Chapter 24

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Talk about feelings. We won at every game that we have and right now, we're cheering at our basketball boys as they played the game inside the court, and yeah, if ever they'll get the title with this one, it means that both Volleyball girls which are us, and them, which is Basketball boys will receive the title of champions from our class, which is, of course, we're kind of grateful and happy for that. It's something that we got by doing our best so why not be proud of it? After all, achievements like this are already something to be proud of. It wasn't easy to compete with people who have much experience and skills in it. Maybe we got lucky as we defeated our Seniors and such. Yeah, we got the title as we successfully defeated the Support course's winner, and to tell you, it was really hard since they know how to play the game that they almost defeat us. Almost. Thankfully Wilhelmina saved our asses, especially when I said that she's really good at it and for sure, she'll get the MVP Award later at awarding and in which, I've learned that there will be a bonfire party later at night, as the closing of this intramural of this year. It's the last day by the way, and to summarize the whole intramurals I've experienced, in those five days, everything's fun and since it's the first time I've experienced something like this, I don't think I'll be able to forget this happening into my life. “Zion! Pass it on Lux!” “Keanu's available!” “Go, guys! 3 more minutes!” It's my classmates cheering up for everyone and yeah, just as when Zion passed the ball into Lux and Lux passed it on Keanu who throw three points from almost the middle part of the court, all of us shouted in glee especially now that the score is already too wide and I don't think their opponents will be able to follow on that. As the timer echoed to the whole place, we couldn't help but to jump and run towards where our classmates are while swaying our jacket above our head in happiness, before we continuously congratulate them. What could've I say? They're so good at playing basketball that they even defeated the Seniors of our course which is the best game I've ever watched. Our basketball boys defeated the last year's basketball champion which is our Seniors for today, and because of that, we successfully advanced into the next games and here we are, we successfully claimed the title of champion in basketball. “So what are our titles for today…?” Yuki asked while listing on her small journal notebook as we eat… or let me say, celebrate since it's already lunch and… yeah, we must still prepare for something regarding the surprise game in which we're still clueless about. I don't know it I must be scared or thrilled since it's a surprise after all, which means, no one must anticipate what the game will be or else the thrill will disappear as it's what makes the game excited as it is. And if whatever it might be, we must be prepared even we're so clueless. I mean, it's fine to become prepared even you don't know what's you're preparing for, right? It's just as same as preparing for everyday even you don't know what's might happen next. “We got both Volleyball and Basketball for gold,” Sapphire said as a matter of fact in which Yuki nodded as if she already knows about it. “Dashiel, Lucian and Killian's too,” Ashton said as my mouth gape. I mean, I know already that Killian got the title since I've been with him at the last game he had in which… my cheeks heated as I quickly shook my head. But it isn't impossible for both Dashiel and Lucian to ace their games since those two are great. I mean, Dashiel is really blessed with skills, and Lucian's such a hard-working guy so it isn't impossible for them to ace it. Much importantly, Killian… as I slowly brought my eyes on him as I saw Lux talking about him with something yet his expression remained as if glaring at the foods at the middle as if they've done any bad at him even it's just his natural expression. I still couldn't remember what I've heard as stories when I was with Killian, and yeah, he became known because of it. The guy who successfully defeated his opponents in less than five minutes, and the only one who got his champion title in just an hour or so. Imagine how is that? Knowing how confusing chess is, and they said it'll take at least hours or even days to win in the championship but in case of Killian… This guy is a genius. “Keanu's gold too. Their doubles with Bruno is bronze only though,” Selene said with her usually soft voice as Zanea sighed. “It's already good since they didn't have a proper practice after all,” She explained in which all of us nodded. It's okay though, at least they still have ranks, right? “Artemis got silver at Archery, right?” My attention goes to Lux when he said that, and I saw him looking at me as if wanting me to confirm it. On his side is Killian who also looked into my place in which I instantly became embarrassed in I don't know the reason is. I lowered my head as I nodded. “Yeah,” I answered his question. After all, because I was too nervous, I couldn't focus and ended up messing which resulted in that silver medal. Maybe I was just lucky that mine's only a little closer to the middle than those others, but yeah, they're so good at Archery. The one who got the title is from the Support course in which, she really got it in bull's eye. “Yuki's also gold and Sapphire's silver, who else?” As they discussed the remaining titles in which, I continue eating my Carbonara. I've noticed that Yvonne's out of hype for today since she isn't talking as to how she usually does and just playing at her Pesto. I am kind of concern right now but I don't know what to say, so I just patted her shoulder to show that I'm here, in which, she lifted her face as she smiled a little even I saw in her eyes that she's really bothered by something. “Our points are good,” “But we still must do our best for this one, at the last since it'll hold the majority points right?” I lifted my head after hearing what Sapphire said. “How do you know that?” Zari asked and that's when I've noticed that Sapphire really got everyone's attention, even Yvonne who seems in deep thoughts earlier. “I've heard from our Seniors. They said that at the very end part of intramurals, there will be a surprise game in which, even if your points are leading too much, your section might still be defeated,” My eyes widen at what I've heard. “Really?” I couldn't believe it. Is that even