Chapter 10

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Let your wishes be heard and occur.   And when I said Killian’s anger intensifies at Lucian, I really do. And I wasn’t the one who noticed it.   If before, he wasn’t usually come down to be with at every meeting, at the following days after their fight happened, he became more distant that he always comes into his room after school and would never get out from it.   And of course, Ashton and Yuki, no, everyone’s worried at how he is— we’re talking about his mental state since if he continues to feel as if he couldn’t defend on everyone, even I could see it already, I don’t know what will happen at the Intramurals.   Right, it’s been weeks since their fight, and knowing that Killian’s one of the best in our section, also knowing that in Intramurals will happen soon based on what Mr. Monaghan informed us, teamwork is a crucial role to this one.   But how could we have teamwork with someone who doesn’t want to cooperate?   Now, we’re in some kind of training— let me say that a mission is a must to our course. We are at the bus going to some urban place, which I kind of remember the place we were before everything happened like this, and before I met the Cross-Vermilion duo.   I look at besides me as I saw Yvonne sleeping as she’s leaning on my shoulder while hugging her we bare bear's pillow, as my eyes passed through at her where I saw Dashiel looking at the window with Lux sleeping on his side. Those two… I remember Lux’s ability, and it’s fire too, just like the other part of Dashiel’s, but they’re different since Lux’s fire is darker than Dashiel since he always said his ability was from a dragon itself, which I don’t know if I should believe him or not.   My eyes accidentally traveled at the back of their seat where I saw that ash-blond guy looking at the window too with Zion playing on his PSP, I think? As I look at him, Killian, I couldn’t deny how peaceful he looks right now, especially when he isn’t scowling. His eyes are intense and sharp— that’s why if he’s going to look at you, even in his natural way, you would think that he’s glaring at you.   As his eyes traveled to where I am that he met my gaze, my eyes widen as I quickly removed my eyes from him. s**t, he felt someone looking at her? I mean, Dashiel didn’t even feel my gaze— or he didn’t just look at it? But then, I placed my hand at the part of my chest as I noticed it beating so loud from nervousness. He’s really scary… but I admit, he’s kind of handsome.   I sighed heavily as I breathed deeply, just as I watched the way through the window of this bus too. I’ve never been here and truth to be told, I couldn’t help but be amazed especially how beautiful those surroundings are. I don’t think I could get used to seeing them repeatedly since they’re really beautiful.   However, as we traveled through, slowly, I noticed the surrounding changes. If earlier was too beautiful, I wouldn’t say that it’s now ugly since I grew up with something like this, but one thing I could say is that these people are unfortunate for not living in something like what I’ve been looking earlier.   I mean, don’t get me wrong. I know everyone’s lucky to be born in this world, and even I thought of it especially I have dreams but… if only the government will focus on their needs right? Maybe no one would feel unfortunate as they are… as we were back then.   It didn’t take a while before we stopped. I gently patted Yvonne’s cheeks to wake her up since I heard Mr. Monaghan that we should get up already if we don’t want these people to starve more then they are starving. Yvonne’s kind of disoriented but when it finally loaded up in her brain, as our classmates started going out to help Mr. Monaghan to get some donations too, I quickly saw the excitement on her face as if it’s the first time she’ll be doing it.   Right. This project is about donating. As my eyes traveled at the donation of canned goods I have placed in a cellophane wrapping, I know it wouldn’t enough for their everyday lives. If only the government is giving something for them, everything wouldn’t be turned out like this.   I was angrier when Mr. Monaghan said yesterday that this isn’t some kind of government project, but our school’s project only, which means it’ll come from our school itself as their money is the one who made it possible. Who wouldn’t love the school that’s focusing on the needs of people?   This is what everyone should be doing, especially those who have wealth and power to do this kind of thing, right? And in which I’ve noticed, in our Academy, those powerful families’ children are studying in those and in which, I know that this is how they’re getting the Academy’s money but I think, that’s some kind of genius plan to do something like this one.   Since everything from their budget will be spending at something important like this, they must get in some kind of donations from important families as Mr. Monaghan mentioned yesterday that they donated willingly for something like this. It’s good, right? Better than nothing.   As I got out, and from here, I noticed those people are excited came with us but the only thing I’ve noticed— they’re falling in line without even an order from the teachers we are with right now. Right. It’s only our section but Mr. Monaghan has companions as Ms. Hera’s also here who’s giving a warm smile to those people who will be at the end of the line to get their shares.   I felt something on my skirt as I looked at below, and I saw a child at three to four years old? She has this kind of begging face as if she wanted to ask for my help before she looked at those medics who are assisting some people to check on their health, just before she looks at me again as if she’s begging. I looked around to see who’s close to me but they’re already busy as Yvonne’s also leading them from giving donations.   I sat down as I equally leveled the child before I gave her a smile. “What can I do for you?” I asked her softly before I wipe the dirt on her face before I noticed her swelling eyes as if she’s crying for days. She smells as if she hasn’t taken a bath for days but it’s fine by me since I’ve been with this kind of people ever since I grew up.   