Chapter 10

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"You go in there, grab the kid, get out and drop the kid off at her home, understood?" Roy asked the people standing in front of him. Skylar glanced at the four people standing next to him. The team consisted of 2 men and 2 women, including him. Miracle raised her hand. "Do we have to kill anyone on sight, sir?" Roy nodded. "Seems legit." Skylar cringed mentally. "Any more questions?" Miracle raised her hand again. "Yes?" "Why do we have to do this at 3 AM?" She asked, yawning after that. Oliver took a sip of his coffee. Skylar and Maddie were wide awake. "Because it's better to do it when almost no one is awake." Miracle grunted. "Any more questions?" It was quiet. "Good. Go to the weapon room to gear up. Dismissed." They all walked out of the room to the elevator. Skylar pressed the button. The door opened. They all went in. "I think, no, I KNOW that the elevator would be better if there's Wii music playing." Miracle turned her head to see Skylar covering his face with his hand, tired of hearing the same thing every time they entered the elevator. "Miracle, it's too early for your bullshit." She grinned. The elevator door opened. They thought that they were there already, but Miracle quickly pressed the button for the cafeteria. She ran to the snacks, grabbed a bag of M&M's and ran back to the others. She was grinning when the door closed again while everyone sighed. They finally made it to the room and saw armor and weapons laying on a big table. They geared up. "SKYLAR!" Miracle yelled. Skylar sighed. "Let's make a deal! The one with the most kills wins. The loser has to buy him or her whatever they want at lunch later." "Deal." Time skip to the location "Listen. Oliver, you're sniping anyone except us that leaves the building." He nodded. "Maddie, you're the bait. Play the innocent, lost girl act so Skylar and I can go inside to find the girl." Maddie nodded, fixing the red dress that they made her wear. "And we kill everyone in sight," she said to Skylar. Skylar gave her a thumbs up. "Ready? Let's do this. Oliver, go to the old parking garage in front of the building to begin. Maddie, you can go to the entrance to seduce the future dead bodies or whatever. And Skylar, we'll tail her." Oliver, Skylar, and Miracle put their masks on. Miracle's plan went into action. Maddie walked up to the guards, wiping her crocodile tears away. "Please, help me!" She begged. Skylar and Miracle watched in the bushes, listening to the conversation through the mic. "I'm lost! My phone's not charged and just want to go home!" The guard put his hands on her shoulders. The other guards were watching them. He grabbed his walkie talkie. "There's a woman out here crying," he spoke, a little uncomfortable. The man on the other side of the walkie talkie sighed. "Take her to the room next to the little girl's." They went inside and after a few seconds, a guard dropped. All the guards outside ran to him and were looking everywhere for the sniper. The second got a bullet through his head. One by one, their bodies dropped. Someone walked out of the building and had a look of terror on his face. "WHAT THE FU-" He also died. Miracle rolled her eyes. "Finally. Let's go." They ran to the front door. Skylar looked to the glass door and saw that no one was there. They went inside. Miracle shot the security camera. Skylar listened to the conversation of Maddie. "How many floors are there?" Maddie asked, her voice a little shaky. "4, but we're on the 3rd floor." "Why are we going inside the second door? Why not in the first or third?" "You're asking too many questions." "3rd floor." They walked as quiet as they can to the elevator. Miracle pressed the 3rd floor. The elevator stopped at the second and Miracle and Skylar hid in the front corners of the elevator. The door opened. Two men walked in. They haven't turned around yet. Skylar and Miracle walked behind them with their gun pointed at their heads. "I f*****g hate my life dude," one of them complained. "I want to f*****g die." "Same. I'd thank anyone if they could drop me right now." "Same dude." They pressed the cold guns at their heads. "Well shit." They pulled the trigger and blood decorated the walls. They made