Chapter 5

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*The next morning Teagan pokes at my cheek to wake me up and I bite at her short finger. She giggles and tickles me awake. "Okay, I'm up, I'm up!" I laugh as I try to wiggle free. "Oh good," says my dad from the door. "Hurry down for breakfast," "Okay, dad!" we say at the same time, causing him to chuckle. After we got dressed we ate breakfast and went to school. My entire day was spent trying to avoid Zair and Raegan, but, I did better than I did yesturday. I was so happy when the bell rang and it was time to go home. I didn't even take a shower at school. I asked Ben to take Teagan home for me and I and shifted, as soon as, I got to the woods by my house, immediately letting Asha take over. "What's wrong, Amaya?" "I'm just so tired of Alpha Jr. and Sir Raegan always stalking us," ''Well, I guess it's not stalking, since, we're in the same classes, and we go to the same school,'' ''Our lockers are even pretty close, but, do they have to talk to me so much,?" ''Why can't they shut up so that we can just coexist like we did before, an occasional head nod, fist pump, or whatever'' ''But these fools," "You are frustrated because you're close to getting your mate," "Is he human, does he go to our school,?" "I don't know yet," "Have you felt any different?" she asks. ''No, I haven't'' ''Only extra annoyed with those two" "I hope our mate is human" I whine. ''You are a strange girl, most wolves want the strongest werewolf and you want a weak human," "Don't you?" "I don't, I want an Alpha," she says boldly and proudly. "I'm not Luna material, and Alpha's are possessive," "Your dad is an Alpha and he isn't possessive," "Because he gave up his rank and title," "You're impossible,'' ''Don't you dare reject our mate, if he is a wolf," "I wont unless he's a terrible person, but, I will at least give him a chance," "Good girl," she says as we walk back to my house. I put on my clothes and walk up my steps. Teagan came in as I was getting out of the shower. "So what are you wearing hot stuff?" she asks as she giggles. I shake my head, as I smile at her silliness. (I wish I could be bubbly and carefree like her) But instead my mind is always bombarded by thoughts (A bunch of random thoughts, as well as, ways to make Alpha Jr. and Raegan loathe me) I flat iron my thick, curly hair and pull it up into a high sleek ponytail. Then I put on some vegan leather pants and a matching vegan leather vest over a white cropped top, that shows a little stomach. "Should I wear red pumps or black heeled boots,?" "Pumps," "Why did I ask you?" I ask, causing her to giggle. I put in green contact lenses and do a little make up and dark red lips. Teagan wears her signature pink wig, and, a tight little, yellow, sleeveless, turtleneck dress that comes a little bit lower than thigh length. Her black boots come up knee high and she already has on fun glittery make-up colors of yellow, pink and silver eyeshadow with black lips. We sit at our usual table and wait to order drinks. I have my warm water and she likes lemon tea with honey. It's not like we come here to drink and have fun. Well, singing is fun to us, but we, go other places to have fun. (Plus this is kind of our job) Zair's Pov: We get to the bar and there she is on stage with her lover. They're singing some Spice Girl song. Wanna be my lover. (I want to be her lover) Raegan pulls me to a booth, so that, I can get out of the doorway. It's a good thing that Tammy doesn't notice, she's just happy I came back. (She can't wait to sing again) Ben has been grinning ever since we got here, because, he knows how hard it is for me to hide my feelings for the singer on stage. ''So what song are you going to sing?" asks Ben, putting her chatting to a stop. "I'm torn between two" she says causing his grin to get bigger. "What about, I want it that way by the BSB?" he suggests. ''Oh yeah, that's a good one," "Well, I'm up next," she says happily. "Dude, stop being so f*****g you," I link. Which makes him chuckle. "It's so easy," he laughs. The girl from the stage, whose name is Yaya, get's up and walks towards the restrooms. (Raegan asked a waiter for me, and apparently he isn't the first to do so, which angers me) "I have to potty," I say as I slide out of the booth, then I facepalm. "I have to go to the restroom," I say correcting myself as I point towards the restrooms. Ben is cackling and even Raegan is chuckling at my slip up, but Tammy didn't take her eyes from the stage. "Okay," she says. I hurry over to wait for her to exit the restroom. "Hey!" I say as she walks by me. As she turns to look at me her eyes get big and then she looks to the side. (Did I startle her, too bad?) "Yes" she says in a fake voice. (It was too obvious, that she changed it, because, she didn't sound like that when she was on stage) "You're voice is amazing," "Really?!" she asks, still using her nasally voice. "Yes" I say while grabbing her hand. She looks at her hand, as I start caressing it and she gasps when I kiss it. "I- uh... thank you Sir," she says as she pulls her hand away and walks off. (s**t, I was moving too fast!) I sent Raegan to ask for her number, but her girlfriend sent him away, with a little wagging finger. Ben was red in the face from laughing, so much, and I couldn't express my anger like I wanted to. I was just glaring at him, thinking of the many was to kill him, when I hear her sweet voice, instantly calming me. Kiss kiss by Holly Valance: "You don't have to act like a star. Tryin' moves in the back of a car. Don't you know that we can go far. 'Cos tonight your gonna get my Mwah! Mwah! Don't play the games that you play. 'Cos you know that I won't runaway. Why aren't you asking me to stay 'Cos tonight I'm going to give you my Mwah! Mwah!...'' End of song: My jaw drops. "I'm going to get your kiss kiss, and that's a promise!" I think as my heart pounds out of chest at the thought of kissing her. "No you won't," she replies before she takes her seat. I didn't realize that I linked her. She is in my pack! Why didn't I recognize her smell,? To be honest her smell was the last thing on my mind. I look at the guys with wide eyes. I'll have to tell them about this later. They might not be able to take this information this calmly. (I can barely handle it) End of Pov: "Zair is crushing on you, really hard!" says Teagan as she giggles. "No, he's crushing on Yaya, and he has Tammy," I say reminding her. ''And he's not her type or mine," "And what is your type,?" she asks as she wiggles her eyebrows. "A human" She rolls her eyes. (I've told her thousands of times, she should know by now) I feel like my life would be less complicated. "But what if he is your mate,?" "Oh no, don't speak it," "I guess I would have to accept him" I say bitterly. "He's not a bad guy'' she says with a small smile. "He's a possessive Alpha, they all are," "You'd be a cute couple," I think about us as a couple, mostly having girls always calling and texting him. "No" I say after a while. After thinking of the many different ways to make it work, there is only one outcome, heartbreak. "I'm just not his type" "But you were thinking about it,'' she teases as she pokes at me. I stick my tongue out at her as I grab her hands, causing her to cackle. Teagan jumps into the shower first and then I get in when she's finished. I take my time washing my hair from straight to curly. Then I get out and slide right into bed, next to a sleeping Teagan and close my eyes. Before I fall asleep, I wonder if he'll keep his promise. I fling my legs off of the bed and force myself to get ready for school. I pull on a pair of black joggers and a matching sweatshirt that fits me a little big. Then I put on my socks and tennis shoes before I head downstairs to the kitchen. Teagan must have left earlier. I think to myself as I grab a bagel and an apple. "What miracle is this,?" asks my dad. "Good morning," I say before I kiss his cheek. "Good morning,'' says Teagan as she walks in carrying one of her projects. "Good morning, Teags," he says before he takes another sip of coffee. "When is Tye coming back?" I ask. My brother Tye went to look at colleges. (At least, that's what he told our parent's) "He should be here, by dinner time," "Good, I need him to start back training me," "I've been slacking on Asha,"
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