Chapter 5 She filled my head with jitters!

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Max’s POV I stay like a dumbass, holding my balls in my hand and swearing at all the saints while she is looking at me with her arms on her chest. “Why did you do that!” I ask her and I almost feel like strangling her. "Hit you in the balls? It just happened!” she says as it would be nothing. “ I can't do it, Stark. I'm sorry. Let me reject her. She is out of her mind if she just hit her new boss in his balls and she laughs in my face. ” "No," Stark said growling at me. “I want her! I didn't wait thirty years just to reject my mate! ” "But she is crazy and just look at her! I can say that she wants to kill me for some reason I don't even know." I call him annoyed. “You know what, Max. You have no choice in this. Accepting her is only my decision and you have nothing to do about it. Don't make me imprint on her! Don’t try anything or I’ll make your life an ordeal! ” "I do not agree with this! My luna will not be a weak human! ” "Mark my words, Maximillian Cruz!" Stark said, "Just like I have no say in who you choose to sleep with, you can't do anything when I tell you she's the one I want!" And he is right, as a werewolf only your wolf can choose or accept his mate. And when your mate is human, he can choose to imprint on her, making her feel the need to approach him. As people say, he can cast spells on her to love him. I still stand in front of her with one hand resting on the door, fixed next to her head and one hand massaging my broken balls. I close my eyes trying to breathe normally and calm down and when I finally feel calm I look at her and say: "Meredith." "Miss Quinn, for you Mr. Cruz," she said, looking defiantly at me. What did I do wrong to this human being? "Miss Quinn, I think we started in the wrong way. "And moving away from her just a little bit I stretch out my hand to her and say: “I am Maximillian Cruz, CEO of MaxLines Design, and your boss. I am glad to have you here. ” But this woman completely ignores me and lets me sit with my hand outstretched. "I'm not happy anymore to be here" I hear her whispering to herself, thinking no one hears her but immediately she seems to feel something and looks at me in panic. Does she know I heard her? “Impossible, she is human. She has no idea that werewolves exist! ” And seeing that I don't get anywhere with her, I try to approach her differently. "I can accept your resignation if you pay the five million dollars in two days, otherwise we have nothing to discuss. MaxLine paid for your studies with some conditions, to work for us. ” And she is just looking at me without saying anything, but I am convinced that at this moment all the curses in the world are running in her mind. “Mr. Cruz. I know how much my studies cost. Are you kidding me? Where did you get those millions of dollars from? ” she tells me, squeezing her eyes and shooting arrows at me. "Miss Quinn" I say to her "no matter what happened today and made you not want to work with MaxLine I'm sure it can be corrected. You can't deny that MaxLine is one of the top design companies in the world. “ “I will think about“ she says simply and looks into my eyes, making me shiver, but just when I want to say something else the door opens and Meredith ends up in my arms, almost kissing me, and I feel those tingles about I heard that exist. Fuck! The bond is already more active than I thought. “What are you doing with my Maxi? !!” Veronica yells trying to get into the office and she's out of bounds right now. "Maxi, why were you kissing her !?" she says. "Don't you want me anymore?" Holy f*****g s**t! This can’t happen. Meredith is looking at Veronica and says nothing, then looking at me she tells me. “Do you want a serious reason? Look at it! ” and points her finger to Veronica. "I told you it was a bad idea to go around with this madwoman!" Stark says full of range. But immediately Veronica rushes back to Meredith and tries to slap her on the face, but this time I am the one that stops her. "Veronica!" I say in a commanding voice, making her fear. Maybe I f****d her but she is nobody in my life. ”Get the f**k out of here!” I look at Meredith, and she is squeezing her eyes again and coming out of the office I hear her laughing at me. “For a CEO you are not a picky eater. Who would have thought that someone like you could walk with someone like her? ” and she starts laughing, leaving me speechless. Did he just suggest that I have bad tastes in women? “Yes! And she is right. Go after her! ” Stark yells at me. I tried to get out and catch her until the elevator doors closed but Veronica immediately grabbed my hand and stopped me. “Maxi, that woman is too much. She's so naughty. Does she really have to work here? ” she asks me. Why did I start to f**k this woman? I always knew that she had no brain in her head, and I am a guy who adores smart and beautiful women. “Veronica, for the last time, please get out. I am busy. ” and I go back to the office trying to figure out what happened but I remember something. “And one more thing! never enter my office if I didn't call you. " "Maxi!" she yells. "I am Mr. Cruz for you!" I say and I immediately remember that this is the same thing Meredith told me earlier and I just smile remembering her. I see how Veronica finally leaves the office and I breathe a sigh of relief. “She is human, Stark. I don’t know how to deal with humans. She doesn't even know that there are werewolves in the world where she lives. What am I going to do with her, this is a bad idea! ” "She will accept us, if the Moon Goddess made her for us she will accept us!" "She is crazy. Don't you see that she is sassy and too annoying? ” I ask him angrily. I like her but I don’t know how to deal with humans. All my life I've run away from them like hell. But as soon as I made up my mind to stay away from Meredith Quinn, even provoking Stark, my good friend called me. “James Quinn! What an honor! I tell him laughing. "The honor is on my side as usual," James said. We have been friends since high school. And even if I was married to his ugly human sister, he never blamed me for the divorce, as if that woman whose name I don't even remember would have told her anything I did. I saw her only once and her face was so deformed and swollen that I felt sick. She was the only human in my life. And I swore it would be the last one. "Is everything fine?" he asks and I don't know where he wants to go with the discussion but I feel the need to talk to someone so I tell him: "No man, I've just met one of my new employees and she f****d up my day." "What?" and I feel that he is very agitated. “Tell me about it!” "What did I start with, James? Meredith Quinn, human, 23 years old, my new chief designer, sassy and brave, damn beautiful. I never saw anyone as beautiful as her ”I say and James starts laughing: “Keep going! Not interesting ” “She is beautiful, James. But at the same time she is the most dickhead woman I have ever seen. In fifteen minutes she almost broke Veronica’s hand, hit me in my balls and filled my head with jitters! ” And James starts laughing out loud as if I were telling him the best joke in the world. "I don't know who this woman is and where she came from, but she hates me, I swear to you!" I call him nervous. "Don't you really know her?" he asks me as if amazed. "I swear I don't know who she is. It seems familiar to me, but I'm sure I've never seen her. " And after a few seconds I asked him. "Do you want to know what the icing on the cake is?" "Shock me even though I don't know what else you can tell me," and James can't help but laugh. "She's my mate!" And I hear a simply f**k! and the phone tone is gone!
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