possible? “Yeah, it happened once, they said. Their points are almost 100+ yet they didn't get in any place at the awarding since those points were taken by others, and it all happened in the surprise game,” I gasped from what I've heard as realization entered in my mind. Then it means all of our hard works could be taken by other courses or sections? “So that explains why some of Seniors aren't doing their best,” We all turned our gaze into Killian when he said that, as right now, I could hear how dangerous his voice is as if he's angry yet he's also excited and amused at what's happening. “You're saying…?” I couldn't continue what I am saying as right now, I… no… we couldn't believe what we just heard coming from Sapphire. “It's noticeable, they aren't doing their best in some of those games as if they know they'll be able to get that,” Our gazes transferred at Dashiel when he spoke those words as if he knows about it already, yet my attention was kind of diverted from him when I felt Yvonne became tensed just by hearing his voice I think? Or maybe it's because I'm just too observant about it that I'm creating meanings to their actions? “In which, us, Freshmen, will be at a disadvantage since we don't know anything about it.” Lucian continues as I shifted my gaze into him, just as when Sapphire speaks again. “Last year's track and field but with a twist. They are allowed to use their abilities, I've learned it from our Seniors too. And yeah, about this surprise game, I think it's just part of a normal game in which, the Academy's just adding some twists to make it more adventurous and thrilling,” “I thought so too,” Dashiel agreed to what she said. “So it means, maybe our Seniors and every other course have already thought of a plan and we're the only one being left behind,” Yuki said as right now, I know that she's on deep thoughts again. I am somehow agreeing with what she said since right now, our places could be compared to survival. Those who've been here the longest know what's happening while we, the first-timer who joined this game is the most clueless since we don't know anything about it. Who knows that maybe we've already stepped into our Senior's traps? As if they're wolves who are pro hunters at the jungle and we're only rabbits, their prey? Maybe they've already planned this right at the start and they're only letting us bite their traps before they could completely control us? And that's making us at a disadvantage. “But that's what making these Intramurals exciting, right?” Killian suddenly said as there's a devilishly grin plastered on his face, followed by the contract of his right fist into his left palm as there's a loud explosion that could've been heard from it. Yeah, his face and action every time he's excited. And I admit, he's right about that one. Maybe we could just face it once we're on it. Right now, feel the intense feeling of not knowing anything about it. After all, everything will change since we will know what will happen at the upcoming intramurals after this one. Besides… I have these people with me. I said in my mind as I roam my gaze at my companions and when I'm with them, my fear always lessens because I know these people wouldn't want someone to be left behind. With them, I am safe. We decided to spend some time since the last game, which will be the surprise game, will start at 3 PM, and it's only 1 PM, as I've decided to go to the dorm instead and take a nap. But since I'm also craving for some cold milk, instead of going towards the stairs, I decided to go to the kitchen, after all, there's also a stair that could lead me towards my room. I was in the middle of walking, just as when I saw Yvonne who's standing on the side of the fridge with some yogurts into her hand yet it was as if she's on deep thought that she didn't notice me. “Hey, are you okay? What happened?” I took this time to ask her since I think it's the only time I could ask about it, and maybe I could help her since if she's on this state, I don't know if she could focus later. She instantly froze as she almost jumped just by hearing my voice— an action which confirmed that she didn't notice my presence. Just as when she turned to face me as I could see her being embarrassed from action she just did. “Artemis you're here…” She said as she gave me a little smile. It was as if she's contemplating whether she'll tell me about it or decided to let it go instead. I've decided to get some milk in a carton as I put the straw in it before looking at Yvonne who still couldn't decide or maybe waiting for me to speak, so I did. “Spill,” I said while taking a sip.  Yvonne pouted as if she doesn't know what she's going to say. “It's nothing… just…” She sighed before she lifted her head to face me. “I am bothered by what I'm feeling because… yesterday, I saw someone talking to Dashiel...” My brow lifted. “And?” She averted her gaze into me and pouted even I saw her cheeks flushing. “Dashiel's smiling! And you know that guy, he doesn't usually smile…” I continue staring at her even after she finished her words. I know it isn't finished yet. As if she got my looks she instantly disheveled her hair in frustration. “Aish! I mean, why am I bothered by it? I mean, they're just talking or whatsoever, I shouldn't be this irritated right?” I wanted to smile, but I don't want her to think that I'm not taking this seriously so I tried my best to keep my face neutral. It's the first time I'm seeing her with this after all. “I think you must talk with each other,” I said in which she quickly shook her head frantically as if she doesn't liking the idea of her talking to Dashiel again. I wanted to roll my eyes. This girl… “Heck no!” As I saw her cheeks blushing. “I would never ever admit something to Dashiel!” She said as if she would never, ever do it. “Admit to me what?” As from her back, Dashiel appeared with his curious face as Yvonne suddenly paled. I secretly smiled. Of course, I've noticed Dashiel since I'm the one who's facing the entrance if this kitchen and which means, my plan succeeded. Yvonne got frozen as I pat her shoulder gently with a small smirk on my face, “Good luck,” I whispered that I think, the reason why she was cut off from her own reverie. “W-Wait Artemis!” She said panicking but I just winked at her as I quickly go out of the kitchen, leaving her with Dashiel since I think, there are still some feelings that others must be heard. Just as her feelings that she doesn't know anything about.  

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