Job Offer pt. 2

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**Enar's POV** What the f**k was I thinking?! I don't get close to women, I don't let them get close to me. Yet when I am around her, I feel like I am never close enough. Having her even centimeters away feels like a mile's distance. I want to touch her, to feel the softness of her hair and the warmth of her skin. How can I want these things with a woman that obviously has deep-seeded issues and a s**t ton of baggage and secrets? It killed me to walk away from her, when everything in me wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her home. Fighting my instincts was something I never had to do before, but then again, I never had instincts to have a woman like this before. It was primal, but also on some deeper level I did not even know existed within me. I felt the need to know her, protect her. Cherish her. The need to claim her as mine. Besides a good f**k, I never had a woman around, and even then it never went passed one night. Emotional attachments were avoided at all costs because I could never trust a woman with myself, so I was never available or open. But then here comes Adaline like a dump truck running me over and rearranging my insides, liquefying my brain to all thoughts and reason. I hated it and it thrilled me at the same time. This new feeling was in some ways thrilling. I have to know she is safe, to know that no matter what happens between us, that she never has any worries. She is a good person who has even gained the favor of my Nana Maye, I just know that no matter what I had to do, I had to protect her. I drove home with a plan in mind, and back up plans forming. I said I would not try to find out what she was running from and I meant it, but it wouldn't hurt to know about her current life. After calling my private investigator and giving her explicit instructions to not look for anything going back further than five years, I arrived home and headed straight to find my brother. He was not hard to locate, always with a woman, several at times, but this time in the hot tub outside. "Viggo." I laughed. "You were stupid enough to get Vanhorne to forge documents? Like I wouldn't notice! You can either go and get Nana Maye yourself, or you have Vanhorne forge new papers that put Nana Maye in charge of herself. You know damn well that woman will probably out live us both." My older brother rolled his eyes and waved me away with his hand. "I don't know why you want the old b***h around. She is just a burden." I saw red and stomped closer. The girls moved away when they saw how heated I was. I grabbed Viggo by his throat and squeezed. "You are the only burden here. f*****g up everything with no regard to how your decisions affect other people. Father must have been demented before he died because he was a damn fool for ever believing you could do something right! I want her home. Tomorrow." He nodded his head as much as he was able. He started to choke and cough once I released him, and I stalked away, heading to my office. It still baffles me how my brother came to be in charge. I turned on the computer and I already had an email from the PI. I used this private investigator often for this exact reason. She was impressingly fast and efficient. However, I was surprised to open the pdf and only find two whole papers about Adaline LaRue. A short job history, residence and nothing else. No relatives, or even close friends. "Who are you, Adaline LaRue?" I whispered to myself. I received another email from the PI asking if I was sure I did not want to look back further. I was tempted, always hungry for information, but I decided against it. No matter what is in her past, she is here now and she seems like a very good person. However, trust is not something I freely give out, so I'll have to keep her at a distance. For her sake and my own. After answering some business emails and setting up future meetings, I decided to have a quick work out in the home gym. I turned up the stereo, put on my playlist and started warming up with a run on the treadmill and then went straight into the weights. I have no idea how much time passed, but every time I thought I was done, I thought of Adaline and would need to keep going to distract myself. She was a siren, and completely different from what I usually go for. But I never go for my type either, because it is easier to stay emotionally detached that way. I fear that Adaline is my type. Tall, beautiful tan skin, though I love long hair, I actually think she is angelic with her short hair. Her chocolate brown eyes are so warm and just as captivating as her lips. Everything about her is pulling me in, but I have to stay away. I have to. Finally, after about two and a half hours, I leave the gym and go to my room for a shower. My mind has already come up with plans A, B, and C of how to get Nana Maye home... with Adaline. I dressed and decided I would go see Adaline and try to find a way to convince her to take the job offer. Family meant everything to me, and Nana Maye belonged at home. For unknown reasons, it felt like Adaline belonged here as well. With me. **Adaline's POV** I was able to catch a cab a few minutes after Enar left, but as I reached home, a lump swelled in my throat. Sitting on the steps of my building was none other than officer Jacob Cortez. His legs were bouncing up and down crazily as he looked up and down the streets. When I finally climbed out of the car, I saw him visibly relax but there was something I couldn't quite put my finger on, swimming in his eyes. "Adaline." He breathed. "I was so worried, you were supposed to be home like an hour ago. I thought something might have happened to you." "What are you doing here?!" "Adaline, I messed up. I'm so sorry." His eyes were flooded with anxiety and fear, and I knew what he said next would change my life. "I kept digging Adaline, and I- I raised some flags for some people. I was ordered to go to a meeting with my captain