” I croaked, She averted my eyes, I could see her wearing a gala dress, and despite her make-up and her natural beauty, she looked tired, spent, and sad… “About a month…” She said, and held my hand… “It felt like an hour…” I chuckled weakly, and she quickly moved away. I followed her with my eyes, and she took a cup, filled it with water, and placing a straw, drew it close to my lips, so I could drink some water. She then pressed a button close to my bed… and from a speaker, a voice asked what she needed?. “Hi, you might want to come and check on Adam… he is awake…” She said politely. Her humble and relaxed attitude was a far cry from other royal family members… Well, not one from her family, but the elves and vampires were nasty creatures to deal with. “I will call the doctor…” The nurse said, and she closed the communication system. She stood there, staring at me, with a shy demeanor, and biting her lower lip… “Come here…” I opened my arms… she looked at her body, and then she sighed… “I don't think I can do it… at least not wearing this gown…” She mumbled. I wanted to tell her that it didn't matter, that she could remove the f*****g gown for all I cared, but I was too tired, and too weak to joke about it. She walked away, and I felt her absence… Talia, the woman that I had loved secretly for the last year, the woman for whom I was willing to give my life for, turned out to be my mate. Dagda blessed me with this bond, and I am going to fight for it… She walked out, and I almost gasped, she was a true beauty. She was gorgeous dressed up in that gown, but the woman stepping out of that door was mesmerizing. Not a speck of make-up, her hair pulled up in a messy bun, and instead of that gown, she was wearing a silky top, and pants in lavender color. “I couldn't move from your side, so I brought a small bag…” She explained, and I opened my arms again… She gave me a soft smile, and slowly walked towards the bed… I was certain that she was walking normally, but in my eyes, it was the most sensual walk I had ever seen. She sat on the bed, facing me… but I pulled her in, pressing her body into mine, and wrapping my arms around her… I took a deep breath, inhaling her intoxicating scent… she shivered, and I wanted more, so much more… but I felt so weak… Suddenly, the door opened, and she tried to jump away from my embrace, but I held her in place… “Good evening, Adam…” A doctor wearing a white coat said with a bright smile… He was young and good-looking. He then turned to face Talia and winked her way. “Talia…” He winked, again, at her and I had to swallow a loud growl… “I am Dr. Stevens… Darius appointed me to be your primary caretaker… I am an expert in brain function and spells…” He said, and I nodded. If Darius trusted him with my care, I should too… The only thing I don't trust anyone with is the woman in my arms… She is mine… I might sound like an insecure, possessive bastard… but I didn't care… neither Emeril nor I gave a s**t… she is ours. “ Adam, you need to let her go… I need to check your vitals…” Dr. Stevens said, and I shook my head… I was being an unreasonable i***t, but I didn't care… It was when she leaned close to my ear and said, “The doctor needs to check up on you… the faster you heal, the faster we can go home…” She said, and those words were everything to me… She didn't say “you” can go home, she said “we”, that meant she was accepting me as her mate… I locked eyes with her, and mumbled, “Is that a promise?” “It is a fact…” She said, and I slowly nodded, allowing her to sit on a chair close to my bed. The doctor and nurses checked my vitals and did whatever they had to do… “Alright, Adam… you are weak, so you might need help to walk around, take a shower or go to the bathroom…” The doctor paused, “But you need to start moving around... I am going to have the nurse remove your IV, and we will keep you under observation for at least three more days…” He said and then continued, “I am going to ask them to bring you some food… that will also help you recover your strength faster…” “Thanks, doctor…” Talia said, and he nodded. “Now that he is up, you should rest, too…” He pointed out at her, and she blushed… “I will try…” She said, and with that the doctor left. A minute later, the nurse removed my IV and exited the room as well. “Come here, beautiful… “ I said, trying to sit on the bed, earning a dizzy spell. “Careful, you hear the doctor… you just woke up… Take it easy…” She said, helping me sit. I took a deep breath, and I could smell her intoxicating scent, my scent and something off… I lifted my arm, and indeed, that something else, was myself being washed by useless sponge baths for a month… “Do I have some clothes here?” I asked and she nodded. “Yeah, Roger brought a bag for you, just in case…” She said, “Alright, I need a shower…” I said, and she growled… covered her mouth and blushed, “What was that growl about?” I cupped her cheek… “The doctor said to ask for help, and…” She bit her lower lip and looked away, “And if you ask for a shower, a nurse will come…” she paused. Oh, my dearest mate, she was jealous of another woman helping me shower… I locked my eyes with hers, “Why don't you help me?”
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