it to the 3rd floor. Skylar shot the woman who was waiting for the elevator. "2 - 1." Miracle narrowed her eyes. They saw only 3 doors on the floor. Miracle kicked open the first door, but there was no one inside except boxes. "The third," Miracle whispered. The second door opened and Maddie came out, her dress and shoes stained with blood. They all walked to the third door and Maddie opened it. She saw two guards forcing a little girl to take off her clothes while one of them was unbuckling his belt. The little girl was a trembling mess and followed their orders to prevent them from kicking or hitting her again. Their eyes went to the sound of the door opening. "Help me," the little girl mouthed. Maddie's eyes widened as the guards pointed the gun at Maddie. She put her hands up in surrender and walked inside. They lowered their guns. Miracle stormed inside and shot one of them. The other pointed his gun at the girl, holding her in a chokehold. Tears streamed silently down her face. "Drop your weapon or she's dead," he warned. Miracle and Maddie eyed each other. They slowly squatted down and Skylar came out of his hiding place and shot him twice. His body fell on her as her clothes started to become red. Skylar walked up to her and kicked the body off of her. He took off his mask but left his mouth covered. His long hair fell down and he squatted next to her. He put his hand on her head and she flinched. "Don't worry. You're safe now," he said. Still in shock, she nodded. "We'll bring you back home. Do you want a piggyback ride?" "Y-yes," she whispered. She got on Skylar's back and they got back in the elevator. Skylar put his mask back on. The elevator stopped at the ground floor. Maddie took her heels off and they ran back to the car. "Why the hell are there only a few guards? I expected more." Skylar glanced briefly at her. "Remember Oliver? Our sniper?" "Oh yeah. I totally forgot about him." They got back in the car. Oliver drove off to her house. Skylar took his mask off but left his mouth covered. The girl sat there, her face as pale as a ghost. "What's your name?" Skylar whispered. Her attention was focused on the bloodstains on her skirt. "Lily," she whispered. "Lily. That's a beautiful name. My name's Skylar," he smiled. "We're going to bring you home now. Your parents are waiting for you there." "Thank you for saving me," she whispered. Skylar covered her hand with his. She looked up to meet Skylar's warm eyes. "No problem. It's our job," he smiled. Miracle snickered. "It's our job to save people. Oh, the irony." Skylar slapped her on her head and rolled his eyes. "Ignore her." Lily giggled. "You two remind me of my best friend and her brother," she giggled, remembering a memory. "Her brother also says stupid things that he isn't supposed to say and then she'd get mad." "I know your best friend's pain." They chuckled. Oliver pulled up at her house. "Holy f**k," Miracle muttered. "This is a whole f*****g mansion!" Oliver stopped at the front entrance and glared at her. "Language!" He scolded. Skylar opened the door and walked with Lily to the door. He rang the doorbell and they heard footsteps rapidly approaching. The door opened and her parents hugged her, almost crushing her in process. "Oh my God Lily!" Her mom cried. Her dad kissed her forehead and whispered that everything's alright. Lily started sobbing. Skylar watched quietly until her dad got up. "Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for getting my little girl back." Skylar shook his hand and smiled. "No problem. It's getting bright and I still have to go to school later, so it's my time to go." Lily walked up to him. "Bye, Lily." They waved at them ad Skylar walked back to the car. He stepped inside. "Do I need to drop you two off at Miracle's place?" Oliver asked, looking at them in the rearview mirror. Miracle nodded and turned to Skylar. "Do you wanna stay awake or go to sleep?" "Go to sleep of course!" Skylar said, playing with his hair. "And remember that I won." A few hours later "Skylar." Skylar looked up from his sandwich to see Miracle. "You look conflicted." He patted the chair next to him. Miracle plopped down next to him. She hit her head on the table. "I think that I may have a crush," she mumbled. "What