
1691 Words

Pace's POV: I haven't been able to sleep all night and I didn't want to. I just wanted to soak up every minute I have with her. I stared for hours at how peaceful she looks sleeping. She really is an angel and I felt like if I fell asleep I would miss out on a precious moment with her. I can't believe how soft this girl is turning me. I'm feeling whipped already and I don't even care. I want to remember this night forever so, I pull out my phone and turn the camera on. Taking a picture of her in my arms and a another quick one of just her. The flash goes off twice. It is fast, but so bright. She slightly moves her head and my heart starts pounding. How can I explain this if she wakes up? This must be my lucky day because she doesn't wake up, my plan worked and now I have my angel in my

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