Chapter Seven

1626 Words
Third Person's POV "Mother!" "Son, why did you refuse to see me when I asked to meet with you?" Her tone was authoritative, her expression stern, making him turn to look at her. What struck him was how his mother seemed to have reverted to her usual self. Ever since his father's passing a year ago, she had become the most vulnerable person he knew. She grew sad and frail and in her sorrow, she showed a side he hadn't seen before, revealing a heart she'd always kept hidden. It was then that he suggested she take a vacation outside Visiondale, an idea Luna Grace surprisingly embraced, much to Adonis's amazement. "I'm busy, mother. What do you want?" His voice was anything but friendly, dripping with annoyance. "What do you mean, what do I want?!" Luna Grace's voice cracked with desperation, her eyes pleading for connection. "I want my only son! I want to see him. Is that too much to ask for? I haven't seen you in a year." Adonis stiffened, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to contain the emotions churning within him. "Now you have," he replied curtly, his words laced with bitterness. "Excuse me, I need to go back to what I was doing." Turning away, he strode purposefully to his desk, each step a silent barrier between them. With a heavy sigh, he buried his head in the mountain of files before him, ignoring her. For Luna Grace, his dismissal was painful. She stood frozen, her heart aching with the sting of rejection. This was the first time her son had ever treated her with such indifference, and the realization cut deep. As Adonis busied himself with the papers before him, memories of happier times flooded his mind. He remembered a time when he had looked up to his mother with admiration, believing her to be invincible, his very own superhero. But that illusion shattered with the tragic incident involving Ishtar. That was what destroyed their relationship. Though he had heard of Ishtar's story over and over again and believes his mother has nothing to do with her death, he still blames her for not letting him save her that day. "You know you're not going to get rid of me that easily, right?" Luna Grace's voice softened, concern and disbelief filling her words. "I can't believe all that I've been hearing is true. What happened to you?" She slowly walked closer to him. Adonis remained silent, his focus seemingly glued to the papers before him, a barrier against his mother's probing questions. "You've changed, son. What went wrong?" She repeated, her tone pleading for an answer when it was obvious that he was not going to answer her. "I am f*****g talking to you, Adonis Carl Benson! Why are you like this!" She roared with anger, her piercing eyes on him. Adonis's jaw clenched, his hands balling into fists as he finally looked up to face her. "Are you asking me why I'm like this? You made me like this! You made me heartless. I am like this because of you!" His voice was sharp, filled with pent-up resentment. "That's not true," Luna Grace shot back, her voice trembling with emotion while shaking her head in denial. "Your father and I gave you the best in life. We gave you everything you ever needed and wanted. We loved you and taught you the right path, so don't you blame me for the person you've become." "The right path?" Adonis's voice was bitter, his eyes flashing with resentment. "You taught me how to step over people and do what you always wanted. I don't want us to do this, Mum. Please leave. I'm not in the best of moods." "You are very ungrateful, Adonis. I regret ever giving birth to you!" Luna Grace's voice reverberated with hurt and anger as she stormed out of his office, her footsteps echoing down the hallway. In a flurry of emotions, she made up her mind to leave once more. "André! Tell my daughters to pack their bags back into the car; we are leaving this instant!" André, taken aback by Luna Grace's sudden decision, hurried to catch up with her. "Lu-luna, what is wrong? I thought you were back home forever!" "That's what I thought too until I met my ungrateful son!" She shouted so that Adonis could hear her. "He hates me and doesn’t see that everything I ever did for him was out of love!" "Please, Luna, he's just in a bad mood," André attempted to console her. "Some folks from the town council met with him earlier today, insisting that he presents his luna to them, or they would have no choice but to overthrow him." With this, she stopped in her tracks. "W-w-what did you just say?" André knew then that he has all her attention. "Yes, Luna. The throne is in a delicate position right now. Unless your son finds a bride, they would take it away from your family forever." "No! They cannot do this. This cannot happen; my husband worked so hard for this." "I am sorry, Luna, but this is the challenge we are currently facing. Please don’t leave. I know you can help. You can convince him to at least marry someone, even if it is not out of love, so we can save this throne and your husband's legacy will live on," André implored, his voice carrying the weight of their shared concern. "Adonis won't listen to me. He is so stubborn," she said with frustration. "He is still holding on to the past. He is still holding on to the memories of that stupid slave. Besides, he blames me for everything. How then would he listen to me?" "He doesn’t mean anything he told you. He is angry and depressed. The weight on his head is heavy, so he needs you. Children can fail. But a mother will never fail. I strongly believe you can help. Your plans never fail. Please listen to me and stay." Ishtar's POV A knock sounded on my door just as I threw the last cloth into my suitcase. My mother entered, looking sad but relieved. "Mum, I'm almost ready," I said, assuming she was going to remind me that I was running late. "That's okay, dear. There's someone here to see you," she informed me, but didn't mention who it was. "I'll see who it is. Could you please help me pack Ryan's stuff?" I asked, already turning to leave the room. She nodded, assuring me she would. I left the room and descended the stairs to find the visitor. "The seeker?" I murmured to myself as I reached the foot of the stairs, a few steps away from him. "Yes, dear. I can see that you're getting ready for your journey. Great and smart choice," he remarked. "Thank you," I replied, hoping he would reveal the purpose of his visit. I was certain it wasn't just to bid me goodbye. "Don't let it bug your mind, dear," he muttered, his words sending a shiver down my spine. What! He can read minds too? I was baffled. Who is this man? "I am here for only one reason. There is something I have to tell you. Please, sit, child," he urged, his voice gentle yet commanding. I moved across the room and settled on the couch opposite him, anticipation and curiosity swirling in my mind. "On your way to Visiondale, you will have to go to the Southern Supreme Moon pack. There, you will find many answers and unravel certain secrets. You will also receive the protection you need to travel safely to Visiondale," he explained. My mind raced with questions and doubts. "B-but for decades, the Southern Supreme Moon pack has been our enemies. Why do I have to go there? They will kill me immediately they find out I'm from Visiondale." "The moment you were banished from Visiondale, you ceased to be one of them,"he explained calmly. "Do as I say. Your questions will be answered when you get there. Trust me, there will be protection there for you and your son. Go in peace, and may you find the happiness you seek. But remember, a heart that seeks revenge is always blinded by anger. See to it that you focus on Ajani's training." With those words, he rose from his seat and departed, leaving me standing dumbfounded and confused in the living room and that was how mum found me when she came downstairs. "What did he say?" I frowned at her question. I thought he had already told her. "He wants me to go to the Southern Supreme Moon pack before going to Visiondale," I explained, hoping she might shed some light on the matter. "That's weird, but let's trust him," she responded with uncertainty. "I'm done with Ryan's things. His suitcase is in your room." "Thank you, mum." "You're welcome, my love," Mum replied, turning her head away to blink back tears. Going back to Visiondale was hard for me, but I could see it was equally hard for her. We had been together ever since I was born, and this would be the first time I'd be living without her. The realization of that hurt deep within. "Mum, I can see those tears. You don't need to hide them," I said softly, reaching out to touch her hand. "I'm sorry, baby, but it's going to be hard living without you and Ryan," she admitted, her voice quivering with emotion. "I know, I know," I murmured, feeling a lump form in my throat. "I don't want to go, but we both know I have to. You said so yourself."
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