Chapter 42

1671 Words

Rhys Pov I never expected any of this to happen, and now that it was, I was barely able to keep up with it all. I was half tempted to try and slow it down, to take it slow, but I didn’t want to. Thirty-one days left, after all, maybe thirty now considering what time of the night it was, but I don’t think they even have freaking clocks here to tell time like they do in my dimension. But at the same time, I don’t want to slow down. I want to go faster, to feel every part of him inside me, against me. I was still amazed that he said he loves me. This whole time I could have been kissing him, but I’ve been trying to distance us because of how impossible it was. We were impossible, two strangers from two different dimensions, but here we were, two guys in love, making the impossible possible.

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