Chapter 6 Be Mine

874 Words
It was late at night, and Lena, already changed into her pajamas, was deeply asleep in her bed with her brow furrowing in discomfort. Kylin rose and made his way to Lena's side. He began to massage her head gently to ease her restlessness. Finch, who was carrying a glass of milk from the kitchen, stumbled upon this tender scene and couldn't hide his displeasure. With a pout and a defiant stance, he questioned, "Dad, are you seriously trying to steal Lena from me?" "What are you talking about?" Kylin ensured Lena remained undisturbed and carefully tucked her in before addressing Finch's accusation. Finch was adamant, his youthful voice full of conviction. "Lena definitely likes me more. She's going to marry me in ten years, you'll see!" Kylin chuckled, patting Finch's head. "You'll only be sixteen in ten years." Unconsoled, Finch sulked. He knew he had to step up his game. With that resolve, he toddled to Lena's side and began earnestly massaging her legs. Awoken by thirst, Lena opened her eyes to this peculiar tableau. Her throat was painfully dry. She coughed lightly and noticed the milk Kylin held. "It's been warmed since you shouldn't drink it cold." Kylin offered, passing her the milk. Grasping Kylin's hand, Lena drank deeply. "I prepared it for you!" Finch stated, puffing out his chest proudly. After finishing the milk, which provided some relief, Lena became more alert. Kylin's gaze lingered on their interlocked hands. "Need more?" he inquired. Realizing she was still holding his hand, Lena quickly withdrew hers, declining but expressing her thanks, "Thank you." "It's nothing." Kylin set the empty cup aside and resumed his gentle massage. "Lena, you should thank me!" Finch persisted in his quest for acknowledgment. "Thank you for the milk, Finch." Understanding his need for validation made Lena quick to express her gratitude, which slightly mollified Finch. Kylin then lifted Finch up by his collar and suggested, "Alright, Lena's tired. Why don't you go ask Suess to bring the food?" Finch was clearly unhappy but not daring to object. He grumbled, "Why do I have to run errands when you could easily call?" Nonetheless, he complied and quickly left the room. This left Lena and Kylin alone, with an awkward air settling between them. Lena, under the influence of a drug rather than suffering from amnesia, remembered her actions toward Kylin. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She noted Kylin's gaze, which carried a hint of curiosity. She decided to feign ignorance unless Kylin brought it up. For conversation topics, Finch seemed the safest bet... "He's really adorable, yet so young. You should be more patient with him," she said and then added with a hint of affection, "I actually quite like him." "And what about me? Do you like me?" Kylin seized the moment, gripping her hand, refusing to let her dodge the question. "Let go!" Although Lena's response was meant to be firm, her weakened state made her sound soft and almost pleading. Kylin, with a playful smirk, countered, "Earlier today, you didn't seem to want to let go at all. In fact, you clung on even tighter, didn't you?" Lena felt her frustration deflate like a balloon losing air. "Mr. Kingsley, let's consider that an accident and pretend it never happened, shall we?" "An accident?" Kylin arched an eyebrow. "Your almost raping me was an accident?" "Hey! You initiated it. I am the victim here!" Lena fired back. Kylin's smile grew as he inched closer, and his voice dropped to a whisper. "Be mine." Lena was momentarily speechless; her gaze locked with Kylin's, whose deep blue eyes swirled with sincerity. "Mr. Kingsley, you must be joking. You don't know anything about me." "What if I told you I knew everything?" Kylin murmured, his breath warm against her ear. "I know Isabella and Julian were responsible for your family's tragedy. You're after revenge." Lena gasped, stunned. "How could you possibly know that?" She'd never found evidence to confirm her suspicions about Julian and Isabella's involvement in her family's downfall. How could Kylin know such secrets? "I'm here to help, but the choice is yours. For now, do what you must, and I'll wait for you." Starting a relationship wasn't in her plans, especially not before her revenge, but Kylin's words left a resonant echo in her heart. "Lena, there's no need to rush your decision. We have all the time in the world. When you're ready, tell me if you want to be mine," Kylin said and then released her hand. He gently caressed her forehead and planted a soft kiss on her lips. His touch was light but was filled with an unspoken promise. His kiss left Lena dazed, her emotions a whirlwind of confusion and desire. Suddenly feeling the heat in her palms, she instinctively pulled back and pushed against his chest. Kylin chuckled softly. He leaned in for another kiss yet stopped short as Lena pushed him away once more. "I won't do anything until you've made up your mind," he reassured with a smile. He then turned and left her bedroom, carefully closing the door behind him. Lena watched the closed door for a moment, her eyes blinking thoughtfully as she contemplated her next move.
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