Chapter Eight

1582 Words
Third Person's POV She took a tour of her castle, her footsteps resonating through the corridors as she sought to ascertain what had changed over the past year. As she wandered through the familiar halls and rooms, she realized that so many things had indeed changed, yet so much remained the same. Memories of moments shared with her husband flooded her mind, mingling with the sights and sounds of the present. Surveying the grandeur of the castle and all that she and her husband had accomplished together, she felt determined. She couldn’t let everything they had built run down the drain. Even if it meant fighting tooth and nail to maintain their legacy, she was prepared to do so. After all, it was through the trials of war that they had gained everything they now possessed. Her mind wandered off as she continued her stroll. "What's wrong? You seem troubled," she asked her husband, Maximus, noticing his untouched meal upon her return. "It's Hercules," he replied somberly. "The Alpha? What's wrong with him?"Grace's concern deepened hearing their Alpha's name. "He wants us to return to Visiondale. He says he needs my help to fight against the hunters," Maximus explained, his voice laden with worry. "No, you can't. What if you're killed? We all know the hunters are very powerful," she protested, her eyes wide with fear. "Not as powerful as us. It's their weapons that make them powerful," he replied with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "Then why are you worried?" Grace pressed, sensing there was more to his unease. "I do not want to be a part of this, but I can't leave Hercules alone to fight. He's my best friend. What if they overpower him and capture him? He'll lose his title as Alpha, and the hunters might kill him. If that happens, I wouldn’t be able to deal with the guilt," he admitted, sighing heavily, searching into his wife's eyes for any sembliance of comfort or answer. "That will not be your fault," she reassured him. "But think of it. If he loses his title as Alpha, you can be Alpha. Remember, you have always wanted to be. This is the opportunity to overthrow that weakling. See this as a chance of him handing the packs to you. He will be giving his birthright to you on a silver platter." "What are you insinuating? That I allow my best friend to die so I can become the leader?" His voice held shock and disbelief. "Not if you put it that way," Grace countered quickly. "I know you have always wanted to have what he has. Remember, you still resent him for snatching your girlfriend." "That issue is long gone, my dear. Athaliah is his mate, and I understand that. I have you, and that is all that matters." "I know, but think. Think of what we can achieve if you become Alpha. We can go back to Visiondale with our son and live a normal life. Do this for us, for Adonis," she urged passionately. "Everyone back in town knows that you were the best person to be the leader of our packs. He only got that position because it is his birthright as Alpha Gael's son." He listened quietly to his wife's alluring proposal, his mind racing with conflicting emotions and considerations. "So what do you suggest I do?" he finally asked, seeking clarity amidst the confusion in his thoughts. She took a seat by him in the couch. "To ease your guilt, I suggest you go and join him in the fight. We can make a deal with the hunters. Since they want him, we will hand him over to them. With you close to him, you will know all his plans. We can relay them to the hunters so they can easily defeat him. Afterward, you will take his place as Alpha. Every soul in Visiondale will now be at your beck and call, obeying all your commands,"she proposed cunningly with ambition. After all these years, she still remembers that she was the mastermind behind her husband's betrayal. Her advice rang in her ears as she looked through one of the windows of her castle. A small child running around in a distance made her remember her husband's speech after the war. "Look at him! Is this your Alpha!" Maximus pointed accusingly at the wounded figure of Hercules. Athaliah, holding their youngest child tightly, wept openly for her husband. The pain on his face seemed to transfer to her, each of his wounds felt as if they were her own. Her tears fell on their baby, who giggled innocently in response. "I can't believe the great supreme pack has such a weak Alpha who can't even fight to save his subjects," Maximus continued, his voice dripping with contempt. "I know many of you will be shocked, but your great Alpha, Hercules, has betrayed us all. He lured us into joining him in a fight, intending for us all to be killed because he struck a deal with the hunters. He wanted your sons and husbands dead so they could serve as meat to them. But as brave and smart as I am, I, together with the army, outsmarted him and captured him. Therefore, I declare that Visiondale is now safe for us all." The crowd erupted into cheers at Maximus's declaration, their voices rising in triumph and relief. In the midst of the jubilation, Maximus took the opportunity to declare himself the new Alpha. Meanwhile, Hercules lay too weakened to open his eyes or speak, his wife restrained from approaching him in his vulnerable state. Maximus's descent into cruelty, fueled by his lust for power, knew no bounds as he reduced Hercules, Athaliah, and their three children to the status of slaves, forgetting that Hercules was once his best friend. The bond of friendship that once existed between Maximus and Hercules had long withered away, replaced by a ruthless thirst for dominance. For years, Hercules endured the indignity of serving as a gardener, while Athaliah was relegated to the role of Luna Grace's maid. Despite the injustice, Hercules chose not to fight back, prioritizing the safety of his family over reclaiming lost status or power. "Mother!" Lost in her thoughts, Luna Grace was jolted back to reality by her daughter's touch, causing her to startle visibly. Her daughter, Anna, with a rich English accent acquired during her college years in Britain, expressed concern for her mother's well-being. "Are you alright?" Anna asked. The impact of her daughter's words shook Luna Grace from her reverie, and she blinked, momentarily disoriented. "Ahhh! You scared me!" she exclaimed, her hand instinctively flying to her chest in surprise. ""I'm sorry, Mum. You didn't answer me when I called. I didn't mean to scare you." "What do you want?" Luna Grace asked, her voice carrying a bit of detachment. "Dinner is ready. Everyone is at the table except you and brother," Anna informed her. "Go, I don't feel like eating. I need some rest. I am going to my room," Luna Grace replied, her voice retaining its cold edge. "But Mum, you haven't eaten anything since we got here. Besides, it's almost the full moon, and the celebrations will start soon. You have to be there!" Anna insisted worriedly. . "Of course, I cannot miss that,"she responded after a few moments of silence, her mind seemingly elsewhere as a faint smile graced her lips. The significance of the full moon is deeply ingrained in werewolf tradition. It marks a time when young unmated werewolves sought their mates under the moon's potent influence, a time of heightened power and sensitivity. The first full moon of the year holds particular importance, signaling a celebration within the werewolf pack. On this night, werewolves where ever they find themselves would shift and howl in reverence to the moon, while those coming of age at eighteen would have the chance to find their destined mates. Luna Grace, ever the strategist, made a mental note to find a suitable wife for Adonis during this auspicious time; a partner who could help secure their throne. Her plans revolved around tonight's festivities, where she intended to choose from among the eligible candidates, selecting the one she deemed most suitable. "Tell Maribel to bring my food to my room." ****************** Departing from her mother was as difficult as anticipated. Their hands clung together, reluctant to let go, embodying the deep bond between them. It took a considerable amount of strength from both sides to finally release their grasp. Ishtar had already packed her and Ryan's belongings into the car, ready for the journey ahead. A hired driver, recommended by Athaliah's friend, was entrusted with the task of driving them to a town close to the Southern Supreme Moon pack's territory. From there, they would continue on foot to reach their final destination. The distance from the drop-off point to the southern pack was relatively short, a mere five-minute walk. "Take care of yourself and Ryan. Just let me know when you need me," Athaliah said, her final words carrying love and concern for her daughter and grandson. With that They set off. As each hour passed during the journey, Ishtar couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety that settled in her chest. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, and she mentally prepared herself for the challenges and revelations that awaited her at the Southern Supreme Moon pack.
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