Chapter 8

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*I take off my boots and they laugh. ''These heels, make it hard for me to drive," I say while holding a boot up. "Yeah, that's a weapon," says Zair, looking at the spikes with wide eyes. "I have my own, homemade weapons," I say holding up my fist and snarling. He chuckles and his smile is even bigger than it was the other day. (He is kind of cute) I think to myself. Then I, make sure my link was closed and it was. "Teagan, what's so funny,'' asks Ben as she chuckles. "Dang it," I whisper to myself. ''We'll talk tomorrow," I say as I point to her. "Okay," she says with a big smile. They look from her to me. "Bye guys," I say as I turn on my car, then I close my door, and I drive off. I put on my favorite grey crop top hoodie and matching jersey shorts, that almost reach my knees, then my sneakers. I leave my curls down and I put a hair tie on my wrist, just in case I need it, then I head downstairs. "Baby girl, you are on a role!" says my dad, giving me a hi-five. I hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Wish us luck today, because we're auditioning for the play," "Amaya, you sing beautifully,'' ''You'll both do great," he says as he squeezes me. "Hi guys!" "Are you ready,?" asks Teagan as she skips over to us. "I'm ready!" "My dad already wished us luck, but he, doesn't think we'll need it," "Good luck girls, you'll do great," he says before he hugs us. Then we hurry and leave so that we get there on time. Sometimes no matter how early I wake up, I'm still late getting to where I need to go. "Did you tell your love bug to watch you perform?" I ask as we walk down the hall to the music room. "No, he wanted to come, but, he will make me nervous," "Well he'll be here to congratulate you right,?" "I told him, that today was girls day'' "Teagan, you can't do that to him," "I'm happy that you love me and want to protect my feelings, but what you two have is special," "I know," "I think I love him, but, I don't know why'' ''It's not like I've known him for that long," "We know enough about him to know that he's a good guy," "I can vouche for him'' ''He's not like Alpha Jr. or Raegan, and I can tell he cares for you," "Why do you always talk bad about them?'' I look around to make sure that we don't have any prying ears. "I'll tell you later" I whisper. "Okay," she giggles. "I'm surprised, so many people showed up," says Teagan. "Don't worry, it's always like this at first, and then, little by little the list get's shorter," She nods as her doubt get's to her. Her eyes get big when she is called. "You got this Teags," I say cheering for her. She smiles and walks confidently to the front. "Yeah Teags!" "Woot, woot!" I say causing everyone to laugh. ''Hey, you didn't cheer for me," says Rodick" "We haven't been here, long," "Man, you missed a show," he says causing me to laugh. I hear a growl, and, I look around but I don't see anyone. "So what part are you trying out for?" "Isn't it obvious?" "I am Prince Charming," he says with a sly smirk. "They already told you,?'' ''We're not supposed to find out until Monday" "Trust me... I only auditioned to make everyone else feel like they had a chance," "They didn't really have a chance," he says making me laugh again at his arrogance. "I need you to share some of your confidence with me, because, I'm lacking'' "A girl as beautiful as you shouldn't be lacking confidence or anything else,'' "Why thank you, Prince Charming," "No reason to thank me, because what I say is true beautiful, fair maiden," he says with a little bow, causing me to laugh again. (He is dedicated to his role) "Well, you guys are having fun," says Teagan as she sits down next to me. "Rodick here was just blessing me with his presence" I say with a smile. "So what parts did you try out for,?" he asks as he looks from me to Teagan. "I want to be Drizella," she says. "I guess, the Fairy Godmother'' "What do you mean, you guess, the Fairy Godmother,?" "Say, 'I am the fairy Godmother,'" he says with his chest poked out. "I am, the Fairy Godmother," I say with more confidence. "Perfect," "Now between you and me, I think you should be trying out for the part of Cinderella," (The confidence, he must have in me) I think to myself with wide eyes. "I don't want that much of the spotlight on me" "We can share it," He says with a flirty smirk and his hand out for me to put mine in his. "Hey, she's taken," says Teagan as she folds her arms. "Teags," She shrugs. "Sorry, she doesn't understand that professional actors have to stay in character'' He smiles. "I'm not only an actor, I'm a man," (Man he has an intense stare) "You get ready for your turn, and I'll see you around beautiful maiden," he says before winking and walking away. "I don't like Rodick in that way, but he is really funny, and I am, most certainly not taken," "Well, you think he's cute, I heard you," she giggles. "Amaya Thomas!" calls Mrs. Wyne the music teacher saving me from Teagan's prodding. (Should I link Ben to come pick her up) (Nah, he'll come with his friends) "Do I need to sing, because, you already know how I sing?" "Yes and read this script," I sing and then I read the script. When I finish, she smiles and tells me that I'm in the play, but, I feel like I really didn't need to do anything. I think she was just confirming something she had already decided. "I knew it, we're both in the play!" says Teagan as we run down the hall to the exit. I stop when I see Alpha Jr.'s car, thinking that maybe he brought Ben for Teagan. "Lets go to the mall!" She says as she drags me to my car. "Okay, first we celebrate, then we go to my house to we get ready for tonight," "I didn't expect auditions to last so long" says Teagan as we browse through the clothes. "They always take long when you have a lot of people in front of you," I laugh. "So, many people showed up earlier than us" I say as I hold up a black tube jumper pant. "Yaya needs that for tonight!" says Teagan. "She sure does," I say as I, put it over my arm. We buy a couple more things and get something for Pinky too (Teagan's alias) then we, get something to eat and head to my house. "I told you, that he is cute, but he is still a possessive Alpha," I say as she gives me a sly smile. "Anyways I'm waiting on my human boyfriend, and I just joined a dating service for humans and werewolves," ''They even offer counseling, to help ease you into the relationship, so that you get used to the differences between species," I say teasing her. Her eyes get big. "I'm joking, I wouldn't even know how to set it up," "Oh you," she says as she tickles me. "No stop!" I scream. She knows, I won't use my werewolf strength on her, and luckily she never tickles me for to long. After telling her more reasons why Alpha Jr. and I were never going to be, we take turns showering, and then, we get ready for the bar. I put on my black tube jumper with red pumps, and for makeup I did red lipstick and natural colors on my eyes, with my signature cat eyeliner. Then I straighten my hair and put it in my signature high sleek ponytail. Teagan puts on a white tube top, black pants and a faux fur purple coat and yellow knee high boots. She put on more make up in case Ben was there (Of course he'll be there, with Alpha Jr.) Then we spray on scent covering spray.
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