Chapter 7 An Impulse to Tear Everything Down

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When Isabella heard the unsettling news through her phone, her face immediately soured, and in a surge of anger, she smashed her phone onto the floor. Eugene had botched the job! "Lena, if you think you can snatch what's mine, I'll ensure you'll have no rest, even in death!" Isabella seethed with her gaze as venomous as poison. "What's wrong, Belle?" Julian, alerted by the sound of the phone crash, approached her quickly. Instantly, Isabella masked her fury. Her expression morphed into a feigned cheerfulness as she latched onto Julian's arm. "Oh, it's nothing. Just dropped my phone..." Julian gave the ground a quick glance as a shadow of doubt passed through his eyes. "Alright then." "Did you need me for something, Julian?" Isabella was keen on steering him away from her earlier outburst. "Yeah, there's a dinner happening tonight. I want you to come with me," Julian disclosed. "That sounds lovely. Who's going to be there?" Isabella inquired with interest. "It's the Wood family. They're throwing a welcome-back dinner for Lynn and have invited us to join," Julian explained. Isabella's smile momentarily stiffened before she released Julian's arm. She said with her voice cooling, "Julian, have you been discussing something with the Wood family without telling me?" Julian gently grasped her arm. "Belle, this is all at the Wood family's wish. I was only informed a short while ago. I thought we could attend together and maybe talk things over with them..." Still fuming but slightly calmed by Julian's softer approach, Isabella pressed. "Talk about what?" "We'll discuss Lynn's situation. Trust me. I'll handle it," Julian reassured her with a gentle tone. Isabella then embraced him tightly, burying her face in his chest. "Julian, remember you're mine. I love you too much to bear the thought of anyone else having eyes for you, not even if it's my own sister!" "Belle, we're almost engaged. Don't worry so much. You're the most important to me," Julian comforted her. However, as Isabella clung to him, a fleeting look of coldness and disdain crossed Julian's handsome face, though his words remained honeyed and affectionate. ***** A car stopped outside the Wood Villa. Lena and Finch got out. Early this morning, just as Lena was about to leave her apartment after receiving an invitation from Quest Wood, she encountered Finch looking utterly abandoned at her doorstep. He explained that Kylin had left on a business trip, leaving him behind once again. Concerned for Finch's well-being, Lena had no choice but to lift him up and bring him along as she headed out. Unbeknownst to her, shortly after her departure, Kylin's door reopened. As he watched Lena walk away, his gaze lingered on her with worry. Reflecting on his confession the day before, he recognized Lena's hesitancy and understood the heavy burdens she bore, which made it hard for her to freely express her feelings. Knowing her resilience and reluctance to appear weak, Kylin made a silent vow to watch over her from the shadows. As Lena stepped into the Wood Villa, accompanied by the cherubic Finch, the members of the Wood family cast intrigued looks, filled with unspoken questions. Could this endearing child be Lena's son? But considering Finch's age, if he were Lena's son, what had happened during her absence? Had she gotten married, or... Even Quest seemed hesitant to speak his thoughts openly when laying eyes on Finch. At his cue, Margaret Wood, Quest's adopted daughter and the wife of Quest's eldest son, Hugh, leaned in to quietly inquire, "Lynn, this child..." Margaret, who was as close as a sister to Lena's mother and treated Lena with the warmth of her own kin, was naturally curious. "Margaret, Finch is just the neighbor's kid, not mine!" Lena couldn't help but laugh off the apparent misconceptions swirling around the room. "Ma'am, Lena isn't my mommy." Finch declared. His smile widened as he played along with the momentary confusion. Quest internally sighed in relief. He had been concerned that Lena, having been away for so long, might have encountered troubles. His fears, it seemed, were unwarranted. Standing outside any longer didn't seem right, so Quest suggested, "Lynn, why don't you and the child come in? Julian and Belle are also here..." Hearing this, Lena showed little surprise. Welcomed by the warmth of the Wood family, she held Finch's hand and entered the room. Julian's mood visibly darkened upon seeing Lena walk in with Finch. He didn't recognize the boy, but he immediately noted the resemblance between Finch and the man he had seen previously in the underground parking lot. Could it be...? Was Finch the secret child of Lena and that man? Considering Finch's age, did this mean Lena had quickly moved on after leaving the Nightingale family? The thought of Lena with another, of her finding happiness in the arms of someone else, stirred a destructive urge within Julian. Inside him, there was an impulse to tear down everything. Isabella caught the cold intensity from Julian and quickly deduced his turmoil. Julian's feelings for Lena were as profound as ever! He had never truly let her go after all these years! She had to remove Lena from their lives permanently... Isabella was resolved. Her mind whirred with schemes, and her fists clenched in determination. Meanwhile, Lena, casually leading Finch by the hand, engaged in friendly banter with the Wood family as they made their way further into the villa. "Lynn..." Julian began. His voice was heavy with unspoken thoughts as his eyes eventually landed on Finch. When Finch sensed Julian's gaze, he looked up and met his eyes directly. In that brief exchange, Finch was keen and observant enough to catch the flash of animosity in Julian's look, recognizing the hidden menace beneath!
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