Chapter 15

2401 Words

Rhys Pov I’m gonna say I was mildly surprised by how well I was taking this. I couldn’t stop looking at everything, it was like I walked out of my home and into the television set of the olden days. Maybe it’s because I was raised around witches and I knew there was dimensional magic out there, so maybe that was why I wasn’t really all that surprised. It’s an element, after all. None of the elementals that found Zain so far could do it, but I heard them talking about it before. A really rare element, one that rarely shows up, that’s what Jack said. I was kind of impressed to have found someone who could do it. Though I was also confused, too. Why were his eyes the same? Weren’t they supposed to be different? Not going to lie, if he had one icy blue eye and the other purple, I’d probably b

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