Chapter 9

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A month later "Ugh! I'm too lazy to write another chapter!" Miracle groaned, her attention at the other laptop that she used to watch anime on. Skylar looked up from the manga and walked up to her to see what she was doing. He thought it was a good idea to spend his Sunday with her. He wanted to go to Ashton's again but wasn't in the mood to play dress-up with her mom again. "A new chapter of what?" He asked, peeking from her shoulder. She turned around and adjusted her glasses with her finger, a smug smirk on her lips. She motioned him to take a good look. "A story that I'm writing. I started a few months ago. I think that it's s**t, but people actually like it. I've already written 11 chapters and I'm almost at 700 reads," she replied, slapping herself. She took a deep breath and continued writing. "What's it about?" She stopped typing, saved it and went to the summary. Skylar read it and let out a low whistle. "So it's about a singer who needs a bodyguard and a broke guy with a lot of debts got the job. The singer got interested in him, but the bodyguard is always like 'what the f**k'? So slowly, he tries to win him over. Right?" He summed up. "What's the title?" "His Bodyguard," she answered. She opened her notebook which had all the data of the story in. Miracle found a blank page and wrote something. "Note to self: someone is actually interested in the story, so keep writing," she mumbled to herself. Skylar sat down next to her watched her write. The episode on the other laptop finished and she put the next one. She quietly sang along with the opening as she stood up to look for something that Skylar could read. "Skylaaaaar." "Yeah?" He pulled his hair out of a ponytail. "Can I braid your hair?" "What the f**k hell no." "Aww but Skylar!" She pouted. Skylar stood up and with his hands behind his back, he walked to her. He stood on his toes and flicked her forehead. "Ow!" She rubbed the place where it stung. Skylar turned around. "Just do something quick," he said. Miracle grinned. She let some hair upfront loose and was done in a few seconds. She tied the end using his hair tie. Skylar turned back to her and Miracle did her finishing touches. She grabbed her phone and took a picture to send to Parker. Miracle: who does he look like? Parkour: HOLY s**t HE LOOKS LIKE THE FEMALE VERSION OF EDWARD BUT WITHOUT THE GOLDEN EYES THO Parkour: wait wait Parkour: HE LOWKEY LOOKS LIKE WINRY HE COULD f*****g COSPLAY WINRY FOR ANIME CON OR SOMETHING Miracle: OMG OMG Skylar stood on his toes and silently watched their whole conversation. He shook his head. "Don't even think about it." Miracle pursed her lips. She looked at her phone, back to Skylar and her phone again. Miracle: he said no Parkour: awwww "Why is Parker's name saved as 'Parkour'?" Miracle laughed. "He's the one that put it like that. So in return, I put 'Your friendly neighborhood Miracle'. Because he put Parkour and I thought about that one meme that someone was like 'Peter Parker could call himself Peter Parkour', so I put something spiderman related. I would've put 'assassin', but he doesn't know about all of that," she tried to explain while laughing. She searched for something else for Skylar to read. "Is your plan still in action?" Skylar asked. Miracle eyed him. "What plan?" "The one about Parker." Miracle clicked her tongue. "I've lost interest in him a few weeks ago. I talked to him about it and we think that it's better to stay friends." Skylar felt bad for Parker. She grabbed another manga and threw it to Skylar. He caught it. "But enough about that. Think you can handle more smut?" Miracle smirked. Skylar looked at the cover with uneasy eyes. He looked back at Miracle. "I'll take the challenge." He went to one random page and closed it back. He put it on the sofa. "Maybe later." Miracle walked back to her computer and continued writing. Skylar sat down next to her. "I don't even know what to write! I need some inspiration!" She stared at her computer screen. "What did you write already?" She turned the laptop to him. Skylar read it out loud. ""Sir, it's almost 3 PM and you know that you have a meet and greet at four," Damien said, dragging him out of his bed. "Go and shower. Not to be rude sir, but you stink." Jason winced. "Why do you have to be so harsh?" Jason cried. Damien sighed and let go of him. Jason landed with a loud 'thud' on the floor. "Ouch!" "Just go and prepare yourself so we can leave." Jason stood up and rested his hands on Damien's hips. "Maybe you can help me prepare," he whispered seductively in his ear. Damien became uncomfortable and cleared his throat. "Sir, we don't have time for your games. Go already." Jason sighed and did what he was ordered to. "How can someone be so annoying? I'm not even gay, to begin with!"" Skylar thought for a while. "Just do a time skip to the meet and greet," he said. "And then you can put that a super fan tried to harass him or something." Miracle rubbed her chin and pointed the pen in her hand at him. "Thank you for the tip." Skylar snapped his fingers. "You know what else would be fun to write? An alternate universe, but with the same characters of course." Miracle's eyes widened. She flipped through her book till she found the page were she wrote ideas for the bonus chapters. She wrote it down. "What would be good ideas?" She gasped. "Maybe an assassin AU. Or a cliche AU. Ya know? Almost every f*****g yaoi manga out there." After an hour or so, Miracle finished the chapter. She proofread it for grammatical errors, searched for an anime gif and published it. "That's finally done," Miracle groaned. She got off her chair and dropped herself on the sofa. "Now I can do whatever I want for a few days." "What about the next chapter?" Skylar asked. She raised her head to look at him and clicked