.Lucio. “Do you want to talk about it?” Enrico holds his pack of cigarettes open for me. I take one out and he holds up his fire. Meanwhile, we walk to his lounge area outside. I see Vincenzo and my younger brother Valerio walking towards us. “You really need to stop that.” He grumbles when Vincenzo also lights a cigarette. “I stopped, I didn’t like it.” Answer Vincenzo. “I get that with your guys.” Enrico laughs. “What’s up with Sofia?” asks Valerio. I sigh again. “Girl stuff,” I answer him. He nods. Vincenzo groans. “God, that time is yet to come for me.” “Here too,” Enrcio grumbles. “I called the doctor,” I confess the three men. “for what?” asks Valerio. “Sofia and her girl stuff. I didn’t know all that and she refused to talk to me about it and when I said she could go to o