and a liaison from France tomorrow morning." My world came crashing down around me. How can everything fall apart so quickly? "Adaline? Adaline?" I felt his hands grab my shoulders softly and I pushed him away with a slight scream. "Don't touch me!" The tears streamed down my face and I had so much trouble breathing on my own. I needed to calm down, I needed to get away from here. "You've done enough, just stay away from me." I snapped and ran upstairs through the door of the building and straight into an elevator opening just in time. Once inside my apartment, I locked the door and sank to my knees and cried. It is only a matter of time before they come knocking on my door and dragging me back. How long did I really think that this was going to last? I have been running for twelve years, of course it was going to bite me in the ass. You can't outrun your demons forever, and I knew that it was time to face mine. Fear started to build and build, until I had fresh hot tears streaming down my face. I could do nothing but sit here and cry, and try to accept that my life is over. A knock on my door made me jump and I shouted, "Go away, Jacob!" "Adaline?" Enar's voice came from the other side. I swallowed hard and scrambled to my feet. When I opened the door, his eyes were wide and his face contorted to anger. "What happened? Who made you like this?" He walked forward into my apartment and closed the door. I haven't been alone with a man since- "Adaline, answer me." His voice was authoritative and a part of me longed for him to take it all away. "It's nothing. I can figure it out." I whispered, but I was lying and he knew it. I cleared my throat and started to compose myself, lifting the mask back up. "I'm fine." "Don't do that, Adaline. You're lying and I can see the mask harden. Tell me what happened." "No." His eyes narrowed and his nose flared in agitation. "Fine. Tell me how I can fix it." I scoffed and whispered, "Make me disappear." When he agreed, I thought I was hearing things. "What?" "I said 'okay'." He shrugged. "Gather your things, only what you cannot live without. Clothes and things can be replaced, it has to seem like you really did disappear if that is what you want." "Where will I go?" I cried. "I don't have enough money saved up, I have no family, I never got close enough to anyone to make friends-" "With me." Enar interrupted me. "You can come with me." Again there that feeling was. Safe, secure. I wanted to feel these things alone, not because of another person, but I needed to feel them now more than anything. "But you can't tell your job where you are going either. Lie. Tell them you have a family emergency and you have to go back home." "My roommate-" "Call her. Tell her the same. Tell her you can continue paying your part of the rent up until she can find a new roommate or another living accommodation." Enar had an answer for everything. He was quick at solving problems, but I still was not one hundred percent sure. "I know you don't trust me, but for now, just try. Let me help you disappear and if at anytime you want to leave, I'll help you go anywhere you want." "Why are you helping me?" I shook my head in disbelief. He smiled as he gently caressed my cheek, which I flinched from immediately, and he pulled away. "Because for some unknown reason I have a need to protect you." I looked into Enar's eyes and saw that there was no hint of him being dishonest. "So, I'm asking you to please let me do just that." Currently, I had no better options. It was wrong and I knew that one day I would regret it, but I nodded. Being on the run for so many years, I did not have any attachments or items that were sentimental. All I had was one picture of when life was simple and full of bliss. I tucked it away in my back pocket, packed some bathroom necessities, then gathered all my documents with anything that had Adaline LaRue and shredded them, then burned them. Enar watched me the whole time with curiosity, but said nothing. I sent a quick text to Dalia, crying even more because I felt like she was maybe my first real friend. Dalia, I'm sorry to do this but I have to leave. There is an emergency back home and I have to return. I can cover my part of the rent until you can find another roommate, or another living situation. I'll contact you soon. I'm so sorry, Dalia. I wish you the best and hope one day in the future our paths will cross again. I left my phone on the counter and turned to Enar. "Ready." I had a small bag with just a few of my favorite outfits and all of my jewelry, which still was not much. He opened the door for me and as I started to walk out, my phone began to ring. No doubt it was Dalia wanting to know more but she could never know the truth. It hurt my heart to ignore her call, but it would only make things worse because she would ask questions I would not have the answer to, and I didn't want to keep lying. With one last look at the first home I made for myself, I wiped away my tears and walked away. Everything still felt unreal. Just a little over a week ago, I was going to face him, face evil itself, but now, when it was going to happen, I was back at that house hiding in the closet. I don't think I will ever be brave enough to face him. I wanted to fight for my life here, and I would have if it was only him who came for me. But to hear that a liaison from France was coming, it would never be face to face. More like me in court being prosecuted. I know how it will look, how he will make it look. My only choice is to keep running until I can figure out something else. Enar drove to his place, and let me use a burner phone he had purchased along the way to call my manager. It was a short conversation, and it ended with me hanging up after Mr. Bernard started to rant about short notices and leaving him short-staffed. It was his own fault. We have been short-staffed for far too long because he refused to hire anyone else. Instead, he would just keep piling the work on me. I, however, felt