her tongue. She sat up. "I can worry about that in a few days. I'm too mentally drained to think about that now," she replied. "But I think the readers would like an AU. Imagine that your life was a stupid BL cliche. Would you choose: 'childhood best friends', the 'I'm not gay', the 'hot new kid and class weirdo', the 'jock and nerd', the 'bullying' or the 'abused and here comes my sexy savior' one? The most common ones are the 'childhood best friends', the 'I'm not gay' and the 'hot new kid and class weirdo'. Be aware that all of them contain s****l harassment, s****l assault and maybe even rape. Now, what's your choice?" She smiled innocently. Skylar thought back to all the things that Miracle 'forced' him to read. After a while, he sighed and picked the most cliche one of them all. "Childhood best friends," Skylar answered, irritated because he found it the only decent one. Miracle blinked for a few seconds and began to laugh really hard. Skylar turned his out of embarrassment red face to the wall and crossed his hands. "Nice choice," she grinned after her laughter died down. "But why childhood best friends? To be honest, that sounds like a safe choice." "I was thinking about that one that you forced me to read." Miracle raised her eyebrow. "I ain't forcing you to read. Yo ass is the one that got as obsessed as me with this." Skylar pointed his finger at her. "No, no, no. Wait a minute. Hold up. You and I BOTH know that your level of obsession is over 9000! I just wanted to know what it's like to get a d**k up my ass and look where we're at now," he argued. Miracle was satisfied with the answer. "You make a compelling argument, Skylar." "Thank you, Miracle." Miracle's phone chimed. She saw the message and bolted to the door. Skylar followed her ready to fight. "Are we under attack?" Miracle shook her head. She jumped down the stairs and did her superhero landing. "Ouch!" She rubbed her ankle. "Um no! Food's ready!" She stormed into the kitchen. The smell of chili hit their noses. "Hell yeah! Chilli con carne!" Scott turned from the stove and smiled at them. "Good that you saw my text." Miracle walked up to Scott and repeatedly slapped his shoulder. "Look who's cooking today! I don't remember the last time that I saw you in the kitchen was 3 days ago. I think," she joked. "Miracle if you keep on talking bullshit, you know where to find your room," Scott scoffed. Miracle pouted. "Go and sit down. Dinner is ready in a minute." They sat down and talked about tomorrow's assassination that Skylar's dad told them to do. "It really is stupid that we have to go to work at 3 AM on a school day," Miracle complained. Scott put the chili on the table. "Remember that you have to sleep early tonight." Miracle rolled her eyes. "I know bear." She turned to Skylar who was confused. "A nickname for him. Doesn't he look like a giant teddy bear?" Skylar looked at Scott's bald head, beard, and huge body. "How?" Miracle shrugged. "In my eyes, he looks like one." Scott sat down in front of Miracle. "She has a few screws loose," Scott whispered to Skylar, loud enough so Miracle could hear what he was saying about her. "It's from her mom's side. I don't even know how she had a boyfriend." "Doesn't he know that she's bi?" "As if." Miracle slammed her hand on the table. "CRAP I FORGOT TO CALL MAMA!" She crossed her arms. "Later." Scott smiled sheepishly at Skylar. "So can we eat now?" "Guests first," Scott replied. You can take as much as you like." The rest of the dinner Scott and Miracle kept on roasting each other. Scott told him about crazy things that she did when she was little. For example, drinking a bottle of beer when she was a baby which was totally his fault. And Miracle told him stories about when her dad was little. For example, when he taught his dog to attack people when it heard a word. Skylar has never laughed so much with someone else besides Roy, Parker or Ashton. They put the plates in the sink and went back upstairs. They sat back down in their usual seats. "Miracle?" "Hm?" "Does your dad know that you're bi or doesn't he?" He asked. Miracle shook her head. "No. But I have a very good reason why." She paused. "What was the reason again?" She snapped her fingers. "Oh yeah! My dad isn't homophobic or anything. He does make homophobic jokes sometimes, but my aunt from my dad's side is. She's in church and all and says that being anything but straight is a sin. When it was new year's eve, we celebrated it with them. We were watching TV and there were two women kissing. Her daughter screamed 'EW THAT'S DISGUSTING' and I was like 'WHAT THE f**k IS WRONG WITH THAT?'. Of course, everyone was shocked, because I can't curse in front of my dad. If I do, he'll hit me and I don't want that. They played it off, but when he got home he wanted to ask me a very important question. Bruh, I got scared and fell asleep," she rambled, trying to keep her anger down. "And my dad loves to tell everyone everything, so that's another reason why I haven't told him anything. I know that my mom wouldn't care. My uncle is gay and she didn't even flinch by the news. The only one that knows in my family right now, is my cousin. He's only 11 years old and we bond over memes and s**t. He's a b***h, but a nice b***h. Like my friend. Wow, I'm thirsty." She grabbed the water bottle on her desk and chugged it down. She put it back and it was quiet. "When are you planning to tell your dad?" "Maybe after I find my own place. Then I don't have to deal with the rest of my family when they visit." "That's smart." Miracle sighed and grinned. "But enough about me. Let's continue reading." She kept on talking about a book that she was reading, but Skylar became a little concerned about her. He'd seen through her facade. The comments and jokes that they made hurt her.
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