
1066 Words

-HER- After I talked to Mr. Toles and Priscilla, I set out of the office to do the work. He followed me closely behind as I stepped out of the office building.  I was somewhat dreading this because I’d be alone with him for the rest of the day and this didn’t seem very safe. After last night, I had to be cautious.  He was mostly silent as we head towards the parking lot. I was being tugged back by my arm when I stepped towards my car. “What?” I scowled, freeing my hand from his hold. “It’s my ride,” He answered before leading me to his car. I got into the passenger seat quietly and wore the seat belt as he started the engine. “Where to?” He asked, tapping on the GPS before the screen came alive. I spoke the address out loud as he drove the car out of the parking lot. He drove silentl

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