did you say?" She turned her head to him. "I think that I may have a crush on someone." Miracle stood up and lay on the table. The other students around them were giving them weird looks. "Be my therapist until Parker comes, alright? Look in my bag." Skylar opened her bag. He found a bag of skittles. "That is for the bet." Skylar grabbed a random notebook and pen from Miracle's backpack and crossed his legs. "How do you feel about your maybe crush?" She put her hands on her stomach and closed her eyes. "I don't know. With the past crushes that I had, the crush fades away after a few weeks. But this one lasted more than a month. I wouldn't say that it's still that strong when it started, but it's still there," she replied. Skylar wrote some keywords on the notepad. He hummed. "And why's that?" "Beats me," she mumbled. "Maybe because she's cute." "Describe her in one word," Skylar sighed. She balled her fist. "Beautiful." She wiped a stray tear away with her other hand. Skylar put the notebook and pen down. "This is hopeless. Where the f**k is Parker to take over my job?" She sat back next to him and pointed at the doors. "3, 2, 1." Parker hastily opened the doors and scanned the big cafeteria with a panic. "CLOSE THE GODDAMN DOOR!" He stormed up to them and grabbed his arms. "Skylar! We have to go!" He yelled, looking around terrified. Skylar noticed that he was breathing heavy. "Calm down first." "SKYLAR! THE PEOPLE! THEY WANT YOU!" He screamed. The whole cafeteria became silent. Parker turned his head to the crowd. "IT'S TRUE! THEY SHOT A FEW STUDENTS OUT THERE ALREADY!" Friends looked at each other and began laughing. After a few seconds, a guy covered in blood ran inside and stood on one of the tables. "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Everyone except a few people started screaming and ran out of the cafeteria. "ALL THE OTHER OUTSIDE DOORS ARE LOCKED! THERE'S NO WAY TO ESCAPE!" "My time has finally come. And a bonus that I don't have to kill these people myself with my dad's gun." It was quiet again and everyone looked with wide eyes at the emo that said that. Then a girl began screaming again and the rest followed. "WHAT IF WE BREAK THE WINDOWS?" Someone yelled over all the noise. "THEY'RE f*****g BULLETPROOF!" Someone else yelled back. Skylar grabbed his phone and nodded at Miracle. She nodded back. "Parker! Let's go!" "But what about Skylar?" He yelled. He searched for Skylar, but he was already gone. "SKYLAR YOU f*****g MORON!" Skylar went to an empty classroom and called his dad. "I'm eating tacos. What do you want?" "I need your help. There are people who want my head or something and now they're here, searching for me." Skylar heard a lot of cursing on the other side of the line. "I forgot to tell you about the pictures!" "Dad, I love you but this is a bad time to bring them up." Roy snorted. "I know. But these people were watching you for a while. And when I mean a while, I mean a while. 1 or 2 years or so. So those are some serious people. I'll call reinforcements. They'll be there in 30 minutes or so." It was quiet on the other line. "Where's Miracle?" "Protecting Parker." "Ashton?" "At home because he's sick," he replied. "Good. Don't do anything stupid and don't die. That's an order." "Yeah. See you soon." Skylar hung up the phone. He ran back to the cafeteria and scanned the room for the guy with the gun. He saw him sitting and enjoying the panic. Skylar ran up to him. "Can I lend your gun?" Skylar asked innocently with a smile. The emo scoffed and glared at him. "Hell no!" Skylar dropped his sweet smile and matched his glare. "Lend me your gun." The emo gulped and handed his gun with shaky hands. "Do you have more magazines?" He grabbed 2 magazines and handed it to him. "Thanks!" He ran back to the classroom. He saw a guy grinning at a My Little Pony handbag. Skylar loudly opened the door. "HOLY f**k! WHAT THE HELL, MAN?" He shouted. The guy saw the gun in his hand. "Semi-automatic? Nice. Together, we can definitely win. With the power of friendship," he said sarcastically. He stretched himself and sighed happily when he heard his bones cracking. "Love that sound. So what's up?" "Who the hell are you?"

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