horrible for the lovely people I was leaving behind. All of the guests I have gotten close to and could call my friends. Who will watch after them now? No one who will care as much as I do. "Can I ask you to do something for me?" I whispered, ashamed I was going to ask him for more when he was doing so much already. He nodded. "Can you find at least three great people who can take over the guests I was looking after? I can't imagine someone mistreating them." Enar smiled and nodded. "Of course. I'll have the whole place restaffed if that would make this all a little easier." My stress melted away little by little, but with that stress gone, new stress would settle in. He saw my concerns and he kept his hands to himself, but came closer. "Whenever you want me to solve every little worry you have, just ask." "You can't rewind time. If I could change one thing from the past, everything else would disappear." "But then you wouldn't be here with me today." He saw that I was slightly uncomfortable, so he changed the subject. "I am going to get Nana Maye in the morning. My brother has finally come to his senses." "On his own?" I asked. There was a mysterious look in his eyes that gave some, but not all away. "He was persuaded." We turned into a long drive-way that was lined on both sides with trees and beautiful flower bushes. Enar parked in front of the most beautiful house I had ever seen. Calling it a house would not do it justice, it was more like a mansion. I never dared dream that I would ever see something so magnificent, maybe only on the TV. Enar said nothing as I gawked out of the car window, too stunned to climb out of the car. Before I knew it, he had come around to open my door for me. He took my bag from my hand as I slowly climbed out of the passenger seat and gestured for me to follow. "Come, I'll show you your room." "My room?" I asked as he opened one of the huge doors. We stood in the foyer and I looked around me, still feeling like this was some kind of fantasy. "Would you rather share with me?" He flirted and I could not stop the heat from flooding into my cheeks as I looked away. "You will be staying on my side of the house, far away from my brother." I followed him as he walked towards the back to a hall on the right. "I'll introduce you to him another time, but for now please stay on this side." "What if I get hungry?" He opened a door in the hall and as we walked through another long hallway, a kitchen came into view. "We came in from the main entrance to the house, but my brother and I also have our own entrances to our sides. We each have our own garages, kitchens, and everything you would expect in a home. The only shared space we have is the yard, pool, and gym. Also, the main house, which is the big kitchen and the main living area." He led me through his part of the house, which was just like a house inside of a house. It was mind boggling. "Here is Nana Maye's room." He gestured to a door on my right before we went up the stairs. "My room is at the end of the hall on the right, yours is on the left." "There are no other rooms?" I asked, wondering if it was safe to be so close to him. "There are, but they are occupied. My office, Nana Maye's art room, and then a room I am using for storage." I swallowed hard again and he laughed. "Don't worry, Adaline. Respectfully, I would still like you to work for me as Nana Maye's caregiver. As an employee, I promise to be professional." Enar showed me around the room and my balcony, which, of course, is attached to his. But because he is hardly ever home, he never uses it. After telling me he will give me an advance on my first paycheck to buy whatever I need, he wishes me good night and leaves me alone to get settled. I look at the clock and see that it is already midnight, and I am completely drained mentally and emotionally. It has been a crazy day and I feel like I could sleep for days. After tying my hair up, I take a quick shower, dress in my nightgown, and I am out as my head hits the pillow. Again, my nightmares know no boundaries. This nightmare is different. It's not of the past abuse, of me running, it's when he finds me. Because this is the closest he has ever gotten and I know he will not give up now. It's like my mind is trying to figure out what will happen once I face him. I was awoken by rough hands shaking me, and I looked up to see a concerned Enar hovering over me. "Hey, you're safe. You're okay he's not coming to get you." I felt my heart race as the sweat ran down my arms, chest and face. Unshed tears burned in my eyes and I refused to let them fall. "I'm fine. I'm sorry, just go back to bed." I whispered, looking out at the moon, too ashamed to face him. Enar did not move. His hands stayed on my shoulders, squeezing me slightly. It started to hurt, but it didn't bother me. "You were screaming for me, Adaline. Screaming for me to save you from 'him'." I felt a knot in my throat, I didn't want to do this. To open up, or feel vulnerable with anyone. "Who is he and tell me how can I save you? What do you need me to do?" Something inside of me was awakened and I couldn't hold in all the anger that suddenly took over me. "I don't need to be saved. I am not some lost cause or a charity case. I can take care of myself!" I pushed at his chest, wanting him to leave me alone, but he was like a brick wall. "I don't need you to fix me!" Enar grabbed my wrists when I continued to hit his chest. With one hand, he held them behind me at my lower back. If I struggled, he squeezed tighter. I was not afraid of how rough he was, or the sting in my wrists. I was afraid that I had welcomed the pain and somehow felt comforted being restrained like this. Something is seriously wrong with me. Enar watched my eyes carefully as he gauged my reaction. "This." He held my wrists tighter and an unfamiliar sound escaped my lips. I actually just moaned in front of him! "You like this. How surprising."
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