Chapter 4 Make Her Come

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News of Lena's dramatic return was all over the headlines the next morning. Normally, the reappearance of someone absent from the public eye for seven years wouldn't stir much commotion. But given Julian's control over the vast Nightingale fortune and the fierce rivalry between his current fiancée and his ex — the two were sisters, the saga was too sensational for the public to ignore. The internet was ablaze with Lena versus Isabella polls. Ultimately, Lena, with her impeccable beauty and commanding presence, garnered a landslide of votes, driving Isabella to shatter her tablet in a fit of rage. Witnessing her fury, Julian cautiously advised, "Belle, promise me you'll stay away from Lena. Do not harm her behind my back!" Isabella's resentment deepened. Could her seven years of commitment truly be overshadowed by Lena's return after just a couple of days? Yet, considering the mutual benefits tied between them, Isabella managed to offer a contrived smile. "Julian, I won't harm her in the future, but remember, honey, that I'm the only one who can stand by your side as your wife." "We'll get married in three months, and you'll be my sole wife!" Julian affirmed, comforting Isabella with a gentle touch. But inwardly, Julian conceded, "However, Lena is the only one I truly love." As Isabella felt triumphant, her demeanor brightened. She flirtatiously gestured Julian toward the couch and then positioned herself atop him. Half an hour later, Julian, already worn out, drifted into a deep sleep while Isabella emerged from beneath the sheets and studied Julian's handsome face with a malevolent grin. "I said I wouldn't harm her in the future. Luckily, we're not in the future yet, and right now, I'm sending Eugene to make that b***h come!" ***** In her apartment,, Lena suddenly felt a wave of weakness and had to lean against the wall to keep from falling. Her mind started to fog up. She felt as though a blaze had ignited within her, burning through her veins. She was parched, desperately needing something to drink and anything to cool down the fiery sensation engulfing her. The struggle to remain conscious was almost too much. She glanced suspiciously at the air vent. Something was off, even here, in her supposedly secure high-end residence. She shouldn't have let her guard down. Now, she had started losing consciousness. Lena, on the floor, was drenched in sweat. She was frantically trying to remove her clothing while moaning softly. And she didn't notice the large, bald man who had quietly appeared by her side. The man watched her with a predatory gaze. In her delirious state, Lena was like a forbidden fruit, and her involuntary movements seemed to be inviting him closer. "I'm... burning..." she murmured. Lena clumsily opened her shirt and revealed her black bra and the flushed skin beneath. Her skirt had been pushed up to her waist from her writhing, exposing her underwear. The drug that Eugene had used on Lena was much stronger than anything on the market. Despite Lena's mental fortitude, she was reduced to nothing but primal desires under the excruciating effect of the drug. Eugene's eyes were filled with a lascivious glint as he observed Lena, who was now an irresistible temptation. Driven by lust, he quickly shed his clothes and moved toward her with eager anticipation. ***** Bang! The door was forcefully kicked open, revealing a tall silhouette in the frame. Seeing the situation unfold inside the room, Kylin stormed in. Without a second thought, he yanked Eugene off Lena, grabbed a blanket from the bed, and covered her exposed body. "You motherf..." Eugene started, yet his swear was cut off by the icy glare from Kylin's eyes. Kylin wore a look that screamed of a man who had killed before. Eugene stood frozen while Kylin, with calm precision, drew a silenced pistol and aimed it straight at Eugene's head. "Who sent you?" Kylin demanded, his voice cold. "It was Isabella. Isabella Nightingale sent me," Eugene spilled. He was shaking uncontrollably and so eager to divert the blame to save his own skin. "I've told you everything. Please, please don't kill me..." Kylin remained silent, his expression unchanging. He shifted the aim of the gun slightly lower to Eugene's groin and fired. Eugene screamed, a sound filled with sheer agony, before collapsing unconscious. Kylin holstered his gun and rushed to Lena's side. He recognized instantly that she was under the influence of a potent aphrodisiac. That bastard Eugene had intended to drug and sexually assault her! Lena, half-undressed, seemed to recognize Kylin. She flashed him a coquettish smile and weakly wrapped her arms around his, attempting to draw him closer. Her tender breasts pressed against his solid chest, causing an uncomfortable tension to rise within him. Kylin knew that the simplest solution to counter the drug's effects would be to provide Lena with the physical contact her body was craving.
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