Chapter 11

1574 Words
*When I get home, I jump in the shower and I scrub the product from my hair, as I, think about how later it'll be back in there. Then I climb out and I put on my pajamas. Today has been hectic and tonight is going to be worse. I hear the doorbell ring, but I stay in my bed, wrapped in my blanket, watching a movie while eating popcorn. "Amaya Thomas, get your behind out of bed right now, we have plans," "Nuh uh, you made those plans" She jumps on the bed and grabs the bowl of popcorn and gets a handful. "I'm tired and I don't feel like being a third wheel'' ''Plus your Benny will try to set me up with his friend, and I have enough matchmaking with you and Asha trying to get me to find someone," "My someone is our mate," says Asha. "I know, but I'm still not ready to give up my freedom," I reply before closing her out, before she argues with me. "Hey, I promise I won't try to set you up anymore," "We can just go to the movies the three of us," says Ben surprising me. "Teags!" "Tye will flip, if he smells a male wolf in here," "I'll just tell him, that he was with me" ''Are you sure, you always get shy around him," she looks embarrassed and blushes. I forgot she used to have a crush on him. "Why does he make you shy,?" asks Ben with wide eyes. "He used to make her shy, before she met you," I say before she can say anything, because she seems speechless. She pats the bed for him to sit down, then she holds his hand. "We never dated, and we barely even talked" He nods and gives her a small smile. ''So what are we watching?" I ask, trying to change the subject. "Whatever you guys want to watch," he says as he shrugs. "Isn't the new Underworld movie out now?" asks Teagan. "We've got to see it!" I say getting excited. "You girls like action movies?!" he asks surprised. "We sure do," she says as she offers him some popcorn. "Okay guys, wait for me downstairs and I'll hurry up and get dressed" I say as I slide off of the bed. They take the popcorn with them, as they walk out the door. I quickly step into some ripped jeans and I throw on a t-shirt that may be a little too small. Then I put on some tennis shoes and my favorite vegan leather jacket and I run downstairs. "Please don't invite your friends and ruin this for me" he holds up a hand and puts the other over his chest. "I promise" "He's trustworthy," says Teagan as she grabs his hand. "I trust him for now," I say as I squint at him. He chuckles as she giggles and side hugs him. Ben get's a phone call as we stand in line to wait for our tickets, so he steps out of line. When we reach the front of the line, I buy the tickets. Then me and Teagan go to get some drinks and popcorn. "You know what, I want a hotdog'' she says. "Get two for Ben" she adds. "More like five," I laugh. "Yeah, maybe five," she giggles. We get our tray and wait for him. "You bought up all of the food," he laughs when he sees the candies, the popcorn, the hotdogs, and burgers. "We got extra for you, to make sure that you're filled," she says with a smile and a gleam in her eyes. He blushes, as he, grabs the tray from me. Then we look for the room, after they check our tickets. Teagan sits in the middle and we pass out the food, drinks and snacks. "You didn't tell your friends that you were with us did you?" "Nah, they're getting ready to go to a bar later," "Oh," is all I say, before, I fill my mouth with popcorn. Teagan smiles at me and fights to hold back a giggle. As we get into the movie, I feel someone trying to get through my link. "Hey beautiful, I was hoping you would answer," "I'm busy with friends, can this wait until later,?" "You're not around any guys are you?!" he asks full of jealousy, surprising me. "There is one gentleman here, yes'' "Is he your date,?" "Listen Alpha, you cannot tell me who to hang around, we are nothing," "You're my future Luna," he says sure of himself. I smile and shake my head. (I don't know why it makes me smile) "All Alphas are the same possessive and jealous," "You will not be controlling me!" I say before I cut our link, so that, he thinks I'm upset with him. Great, now I have to deal with this tonight. I barely enjoy the movie, as I think about how he'll react tonight. Will he throw a tantrum, if I don't talk to him? Will I even be able to sing? I don't want to have to ban him, of course, he wouldn't be the first person. I don't want to have him thrown out either, but he is so stubborn. Yesterday he hugged me, and he almost kissed me. I was so shocked by his boldness, that I couldn't react. No one has ever just touched me and he did. I just may have to ban him, because that can't happen again. "Did you enjoy the movie?" asks Teagan. "It was great, just like all the other one's,'' ''I'm just sad that her true love had to die," I say. "I know, my heart hurt for her," "Man, I can't believe I felt that, and I don't even have a boyfriend," I say putting my hand over my heart. "Because you won't tell him that you like him" she says as she wiggles her eyebrows at me. ''And, I'm not going to, because, I don't Teags," "There is a difference between thinking, that someone is cute and liking them," I say before I finish my drink. "Who do you think is cute,?" asks Ben with a big smile. "There are many cute guys that go to our school, but that's not important," "She won't admit that she likes him" says Teagan as she smiles at me. "She has never came out and talked about any guy, but she let it slip twice, that he's cute," she adds as she folds her arms. "That sounds like a like to me," he says agreeing with her. "Even if I did like him, which, I don't," "He doesn't like me," I say as I walk towards a trash can, to throw away my cup. "Have you asked him,?" he asks concerned. "No, because I've seen the girls he likes, and I am not like them," "Anyways he's taken and I'm not a cheater, neither do I want to share with someone," I say walking a little in front of them, so that, they can talk to each other instead of me. "Hello beautiful maiden," says Rodick almost running into me, or maybe I almost ran into him. "Hey, how are you, Prince charming,?" I say as I hold my hand out to shake his. "Is this your muse?" I ask when I see a young female with him. "Sometimes," he says with a smirk. "This is my little sister, Mikayla," "She want's to see some scary movie before she goes with her little friends, so that she's not too scared, when they go together," "So you're cheating,?" I say teasing her, causing her and Teagan to giggle. "I can't help it, I'm a scaredy cat," "Don't worry, after a couple of scary movies you'll start to laugh, because they all seem to copy each other" "Although sometimes, there are one or two that throw in a surprise," I say as I smile at her. She does look a little bit like him, but she's cuter. They're both dark skinned with beautiful smiles, but I still can't believe, she's his sister. She seems like such a sweet girl. She's wearing light blue jeans, and a black off the shoulder sweater and her hair is in long braids. He is wearing his signature black shirt and jeans along with his naughty boy smirk. She probably has no idea that her brother is a huge flirt. "What were you guys watching,?" he asks. "We are fans of the Underworld movies," He nods, impressed. "Well we'll let you get to your movie, and I'll see you tomorrow Rodick" "Okay, but we need to celebrate after school," "Why,?" asks Ben, a little defensive. "After we find out the results of our audition," "Well after they find out, who they'll be," he says with a smirk. "Okay, cool," I say shaking my head at his never ending arrogance. I'm surprised at the subtle glare that Ben gives him, as he, walks away and I link Teagan to hold his hand and to invite him to come along. "Okay, that would be great," "Do you want me to bring you flowers, to congratulate you,?" he asks. "No, you don't have to" she says shrugging. "Bro just get her flowers and never ask her, just surprise her," I say as I link him. "Thanks," he says nervously, as he, runs his fingers through his hair.
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