Chapter 20

1466 Words

Chapter 20 Spiral Pax After that day, I did what any mature adult does; I avoided people. It didn’t help that my classmates whispered about me or that Shaun and I weren’t speaking now. I kept my distance from everyone, including my brothers. It’s a little hard when you share the same house. I stopped seeing Dr. Shaw, which didn’t help. Any appointments I had, I canceled. My medication ran out, and I didn’t bother to refill it. All my progress got set back because of Sable’s antics, and I let my anxiety take over. Anxiety is a funny thing; your mind magnifies a situation ten times worse than it is. You create so many scenarios in your head that aren’t true. You mix that with my temper, and you have more issues. My brothers tried to talk to me, but I shut them out. I didn’t need anothe

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