She pointed through the houses at the end of this place just before her tears fell from her eyes. That’s only I noticed what she needs. Tightening my hold at the donations in my hand, I looked around again to see who’s available but all of them are busy, just before I looked back at the child again as I smile.   “Would you accompany me?” I asked. She nodded at me with her tears falling from her cheeks before she leads the way for me. I followed her as I don’t think everyone noticing me gone since they’re really kind of busy with the donations they’re giving at as I focused on the way we’re going.   We passed through houses since I noticed that maybe their house is located at the end of this place, in which I confirmed when she looks at me again— to see if I’m following her before she stopped at the door at the end part of the house in which, it’s kind of created only by bamboos.   She opened the door as I was greeted by darkness and silence, just as when the child gets the candle beside as she put some fire with it, and that’s when I only noticed the woman who’s lying on the bed.   She’s so thin as if she’s been sick! I quickly got into her aid as I confirmed my hunch. “s**t,” I whispered, but I know I wouldn’t be able to call some medics since it was as if the woman is dying!   The woman flinched a little at my touch. “It’s so w-warm… M-Monica, you asked… for someone’s h-help… again?” Even by speaking, she looks so weak as if she’s just trying too! My tears fell from my eyes as I hold on to her hands as if asking her not to lose hope.   So that’s why this child’s really begging… for me to save her mother.   “Are… you crying… miss?” The woman asked again as slowly, I saw her smile despite the weakening she’s feeling through. That kind of smile... A warm smile she gave me that made my tears fell from my eyes more, just as when I felt the child beside me as if asking for my help despite that she still couldn’t talk. Her eyes are talking to me.   But I don’t know how… no, I know I couldn’t save her unless I have some healing abilities! My tears fell in frustration as I couldn’t do anything to save the woman, despite that right now, I could feel her breath slowly going down as if she’s losing it, no matter how much I cried for her to fight.   Healing… if only I have…   Just as when my palm shined in green that my eyes widen. I gasped, but instead of letting go of the woman’s hand on my grip, I hold it tightly as I wished for more. More… so the woman will live! Please let her live!   Before a warm wind blew around me, as the light suddenly shined so brightly from my body. Even I could feel it. It’s so… warm and soft, as if I’m in some motherly love and hold.   Closing my eyes as I let the light shines at the dark place, giving light into it. Just as when I opened my eyes, followed by the opening of the woman’s eyes that even she looks so shocked!   “Mama!” The child’s cries woke me up as I saw her hugging his wealthy-looking mother. I was shocked too, especially looking at her right now, who’s far from the woman who looks so thin and dying earlier, her skin is even so white as if shining! The shocked woman hugged the child as I noticed her tears falling from her eyes in happiness, just before she cries in front of me.   “Thank god, thank goddess!” She keeps on repeatedly saying as she’s crying while hugging her child. I couldn’t help but smile as I felt warm feelings inside me as I wipe my tears from my cheeks, looking at the heart-full moment in front of me. It’s so beautiful and peaceful.   Until we heard those groans.   I tensed, as the woman tensed too as if she knows what are those voices at. Even I know it since I live in horror with hiding at those voices from our place back then. That’s when something crossed into my mind.   Demons are attracted to light.   As I was shocked when I heard a loud sound from above, at the roof of this house that’s made from the galvanized iron sheets that made those loud sounds as if something’s above. I quickly hugged them as we came at the end part where there’s a little light reflecting from the reflection outside yet it was covered when I saw scary creatures with red eyes covered the little hole as it wanted to get inside.   My tears fell from my eyes in terrified feeling, especially right now that I couldn’t do anything to fight them. I wasn’t feeling tired, but knowing that I would just destroy this place once I used my ability, I know I couldn’t use it no matter what, since I will only make it worst once it happens.   As my heart beats faster more when I felt that it isn’t just one of it, especially when I heard more sounds from above. I started shaking in fear just as when the child’s silent cries as the mother’s scared face making her child lower her cries is what will be the last one I will ever see before these demons kill me.   Just as when the darkness in the category of fear slowly engulfed my body, making me lose hope like a withered flower in a deserted land.   Just as when a pitch of light came in the darkness like a miracle happened that the sky suddenly rained enough for the flower to drink, just as when I heard the familiar sound of little explosions someone always does every time he’s feeling something… whether it’s anger or excitement— that’s what I’ve noticed.   “Your light could really attract these dark creatures. Thankfully, I followed a weak girl like you,” I looked at the man who spoke out of the dark but before I confirmed my guts whoever he is, his ability confirmed my thoughts as I saw the explosion came out from them that gave light enough for me to see his smirking face.   “Killian…” I stammered as my tears continue to fall. I was so scared, but seeing that someone’s with me right now, I suddenly feel safe that I don’t know how to explain these feelings!   “Stop crying, you stupid woman. You’re now safe,” He said looking at those demons who are looking at him right now as if he’s going to be their new prey. Not knowing that they will be the prey of this person right in front of us.   Yes, I’m now safe that the strongest is here with me.  
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