Chapter 10

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*Teagan shakes me awake and jumps, when I pop up and look around. "Girl, you scared me!" "I'm sorry, I was having a nightmare" I say as I stretch. "What was it about?" "I'll tell you later, we gotta get ready for school" "We don't have school today!" She laughs as she falls back on the bed, grabbing her stomach. (It's not that funny) "Oh no!" "We have to see Zair tonight," "Yeah, he may not be finished confessing his love for you," "You know what it's fine, he'll have to deal with our bodyguards," "But you saw how he looked at Jeff," she says reminding of how he glared at him. ''That was kind of cute" she giggles as I facepalm at my confession. ''We know he's cute, but he has nothing else to offer me, and besides he asked Yaya to be his Luna," "Maybe you can steal him from Yaya'' I laugh, and for the first time, I find something funny that she doesn't. "You're serious?!" she smiles and slowly nods. "Just because I say he's cute, does not mean that I like him," "Raegan is very handsome and so is Rodick, and they are much more articulate and gallant," "But you like Zair more," "No I don't, he's an annoying womanizer," "He's dating Tammy and he's in love with Yaya" "And again, I am not his type'' ''He likes girls that always dress up to catch his eye, and I don't care if he never looks at me," "Fine, I won't bug you, but, what are we doing today?" "You, are going to spend time with Ben, because he's probably somewhere biting his nails waiting for you to call him," She giggles as she jumps off of the bed. "I need a shower first!" she says as she runs to the bathroom. I laugh and climb out of the bed, then I get dressed. I decided not to shower, because, I'm going to train and exercise. I'm also going to the pack training grounds, to see if my brother is here. He may be held up at some chicks house) I would train there, but, I'm not allowed to go when he's not there, per his rules. When Teagan get's out she looks at me surprised. "I'm going to let my wolf run, before I go train,'' "But your hair is straight and your smell" I smile. "Look at Teags, you are on it," I laugh as she giggles. I spray on some perfume, and then, I wrap my hair around my head before I put on a beanie. Teagan giggles as she get's dressed. "So you're wearing the clothes that you wore to the audition?" "Yeah, I only wore them for a short while, and I'm only going to train, I'm not trying to find a boyfriend," "Okay, just checking" she says with a sly smile. I shake my head and I push her towards the door. "Wait my shoes!" she hurries over to grab her shoes, then we head downstairs. My dad isn't here, so I only grab a banana and a bagel. Teagan want's me to have lunch with her and Ben, but, I'm still hoping my mom or dad will get me out of this. (Maybe I can clean something) I wave goodbye as she get's into the car with Ben, and I smile at how he looks at her. (They are definitely mates) Then I walk to the woods to take off my clothes and I immediately shift. I never look around here, because, this is my house and no one should be here. But if I ever find someone, they're dead meat. Me and Asha don't really talk much, she is just like Teagan, adamant on getting me a boyfriend or something. I was happy to just let her get all of her frustrations with me out on her run. I can't help that I don't want our mate yet. After our run, I put on my clothes and I walk to my backyard. I have training equipment at home, so I train here. And even though, my brother isn't here, I wouldn't like to see him mad at me for going to the training grounds. I'm risking a lot just going, but it's only quickly and it's to look for him. I pull up to the pack training grounds and I immediately get nervous about going inside. I give myself a pep talk, so that, I can get through this. Then I take a deep breath and get out of my car. Something is wrong with me, I'm not afraid of my brother. I never listen to him, at least, not all the time. "You're trying to avoid someone," says Asha. I know she's right, but, I shake my head before I take another deep breath, and then, I go inside. I wave to everyone as I jog past and they look at me as if I'm a stranger, so I take off my hoodie and they smile back. After a couple of whistles, I put my hoodie back on. When I see one of my brothers training buddies, I run over to him. "Nope, he's not here yet, he said he was taking a detour over to some girls house," "I knew it!'' I say as I put my hands on my hips. "He'll kill you, if he, sees you in here" "Don't tell him," he laughs. "Hey, if I don't, he'll beat me up," "Everyone has already seen you anyways, so he's going to find out,'' "Why are you so worried, you never listen to him anyways?" "I know right" I say before I blow out a breath. "I don't know why, I've jumpy lately," "I guess you're growing up, Amaya," he says with a smile, as he pats my shoulder. "I'm trying not to" I say causing him to laugh. (WTF, I'm not joking) "It sucks being a big kid, doesn't it,?" "Come on, tell me the truth," He laughs again as he shakes his head. "I never knew you were so funny," "Neither did I, until recently," I say shrugging. "Well I guess I'll see you later, please let me know if you see him," "I promise, I will," ''He'll be here soon, give him two days tops" "Thanks, Malcolm" I say before I wave goodbye, then I walk back towards the exit, through a boatload of sweaty guys and gals. "Hey, did you come to train,?" asks a familiar voice, that I've come to know and loathe. "No I'm looking for my brother, I'm not allowed to l train here" "All pack members are allowed," "Not if your big brother tells you you can't," "Oh yeah, I forgot" he says with a smirk. "It's funny that I'm banned from training with the rest of the pack?" I say putting my hands on my hips. "Oh you've pissed her off now, Alpha!'' says some wolf from behind me. "I don't care about pissing her off,'' he says with a smile. My eyes get wide at his disrespectful boldness and I tackle him, pinning him on the rug. ''You're pretty strong for a Gamma," I pull back on my strength, so that he doesn't know that I'm an Alpha. "Your brother is going to be pissed," he says as he looks at someone recording. "Stop recording and erase it!'' I say in a panic, not because of my brother, but because, I don't like my name being in people mouths. (Who knows what kind of rumors they'd spread?) He rolls over on top of me and pins me. I don't like this feeling, so I pull my hand out of his grip, and I, punch him hard in the stomach. He can take it if he's been training like he's supposed to. He grabs his stomach and rolls over to the side. "Sorry, Alpha," I say as I stand up. He looks at me with a gleam in his eyes and a smile on his face, surprising me. No one smiles after they get punched in the stomach. A couple of wolves whistle and he growls. "Erase all of your pictures and videos!" he commands to everyone. Then he hands me my beanie. I bend down to grab it and the rest of my hair falls down my shoulders. I gasp and push it out of face, then I, quickly put it up and back under my beanie. "Why do you hide your beautiful hair,?" He asks standing up. "Because, Me and Teagan were trying something new, and it didn't turn out the way it was supposed too" I lie. "As a matter fact, as soon as I get home, I'm going to shower to wash all of this product out of my hair," "I think it looks nice," "Tell that to Tammy" I say before turning to leave. ''Are you jealous!" he yells out after me. I look around to make sure that no one heard him before I turn around to face him. "Don't kid yourself Alpha Jr.," "Who do you think you are, to be sassing off at the Alpha,?'' asks Rebecca one of his many admirers. "To me he's Alpha Jr., because he is still under his dad, and his parents make all of his decisions, just like mine do for me," ''And if, he has a problem with me calling him that, he knows where to find me," I say the last part looking at his smiling face, before I walk off. (Why does he have to be cute) It's kind of hard to be mean to him. (kind of)
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